ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 データセンター 省エネ取り組み加速 7月25日(木) | amnn1のブログ




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 英で14年ぶり政権交代

Today's news is about the Uniked Kingdom. Let's practice our British English while listening to the new prime minister.



We begin in the United Kingdom, where the leader of the Labour Party, Keir Starmer, has become the country's new prime minister following his party's landslide election victory.


(Keir Starmer / British Prime Minister) “I invite you all, to join this government of service, in the mission of national renewal. Our work is urgent. And we begin it today. Thank you very much.”


Starmer delivered an address after King Charles asked him to form a government at Buckingham Palace on Friday. Labour swept the Conservatives out of power for the first time in 14 years in Thursday's general election. The BBC said Labour won more than 410 of the 650 seats in the House of Commons. The party doubled its number of seats compared with the last election. Former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party lost more than 200 seats, leaving it with just over 120.


  • form a governmentは「政府・内閣を樹立する、組閣する」
  • sweep … out of powerは「~を権力の座から追いやる、引きずり下ろす」
  • House of Commonsは「庶民院」で、イギリス議会の「下院」
I invite you all, to join this government of service, in the mission of national renewal. Our work is urgent.
I invite you all, to join this government of service, 
in the mission of national renewal. 
Our work is urgent.
the United Kingdom「連合王国」
constitutional monarchy「立憲君主制」
Magna Carta「マグナ・カルタ」
the Industrial Revolution「産業革命」
the British Empire「大英帝国」


overseas colonies「海外植民地」 はどんどん独立していきました。
Commonwealth realm「イギリス連邦王国」 を構成し、





Monarchs reign but they do not rule.「君主は君臨すれど統治せず」



In America, we learn about the UK in histry class especially the colonization of America. It's been a long time since I learned about it. So today was a great review.






ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 旧優生保護法は“違憲”

Today let's look at something that are changing, changes in the suprime court as well as how English changes over time.




Japan's top court has ruled the country's now-defunct Eugenic Protection Law was unconstitutional. The post-World War II law forced people with certain disabilities to undergo surgical sterilization. Now the government has been ordered to compensate some of those affected. People forced to undergo the procedures had filed lawsuits across Japan. They claimed they were subject to discrimination in violation of Japan's Constitution and were seeking damages. On Wednesday, Chief Justice Tokura Saburo said there was no legitimate reason for the sterilizations. He said the treatment violated people's constitutional rights to be treated equal under the law and respected as individuals. Japan's Eugenic Protection Law took effect in 1948 to combat a postwar surge in births. It was abolished in 1996 amid growing criticism both domestically and internationally. By then, about 25,000 people had been sterilized.



  • 旧優生保護法(now-defunct Eugenic Protection Law)
  • now-defunct「旧~、現存しない、今はなき~」
  • surgical sterilizationは「外科手術的に不妊にすること」->「不妊手術」
    sterilization 不妊にすること
  • be subject to 「~を受ける、~にさらされる」
  • abolishは「(法律や制度を)撤廃する、無効にする」


He said the treatment violated people's constitutional rights to be treated equal under the law.


He said the treatment violated 

people's constitutional rights 

to be treated equal under the law.




西ゲルマン系言語(West Germanic languages)


海を越えて移住してきたゲルマン系諸民族はアングロ・サクソン人(Anglo-Saxons)ですが、「アングロ」の部分である「アングル人の土地」という意味のAngle Landがなまって、England(イングランド)という単語になったと言われています。


Old English「古英語」


the Norman Conquest「ノルマン征服」

court constituton government


・Middle English「中英語」 と呼ばれています。(12世紀~15世紀)


the Great Vowel Shift「大母音推移」


・Modern English「近代英語」


I feel like English is always changing and rapidly. for example, popular expressions meaning cool or かっこいい are constantly changing. In the 1930s people used the word swell. In the 1960s you would say groovy or far out. In the 1980s it was gnarly or awesome. Nowadays, young people say, lit or fire. 10 years ago I never heard someone tell me your outfit is fire, but now that's a nice compliment.





ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 卵から育てた養殖うなぎの報告会




Japan's Fisheries Agency has unveiled a breakthrough in the cultivation of Japanese eels, a popular staple in the country's food culture. The Japanese eel is designated an endangered species, as their numbers have declined sharply. Conservation of the prized marine resource has become an important issue. Researchers at a government institute have successfully artificially incubated eggs and reared young eels to maturity. Eggs from farmed eels were used to achieve full-cycle cultivation. Fry known as glass eels that were produced with the new method were on display on Thursday in Tokyo as the researchers reported the results of their study. The Fisheries Agency says the main obstacle to commercialization is the high cost of production, as it requires more than 11 dollars to produce one glass eel from an egg. That's triple the price of glass eels captured in the wild. The researchers aim to lower the cost and farm eels that will be affordable to consumers.



  • Fisheries Agencyは日本の官庁である「水産庁」
  • cultivationは「養殖」->「耕作、栽培、培養」
    ->> cultivation of human resourcesと言えば「人材育成
  • staple「主食となる食料、基本食品、主要作物、主要産物」「主要な要素、欠かせない物」
  • endangeredは「危機にさらされた」、speciesは「生物種」
    endangered speciesは「絶滅危惧種」
    -> at risk of …「~の危機に瀕して」: species at risk of extinction
  • declineは「減少する、低下する」= decrease
  • the prized marine resource「その貴重な海洋資源」
    prized possession「貴重な所有物、宝物」
  • maritimeは海に関する「人間の活動」
    -> 例えば、「海洋生物」は自然のものなのでmarine lifeとなりますが、「海上自衛隊」は人間の活動なのでMaritime Self-Defense Force
  • incubateは「ふ化させる」です。「(鳥が卵を)抱く」という意味から転じて、「(アイデアなどを)あたためる、生み出す」という用法もあります。また、ビジネスの世界でincubationと言えば、起業や新事業の創出を支援して成長を促進させる「起業支援、インキュベーション」
  • rearは「育てる、飼育する、養育する」
    child rearingなら「子育て」
    rear … to maturityは「~が成熟するまで飼育する」
  • farm「養殖する」-> farmed eelsは「養殖されたウナギ、養殖ウナギ」
  • fry ここでは集合的に稚魚」-> 「(揚げ物の)フライ」
    ・Rather than go after small fry, the police decided to focus on the crime boss.
    ・His rivals considered him small fry.
  • glass eelは「シラスウナギ」で、ウナギの稚魚
  • (be) on displayは「展示されて」
  • it requires … to …「~するには~を必要とする」という形
  • a glassではなくone gla->->「1匹あたり」という点を強調
  • triple the price「3倍の価格」
    double the price = twice the priceと
    three times the price


The Japanese eel is designated an endangered species, as their numbers have declined sharply.

  • designate「指定する、認定する
    -> be designated as ...

    ->> And for all you baseball fans out there, the abbriviation DH stands for designated hitter.
Researchers at a government institute have successfully artificially incubated eggs and reared young eels to maturity.
  • incubate「ふ化させる」
  • successfully「成功裏に、うまく」
  • rear「育てる、飼育する、養育する」
    I think most Americans would probably say raise in that situation, but rear isn't necessarily unusual. Child rearing is a relatively common word.
  • maturity「成熟、十分な成長」
  • mature「成熟した」


  • commercialization「商業化、商用化、実用化」
  • commercial「商業の、商用の」

Today, I want to talk about the pronunciation of words that end in “T-I-O-N.” like commercialization.

There were four of those words in today's story. Here they are. Just pay attention to how they sound: cultivation, conservation, commercialization, production

The accent goes on the syllable before the T-I-O-N part.
CultiVAtion, ConserVAtion, CommercialiZAtion, ProDUCtion.
It's a pretty easy rule to remember: when you want to say a word ending in T-I-O-N, accent the part right before the last “tion.”


There's a clear connection between “prize” and “prized.” The noun “prize” is basically something special or valuable. “Prized,” an adjective, is used for things that are considered special or highly valued. When people talk about their “prized possession,” for example, they're talking about something they attach strong emotional value to.






ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 データセンター 省エネ取り組み加速


The popularity of generative AI is driving up demand for facilities to handle the massive data processing and storage needs of the new technology. But these data centers use large amounts of electricity, raising concern about power shortages, so companies are trying to develop energy-saving solutions.
Japan's Fujitsu has come up with a system to more efficiently assign computing tasks to semiconductors known as graphics processing units, or GPUs. By using fewer of these chips in the data centers, the company says the system saves electricity.
In another initiative, Daiwa House Industry has joined hands with an Australian firm to build power-saving data centers. This includes installing more efficient air conditioning to cool servers and increasing the use of renewable energy.



  • generativeは「生成的な、(文などを)生成できる」
  • assignは「割り当てる、配属する」


But these data centers use large amounts of electricity, raising concern about power shortages, so companies are trying to develop energy-saving solutions.



drive up「(ある方向へと)追いやる、駆り立てる」
drive up demand「需要を押し上げる」


Like this, for example:
“The group is pursuing an initiative to improve working conditions for delivery drivers.”


“Initiative” is one of the many words that start with “ini” and have something to do with the idea of “starting” or “being first.”
“Initiative” basically means a leading action or effort. The same goes for words like “initial,” “initiate,” and “initiation.”



environmentally frinedly 




I've got,
green, environmentally frinedly, sustanable and one more that you didn't mention, very close to environmentally frinedly, environmentally consicious, you're thinking about it.


Congrats Ayako-san. That's something to be proud of and I'm glad we could help out.








Retailers and restaurants in Japan are adopting new methods to motivate their workers and reduce turnover amid a severe labor shortage. Major convenience store chain Seven-Eleven Japan started an in-house contest on customer service skills in 2023. This year, selected workers from outlets across the country competed to show how well they can improvise to serve customers using appropriate language. The company evaluated their performance and gave awards. The aim is to make employees key to running the stores feel more motivated. It's also to train young staff better so they don't leave to go and work elsewhere. Meanwhile, noodle chain Marugame Udon is offering workers a chance to gain certification. Applicants take a written exam on what they know about noodle-making. They're also tested on a hundred practical skills. Company officials say the job turnover among certified staff is only about one-tenth the rate for those without certification.
