Garden renewal step 1 ー庭のリニューアル その1ー | Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Chewing Away at Cultural Differences since 2009



We bought our current house about 4 years ago. The previous owner of the house must have liked gardening a lot, since we have a lot of plants and trees in our garden. But we are absolute beginners in gardening, and quite busy with other things. We have not managed to do a lot for the garden so far. The garden has been getting wilder and wilder and in some parts the wilderness is getting out of hand. 




Fortunately, we have a nice friend who runs a company doing garden design and maintenance. We decided to ask him to design and renew our garden in a way that is both nice and manageable for us. Since some work, such as re-planting or cutting back overgrown plants are very seasonal work, our garden renewal is planned over a period of a whole year.  




In early May, we took a big first step. That was replacing our garden fence. Our garden was separated from the public road by a mishmash of wooden fence and wire fencing. The plants on the wire fence grew so much that they stuck out from our garden and into the small path next to it. So far we have been cutting them back whenever we found the time, but our maintenance was not sufficient to keep it manageable. So we removed it and replaced it with one big wooden fence. 



Before. The fence at the right side...



After our removal of old fence.




It was a good weather day, the gardener friend came and we started working on building a new fence. First removed all the rubbish bordering on the outside path. Then we dug several wholes for the main wood poles. we placed metal anchors in each hole and fixed the anchors with concrete. After the concrete had hardened, we placed oak poles and fixed them with screws and nuts. Our children helped with this work as well.  



After the poles had been fixed, we started putting on wood planks. It is easier to see than to explain. Below is the picture taken around the end of the working day. 




When you look from above, the fence looks like this. the new wood colour is nice on our eyes! The work took about 3 days in total. There still is some additional work related to this fence, but it is minor.