【memo】20240731 | amnn1のブログ








10 million「1000万」

100 million「1億」


  • 600 million -> million「100万」×600->「6
  • The world's population is forecast to peak at about 10.3 billion by the mid-2080s.
    *10.3 billion -> 103

    Global population stood at 8.2 billion this year, and the forecast is for 60 more years of increase.
    *8.2 billion 82億人
    The report projects India's population will continue growing to nearly 1.7 billion in 2054,
    *1.7 billion 17
    , while China's will fall to about 1.2 billion that year and down to 600 million in 2100.
    1.2 billion 12億
    600 million -> 6億 
    <--million「100万」・10 million「1000万」・100 million「1億」



  • aggregate consumption「総消費量」
  •  has a decent chance of being a good player.






goose bumps

-> I have goose bumps.

I got goose bumps.



saw it live and got goose bumps.

-> I watched it live ...


Who is your favorite player on the Japan team.



hope he dose well.

I hope he dose well in today's race.




It was a photo finish.



This is a once in a lifetime experience.



It hasn't sunk in yet.


*sink in 実感が湧く
-> sunk in




I was on the edge of my seat.





conveyor belt sushi restaurant

a shape of a rectangle and could not go around smoothly.





  • what career paths mean for
  • Michio recalls a story when he hears Nicole's remark
  • They're about gaining decision-making autonomy and contributing to the company in return.
  • decision making autonomy 自分の裁量で決められること
  • royalty
  • pivotal 極めて重要な
  • valid 妥当な・根拠のある
  • That song reminds me of my school trip in high school.
  • bring to mind 

    That brings to mind a conversation I had with Peter.

  • prompt ... to recall ...
    That prompts me to recall a chat I had with Peter.

  • He said, it's refreshing for him to see how a collaborative approach to decision making leads to more innovative solutions.

  • potentially









騒がしい・活気あふれる <- bustle  せわしく働く

Though it's a bustling metropolis, New York has plenty of quiet peaceful spots.





If there's one thing I don't like about living in a metropolis, it's the traffic congestion.


nasal congestion 鼻の


nasal congestion





  • I've been trying commander. I can't get through.
  • contact ... 他動詞/ check again
  • He can be cranky in the morning. It's nothing personal.
  • That can't be right. There must be some mistake. Check again.
    check again
    There must be ...
  • Can that be true? I've never heard of that happeing before.
  • Whoa, 










  • feel refreshed「気分がすっきりする、リフレッシュする」
  • have + a long wait「長い間待つこと」
  • that is very perceptive of you.
  • the Indo-Pacific regionが正式な言い方とされています。「インド洋・太平洋地域」という意味なのですが、「洋」を省略して「インド太平洋地域」と訳すことが、近年の定番

  • ábsolutely<>absolútely

(1) It's ábsolutely amazing.

(2) Yes, absolútely!

      I trust her absolútely.「私は彼女を『絶対的に!』





  • meritocracy
     A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement.
  • There's no such thing as a perfect system. 
  • During the bi-annual performance review meeting, we discussed their expectations and future career aspiration
  • aspiration
    => career asparation
    career aspiration 仕事の大望/野心

fond of
[fɑnd] [ʌv]

I'm not especially fond of celery.


be fond of

I'm fond of cooking好きで習慣的にやっているnuance





Which team are you rooting for?


root for


How about booing?

Is booking okay?


boo verb

Let's not boo.

Let's stop booing.





Eveyone is cheering the gymnast from Japan.

No one is cheering that gymanst.




I feel sorry for ...

I feel sorry for him.

Do you feel sorry for him?


  • Can I pay by credit card?
    *by の方法で-> by credit card -> by + 不可算名詞: 手段
  • She's rally blossoming. *大人っぽくなっている
    *blossom 魅力的になる
    -to develop or come to a promising stage
  • You can take a hike

  • Can I try a bite?
  • Can I have a sip of your coffee? I've never tried that blend before.
    *(have )a sip of .. 飲み物について一口の







 graphics processing units, or GPUs


Like this, for example:
“The group is pursuing an initiative to improve working conditions for delivery drivers.”


That's something to be proud of and I'm glad we could help out.






If someone says,
Don't fly too close to the Sun, they are telling you to know your limits.







I can't believe it. My horosocope got everything right today.


Have you ever had your palm read?


palm reading

read someone's palm


have someone in the palm of one's hand


in store
[ɪn] [stɔr]


I can't wait to see what the future has in store for my kids.






 I sincerely apology for the delay and payment for your IT services. We made a wire transfer around 10 this morning. The funds should be credited to your designated account within the next three hours. Please know that this delay was not intentional. It was a clerical error on our side.

  • clerical error
  • be credited to 
  • sincerely

we'd appreciate it if you could take preventive measures to avoid the same mistake in the future.



Deposit confirmed. However, our remittance fee has been deducted and we're 23 dollars short. The agreement was that the sender would cover the transfer fee, right? Could you send us the shortfall?

  • we're 23 dollars short.
    We're ... dollars long.
  • remittance 
  • The remittance fee is on us.
  • We'll handle/cover  the transfer fee.

 it's considered better not to use abbreviations too often.


  • We've noticed a missed payment on your end. 御社サイドで
  • We're sorry for the oversight that led to the missed payment on our end.
It was sometimes nerve-wracking.
handling large sums of money.



You got all dressed up for your friends tonight.


And make sure it's a mixture of dry and wet food.

Umi likes eating both together.

I know. She's a picky eater.

Right. She takes after you.


 Nothing is worth than not having a clean socks.


  • tried making gnocchi at home. It turned out great. I brought some for you.



turn out to be ...