ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(161) 12月4日(月) | amnn1のブログ




I really messed up. I mean, this is..
Wow! I can’t believe it’s December already. Okay, you too? -Let’s do our best.



Today was the garbage day for cardboard.

threw away < throw

It goes with the figue.

worthless without...




My barbecue turned into a fiasco

*a fiasco -> Complete failure

The deal fell through. -> 失敗する


My plan went sideway quickly. 

sideways 横に-> go sideways 


I failed to keep my word


There’s no shame in failure.
Anyway you’re still your handsome self.
your hadsome self <- ? gracious or generous a handsome action 



I really messed up.


Alexis, have you seen the box for my Zizilla figure?

You mean the old emply box that was on the floor?

Yeah, that one.

I threw it away last night. Today was the garbage day for cardboard.

I needed that box Alexis. It goes with the figue. The figure is worthless without it.

Oh, I didn't know. I thought it was garbage.

Uh, I really messed up.

To non-collectors it's garbage, I guess. Not to me, though.
I should've asked you first. 

Don't worry about it. It's too late to do anything now.



---Grammar and Vocabulary         

  • You mean the old empty box that was on the floor?
  • I should have asked you first.

---Typical Expressions

I really messed up. 台無し、失敗する

Okay, guys. It’s time to practice.
Today, since the phrases are short I want you to close your eyes and PRACTICE with feeling, okay?
Making mistakes is a natural thing. There’s no shame in it. But it’s important that we own our mistakes. -All right. Here we go.

I made a mistake. 

It’s a mistake to... 

We need to learn from our mistakes.

Let’s continue.
This is my fault

I failed to lost weight

I’m responsible for the failure


Let’s keep up that pace.
My barbecue turned into a fiasco

*a fiasco -> complete failure
The deal fell through. -> 失敗する

Okay, and our last parctice sentence.

My plan went sideway quickly. 

sideways 横に 
go sideways 本来の方向に進まずひどいことになる 

One more time. My plan went sideway quickly.

Great job, everyone. And remember if at first you don’t succeed, try try again.
Excellent work!

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I really messed up. I thought no one was using the conference room.
  • It’s a mistake to think passing my class will be easy.
  • I failed to keep my word. I’m truly sorry.

Hey, guys. I failed to lose weight.
Don’t worry, sensei. There’s no shame in failure.
Anyway you’re still your handsome self. ? gracious or generous a handsome action 




Welcome back to Friday’s lesson. It’s time for the review.


throughly θruli]


consider it done お任せを

fixing up here and there

the grass is always greener

time flies

get our priorities mixed up

mean ... by priorities

not the other way around その逆ではない。



say no to her 

don’t get your priorities mixed up. 

You should put your partner before your hobby, not the other way around.

that can wait.






Which of the following is true?

A Helen prefers e-books to paper books.

War and Peace has fewer than a thousand pages.

C The man is too busy to read books.


social media

War and piece by Tolstoy

over a thousand pages


it dose take time

for me, 



What is the woman’s advice to Renji?

A To finish his homework.

B Not to worry about careless mistakes.

C To check his answers.


with my eyes closed

the wrong tense

carless mistakes

check the answers throughly

*throughly [ˈθruli]

consider it done お任せを


What kind of house do the two people live in?

A A new, stylish house.

B An old but comfortable house.

C A house in a big city.


need some fixing up here and there

the grass is always greener


What does Roza think about the jokes on the program?

A She doesn’t like jokes.

B A joke is necessary in every lesson.

C The jokes should be funny.



time flies

get our priorities mixed up

I meant by priorities



---Say it in English


not the other way around その逆ではない。


I think I’ll say no to her and play golf…

-Hey, don’t get your priorities mixed up. You should put your partner before your hobby, not the other way around.

I know you want to play golf, but that can wait.




I want the official David wallpaper for my phone.

How can I get it?

- Oh, that's easy. First, you go to the big west coffee website and then chose the wallpaper you want to get from the top page. Press the download button below it. It piece of cake.



Wait. So, is there really an official David wallpaper?

No, there isn’t. We don’t sell it.

But, if you check the back of the textbook for this month, you may find something special.





I’m actually pretty sure the shows Onishi sensei is the real Onishi sensei.
I think so too.

That's not what I meant by priorities.

You must give priority to ..

The party takes priority.

Our number-one priority is to address the concerns of our shareholders.


We have to give priority to time-sensitive matters. The rest can wait.
* time-sensitive 時間的制約がある


You’ve got your priorities mixed up.
We’re here to learn. Socializing can be done later.


We shouldn’t get our priorities mixed up.


Hey, Rosa. You've been on this program for a while, right?

Yeah, I started in 2018. Time files.

Whose idea was it to include the jokes?

I think that was Onishi-sensei's idea.

Do we need a joke every time?

I guess not. You should talk to him about it.

Okay. We shouldn't get our priorities mixed up.

Exactly. We are here to make funny jokes, not boring ones.

That's not what I meant by priorities. But okay.

-- Grammar and Vocabulary

  • You’ve been on this program for a while, right?
  • Time flies.

---Typical Expressions
We shouldn’t get our priorities mixed up.

All right, everyone. Today’s practice uses “priority.” So mastering these phrases takes priority. Top priority. Okay. Here we go!

~is our top priority. 

~is our first priority 

~is our number one priority

Let’s continue.
You must give priority to ..

The party takes priority.

Now, did you hear how I emphasized “party”? That’s because it’s important. Let’s try that one more time. The party takes priority.
All right. And here’s one more.

We need to prioritize customer satisfaction.

Let’s try that one more time, yeah? We need to prioritize customer satisfaction.

Well, guys. We always prioritize teaching you English in the best way we can. Great job! Fantastic work!

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • Our number-one priority is to address the concerns of our shareholders.
  • We have to give priority to time-sensitive matters. The rest can wait.
    * time-sensitive 時間的制約がある
  • You’ve got your priorities mixed up. We’re here to learn. Socializing can be done later.

Now remember guys. We’re here to learn but also we’re here to have fun.

That’s right.




Well, I’ll take green tinted grasses over rose tinted grasses any day.


Who needs a fancy house anyway? 


the grass is always greener,


I put family before everything else.


Youre better off talking to her directly.
* be better off ...ing した方がもっとよい状態になる


I would rather take a taxi than drive.

I’d take walking there over waiting for the bus.


For me, getting along with people comes before being right.


He always puts his daughter’s happiness before his own.
*his own happinesss


it depends on who you ask. 




Comfort comes before style.


Doug, do you like this old house?

Sure. It's fine. But of course, it needs some fixying up here and there.

You don't think it's too old-fasioned?

Who needs a farcy hose anyway.

I fee the same way. Comfort comes before style.

That goes whithoug saying. As long as I have a roof over my head, I'm happy.

And we can always take vacation to the big city if we want to.
It's funny city people want to come to this island for their vacations.
Yeah, the grass is always greener, right?


--- Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Who needs a fancy house anyway? 疑問の意味を持たない疑問文->必要ない
  • City people want to come to this island for their vacations.
    want +はto infinitiveだけ これから動詞だから


---Typical Expressions

Comfort comes before style.

Before ->先・前->表す順序表現



All right, everyone. It’s time for today's practice. So, these phrases talk about your priority. And we say the highest priority item first. So, focus on that when you try to remember the order of the words you say.

Excellent point, David!

All right. Let’s jump right in.


Family comes first

Which comes first, family or work?


Let’s continue.

I put family before everything else.

Let’s try that one more time. I put family before everything else.


Okay. Let’s continue.

The first thing to do is to book your flight. 

The most important thing is to book your flight.

You’re better off talking to her directly.
* be better off ...ing した方がもっとよい状態になる


That was great. Let’s do our last two. 

I would rather take a taxi than drive.

One more. 

I’d take walking there over waiting for the bus.


Excellent work today. If you thought hard about your priorities that’s good practice for you as well.

Yeah, great job, guys. Remember, the most important thing is that you enjoy the practice. So, keep going.



--- Typical Expressions in Action

  • For me, getting along with people comes before being right.
  • He always puts his daughter’s happiness before his own.
    *his own happinesss


Hmm. Getting along with people comes before being right. David, are you talking about yourself?

Ah, it depends on who you ask. But yes. I think so.

Yeah, David is a really great guy, you know.

Ah, what about me?

You’re a really great guy too, sensei.




Ready for today’s lesson? And I’m David Evans. Let’s get ready to go.





you spelled this word wrong.

I could do it with my eys close.


Consider it done.



And see if you discover something new.


That’s as easy as pie. 


It’s a no-brainer. 頭を使わなくてもできる

It’s a cinch. ちょろい/極端に簡単なこと





Learning this software is as easy as pie. You’ll be a pro in no time.

Flipping omelets is my specialty. I could do it with my eyes closed.



Consider it done. 


So, Renji, did you finish all your English homework?

Yeah, it was so easy. I could do it with my eys close.

Let me check it. You made a few mistake, Renji.

What? Where?
Number two and nunber seven.

Look, you use the wrong tense and you spelled this word wrong.

Oh, right. Those were just careless mistakes.
Exactly. Careless mistakes can cause you problems on tests.

Check you answers throughly next time.
Consider it done.




Could you pronounce you know this word?

Sure. Thoroughly.




---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I could do it with my eyes closed. 
  • Careless mistakes can cause you problems on tests.
    Can -> 潜在 -> 可能性



---Typical Expressions

Consider it done. 




Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice.

Now today I want you to do it with your eyes closed.

That’s right. Even if you have a textbook, try to practice with your eyes closed.

And see if you discover something new.

All right. Let’s get to it.


I could do it with my eyes closed. 

I could do it blindfolded目隠しをされても

I could do it with one hand tied behind my back

I could do it with both hands tied behind my back.


Great. Let’s continue.

That’s easy. 

That’s as easy as pie. 

That’s a piece of cake.


Okay. Keep it up. Here we go!

It’s a no-brainer. 頭を使わなくてもできる

It’s a cinch. ちょろい/極端に簡単なこと


Great job, everyone. Was it as easy as pie?

Uhh. Now you got me hungry.

Yeah! I want some cake too. Hm hmm. Great job, everyone.



---Typical Expressions in Action

  • Your suggestion is easy to implement. Consider it done.
  • Learning this software is as easy as pie. You’ll be a pro in no time.
  • Flipping omelets is my specialty. I could do it with my eyes closed.


Sensei. Can you open this bottle? 

I could do it with my eyes closed.



ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(156) 11月27日(月)


It’s a breeze to do that. たやすい事

It’s an ordeal to do that. 

That is a hard nut to crack

That is no walk in the park.


The roads are confusing, so it’s easy to get lost.


right about that


page turner = an exciting book.



Are you reading a book?

No, I’m playing a video game on the phone.

Let’s get ready for today’s lesson. It’s a real page turner.


It’s hard to find time to read books.


Helen, are you checking social media?

No. I'm reading a book. 

Oh, I though you liked reading paper books, not e-books. 

Usually I do, but this time I'm reading piece by Tolstoy. It's over a thousand pages. 

It's a massive book.

I tried reading it once but gave up.

Well, it does take time.

It's hard to find time to read books.

For me, finding time is quite easy. The hard part is finding the right book.

Good point.




Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I tried reading it once but gave up.

-ing 形には「実際にやっている」がイメージ

Try ing 実際にちょっとやってみる


-> I tried to read it, but I had no time.

toこれからする のnuanceが

Try to  は これからしようと試みる

  • It does take time.  

    I love him.
    I do love him.
    I loved him.
    I did love him.


---Typical Expressions

It’s hard to find time to read books.



All right, everyone. It’s time for today’s practice. In English, remember we want to say the important word as quickly as we can. It’s easy. It’s tough. It’s difficult. And after that we explain. So let’s PRACTICE that pattern today.

All right. Let’s start.  


Here we go.

It’s easy to do that. 

It’s tough to do that. 

It’s difficult to do that.


Let’s continue.

It’s a breeze to do that. たやすい事

It’s an ordeal to do that. 

It’s a struggle to do that. 

It’s rough to do that.


All right. Keep up the pace.

My boss is hard to satisfy. 
My boss is tough to satisfy. 

My boss is easy to satisfy.


And our last few. Stay with the rhythm.

That is a hard nut to crack

That is a tough one. 

That is no walk in the park.

That is no easy task. 

That is no easy thing.


Well, guys. You did so great. You made it look easy.

Great work, everyone.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • He lectures are really hard to follow.
  • Be careful driving over there. The roads are confusing, so it’s easy to get lost.
  • It was no walk in the park, but I was able to fix your computer. Be careful with it from now on, Okay?


It’s hard to find time to read books.

That’s right. It’s hard. You certainly right about that.




Welcome to Friday’s review.
I’m excited for today’s review. Are you?


want to get this plastic figure appraised



Let's play it safe and ... 安全第一でいく


in case ... の場合に備えて


put her in the loop


needless to say 言うまでもない



What does Caspar want to do?

A Get another figure.

B Know the value of his figure.

C Give his figure to Ms. Kizawa for free.


I'm getting by

what can I do for you?

want to get this plastic figure appraised

give away



What will the two people do after this conversation?

A Fry some food.

B Put on their spacesuits.

C Control an air leak.


there is nothing like...


Let's play it safe and ... 安全第一でいく

in case ...

put her in the loop


What is Barbara’s advice to Deepak?

A Do more difficult exercises.

B Buy an exercise machine.

C Don’t give up exercising.


what a coincidence


get into shape




Which of the following is true?

A Kelly forgot to take off her shoes.

B The shoes were too big for Kelly.

C The man was taking a shower.


think of 

think about

busy with ...

take off her shoes


Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


---Say it in English


resume 再開する

needless to say 言うまでもない


Oh, it's poring outside.

- It loos like the weather is only getting worse. Let's play it safe and call it a day. We'll resume the meeting at 10:30 tomorrow. Needless to say go straight home. No stopping for a drink somewhere. Okay?



get there そこから目標を達成する


I couldn't understand anything he was saying. I gave up.

- It's not a big deal. The important thing is to continue learning. As long as you don't give up, you'll get ther in the end. Besides learning English is a lot of fun, right?




Hey, guys. Do you go drinking on a stormy day?

Not me. It’s the perfect excuse to stay home and relax by myself.

But sometimes those stormy days offer rare opportunities for interesting connections.

What kind of connections?

Like meeting interesting people.





You stole my good one. Huh!


can be very dismissive
拒否するような, 見下げるような, 軽蔑的な


Don’t sweat the small stuff.


It's of ...

It’s of little consequence. 

It’s of no consequence.


I couldn’t care less.
=> I don't care どうでもいいです


It’s not important to be artistic

Just take pictures of the things you want to sell.


It doesn't matter if you already know the contents

The training session is mandatory


When do your best ideas come to you?

For me, it’s usually when I can be completely relaxed and not worry about unnecessary things.

For me, it’s basically random. It come to me at strangest times.



It’s not a big deal.


Kelly, you're walking around the house in your shoes.

Oh, sorry. I forgot about our house rules.

It's not a big deal. We are in America after all.

No. I like the tradition of taking off your shoes. I was just thinking about something else.

Are you busy with work?

A little. I need to think of some questions for tomorrow's show.

Why don't you take a shower? My best ideas come to me in the shower.

Maybe later.



---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • You’re walking around the house in your shoes.

in 包まれている 

in one's shoes -> 靴を履いている

in sunglasses を身に着けて 

in a red jacket を着て

  • I was just thinking about something else.

think about  -> consider熟考する 

  • I need to think of some questions for tomorrow's show.

think of -> imagine 心に描く 心に何かを思い浮かべたり、思いつく


---Typical Expressions

It’s not a big deal.



All right, everyone. It’s time for today’s practice. Now the phrases we will practice today can be very dismissive.拒否するような, 見下げるような, 軽蔑的な So, it’s important to be cautious of the tone you use when you say them. Pay attention to Rosa and me as we do this. Here we go.


It’s not important to do that. 

Don’t worry about trivial things

Don’t sweat the small stuff.


It's of ...

It’s of little consequence. 

It’s of no consequence.


Let’s continue.

It’s not such a big deal. 

What’s the big deal?


Let’s continue.

It doesn't matter.


Now these last few sound quite harsh if they’re aimed at a person. So be careful when you use them and in what situation.


I don’t care. 

Who cares? 

I couldn’t care less. => I don't care どうでもいいです



Excellent work, everyone. Very nice job.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • What’s the big deal? Just tell your boss you have plans after work.
  • It’s not important to be artistic. Just take pictures of the things you want to sell.
  • It doesn't matter if you already know the contents. The training session is mandatory


Hey, guys. When do your best ideas come to you?

Well, for me, it’s usually when I can be completely relaxed and not worry about unnecessary things.

Woo! For me, it’s basically random. It come to me at strangest times.
