Hair cut ceremony ー断髪式ー | Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Chewing Away at Cultural Differences since 2009



Due to the Corona virus pandemic, all businesses involving human contact needed to be closed for a while. This lasted for about 2 months in the Netherlands. From 11 May, they could re-start their business again. Among the businesses with human contact are hair dressers. Nobody normally thinks of them as really crucial to our life. But once you cannot go there, you realize that they are quite important, especially to people like me, who are not confident enough to cut our own and our children's hair by ourself.



We were waiting for their re-open. After 1 week from their re-open, children and I went to the hair dresser and finallly got our hair cut. How nice!




But there is a person who couldn't wait for re-opening of the hair dresser. That is Drop. He was so annoyed by his hair and one day he suddenly started his hair cutting ceremony.




The tool he used was his electric shaver with trimmer attachment. He is anyway getting bald on various parts of his head. He decided to shave all his hair off by himself.





This is the result. Quite a lot of hair! And quite a big bald patch! He looked a bit strange in the beginning for me but after one day, I got used to how he looks and in the end, it was not such a bad idea. He likes it very much as well.




A few days after his ceremony, when I was in the office, two colleagues (men) who have been working at home came to the office as well. Both colleagues had also shaved their hair off! Some men really cannot stand long hair and also, they have no patience.




Maybe by the end of this pandemic, there will be many homemade supershort haircuts around....