ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(33) 12月4日(月) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(33)12月4日(月)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(33)6月5日(月)


catch up on some sleep 遅れを取り戻す=>不足を取り返す
send one's apologies


gastronomic [ɡəˌstrɑˈnɑmɪk]

gastronomy (ɡæsˈtrɒnəmɪ)


call up 招集


the cathedral 

It's escpecially beautiful when lit up at night.

* be lit up


Instead of taking a taxi, I took an underground to 



What did Risa spend her time on the airplaine?

- She watched a few movies and was able to catch up on some sleep.


What did Risa mention about Lyon?

- The gastronomical capital of France.



Risa, welcome to London HQ. How was your flight?
-Comfortable. I watched a couple of movies and was able to catch up on some sleep. 
-That's great to hear. I'm sorry but Emily has sent her apologies. Apparently she has some sudden business to do in Lyon.
-Lyon? The gastronomical capital of France.
-Exactly. Beteween you and me she certainly wasn't complaining despite the sudden call up.  

-Really? I relieved to hear that.

-Anyway this is the wine shop. Upstairs are our offices. The basement is a reception and dining area as well as our centries-old cellar.

-Wow. It's great to finally be hear. 
-Well it's not much as changed over the centries. But I'm sure you'll be able to grasp who we are.



HQ - headquarters

catch up on... 遅れを取り戻す=>不足を取り返す

send one's apologies


gastronomic [ɡəˌstrɑˈnɑmɪk]

gastronomy (ɡæsˈtrɒnəmɪ)

between you and me

call up 招集



Emily has sent her apologies.


*send one's apologies

* apolologies 欠席の知らせ


  • We received apologies from Jane.
    *receive apologies
  • *ご了承ください=>accept
    Please accept my apologies for tomorrow's meeding.


excuse oneself

I needed to excuse myself because of an urgent matter.


be absent from

Hannah has been absent from work for three consecutive days.



Which hotel are you staying at?
- I'm staying at Whitmore hotel. The location is excellent. When you step out of the holtel, you can see the cathedral right in fron of you. It's escpecially beautiful when lit up at night.

* be lit up



How did you come up to the office?

- Instead of taking a taxi, I took an underground to Liverpool street. I just wantted to try the new Elizabeth line. It was supper clean and confortable. 




ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-8)12月1日(金)

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-8)6月2日(金)

Leonard Slatkin レナード・スラットキン


? breathe

-To make apparent or manifest; suggest


strike - what struck me most is...

Maestro is so versatile

versatile => is proficient in


be confined to the category of conductors

It's amazing that the scope of his activities as expanded with his age into his 70s.


less of a priority  



That's said, ...


the reason why we don't feel an affinity with classical music is

* an affinity  密接な関係, 類似性


spark something within you


to embody the message or emotions that composers put into the piece.

To make an idea or expression come to life.


the histrical context in which Chopin composes famous revolutionary etude.

multiply your enjoyment of classical music. 


interact with =  not be onesided.


and imagine what Chopin's funeral might have look like.

or think about the histrical context in which Chopin composes famous revolutionary etude.


can nurture creataivity or provide a good base for creativity


how we react to stimuli like art


stimulus >> stimuli

-something that stimulates or acts as an incentive





How we perceive things, feelings and intuitions, refine senses.


musical notes 曲譜


multiply your enjoyment


find a simple clear-cut answer.

It's necessary to discard existing concept. 

How do you think such creativity can be fostered?



What struck me most in the interview with Mr Slatlkin was is extraordinally love and passion for music. It's amazing that the scope of his activities as expanded with his age into his 70s. The Maestro is so versatile and enagetic and he can't be confined to the category of conductors. 


-Indeed. He's engaged in supporting young musicials and writing books and blogs. What I found interesting is how Mr. Slatkin interacts with orchestra. He argued that he sometimes tries to adjust the style but not the sound. What do you think about this point?


I think that makes sense. Since the conductor's interest is the style of how the piece is played. The great orchestras of the world have already established their own sound. And Mr. Slatkin respects that. By the way, I'm concerned that education about the arts is becoming less of a priority. But is this really the case in the US?


- Unfortunatelly, yes. In schools priority is given to core subjects. Such as English, math and science. Regardress of age, I think musical experiences nurture rich sensibility and criativity. Mr. Stlatkin advises us just to experience the world of music by getting rid of the world classical. Would you agree?


Yes. Totally. That's said, the reason why we don't feel an affinity with classical music is probably because most composers are from the past. I think that what makes us like music is not only the performances but also the personality and the stories of the musicians. 


-I see. The conductor and performars try to embody the message or emotions that composers put into the piece. But if we know a bit more about the composers' life or personality, it maybe easier for us to get the compser's message or emotions from the performance. How about looking up online any composers that spark something within you when listening to a piece?


A great idea. And when you travel, you can explore the composer's foot steps. For example, when in Paris, visit ..Margolein church and imagine what Chopin's funeral might have look like. Or think about the histrical context in which Chopin composes famous revolutionary etude. I'm sure that breathing the same culture of whichever composer you listen to will multiply your enjoyment of classical music. 





Words and Phrases

strike => struck > strike の過去形 心を打つ

To be impacted, affected or surprised by something. Something has made an  impression.

versatile 多才な

Having many uses or being able to do many different things. When talking about people, versatile means that they have multiple talents and can adopt to change to fit a situation. For example, that musician is so versatile. She can play any genre of music and is proficient in multiple instruments. 

be confined to にとどめる・限る

To be limited to something. To exist only within a certain space.  To be held back or contained within something. Mr. Shibata said that Maestro Slatkin can not be confined to just a conductor meaning that he is much more than just a conductor. 

interact with 

To communicate with and react to others. To be involved in something with others. To not be onesided. For example, these job applicants are all equally qualified now we need to see how they interact with us during the interviews. We need someone who can work well with us. 

regardless of 

Despite, withiout considering something. Whatever comes after  "of"  in ”regardless of” means that's not that important, not a big factor. In a dialog, I used a phrase, regardless of age this means that age doesn't matter or shouldn't matter. It should not be limited to one age group. 


nurture 育む

To help something or someone improve or grow stronger. To take care of, train or provide support in order to help someone. For example if you nurture this plant well, it will produce beautiful flowers in summer  time. In the dialog I mentioned that musical experiences can nurture creataivity or provide a good base for creativity. 

sensibility 感受性
Our sensibilities refer to how we react to stimuli like art or how we interact with others. How we interpret and respond to things based on what we've sensed including our experiences and emotions. How we perceive things, feelings and intuitions, refine senses.


stimulus >> stimuli

-something that stimulates or acts as an incentive




embody 具現化する

To represent. To give something a visible or tangible form. To make an idea or expression come to life. An example would be an orchestra's performance embodying composer's musical notes. Through this performance and the music we hear we can interpret those musicals notes in a new way because of how the conductor and the musicians have embodied or represented the music making the musical notes come to life.

spark 引き起こす

To cause or activate. To generate and inspire or waken. Particularly a feeling or thought. But actions could be sparked, too. For example, this class is design to spark your imagination, so you can write interesting stories. Or their comments sparked violence from the crowd.



He argued that he sometimes tries to adjust the style but not the sound. What do you think about this point?

-I think that makes sence. Since the conductor's interest is the style of how the pieces played.


By the way, I'm concerned that education about the arts is becoming less over priority. But is this really the case in the US?

- Unfortunatelly, yes. In schools priorities given to core subjects. Such as English, math and science.



There has been a lot of talk recently about artistic thinking in business. It is said that in order to develop unique products and services. It's necessary to discard existing concept. But how do you think such creativity can be fostered?


-It's a good question but it's hard to find a simple clear-cut answer. Looking at paintings and listening to music on a regular basis, I hope to refine your sensibilities and bring new ideas to your life. 






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(34)6月6日(火)


What point of the wine shop did Risa get suppurised at ?

-Their large selection of wines.

It's really impressive. I've never seen a shop with such a large selection. 


What does Daniel say is important to getting a feel for the essence of winemaking?

-Knowing the essence of winemaking first-hand is important in building relationships with wineries.



get a feeling of ...

experience first-hand 





So let me guide you through our shop. Browse the shelves and you'll find a wounderful selection of oldwelled wines including bottles from France, Germany, Italy and beyond. We also have wines from the New World including the US and Australia to name a few

It's really impressive. I've never seen a shop with such a large selection. Do you have Japanese wines too?
I hate to say it, but the answer is not yet. As you've joined this, we certainly do thing that now is a good opportunity to starting importing from Japan. 

-Is that why I was hired being from Yamanashi?
That might have been in a back of their minds. Not because you are from Yamanashi, but you probably know the essence of winemaking first-hand. That's important in building relationships with wineries.
-Indeed. The winemaking process is close to home to me. I'd be happy to help. 



to name a few 2,3例を挙げると

I hate to say it, but

be in a back of one's mind 頭の片隅にある *mind or head

be close to home 身近な存在である


I hate to say it, but the answer is not yet.


I hate to say this, but we decline the participate this time. 

I hate to say it, but we are not going to invest in this startup company.


don't know if there'a better way to put ..., 

I don't know if there's a better way to put this, but our company has to withdraw from this project.


hard to put it nicely

It's hard to put it nicely, but management is going to announce redundancy plan this afternoon. 




For my next transfer, I'd like to be assigned abroad. It's been five years since I joined this company and I think I've achieved reasonable success in domestic salse.

-It's always been in a back of my mind that you wanted to work abroad. That's why I wanted you to learn the domestic business first. Let me think about it if I can meet your wishes.


It may be hard to believe, but the president of Suginami trading wants to sell his company. I'm sure of it. Becasue I heard it directly from him.

-That's good news. I had that company in a back of my head as a potential acquisition target. But I thought the president had no intension selling it. 


in a back of my head = in a back of my mind



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(35)6月7日(水) 地下室を見学


What did Risa thought first when she was shown to basement cellar?

- The first thing that came to my mind was that it would be nice to have facilities like this in the Tokyo office.


Why is the wine cellar not so big?

- The wine cellar is quite modest as most of the wine has been moved to our warehouse in Guildford.


Now this is the basement. This is where receptions and client ...are held. What do you think?

Each room has its own character. A perfet blend of modern and old. The first thing that came to my mind was that it would be nice to have facilities like this in the Tokyo office.

Um... your request is noted.  These private rooma are varied in size and design representing the rich heritage of our illustrious history. We try to keep a cozy atmosphere in order rooms. 

I think the rooms are well suited to intimate gatherings. After all, wine is as much as social beverage as it is a part of cuisine.

Rigth. Now this is the grand space for bigger private or corporate receptions. The wine cellar is quite modest as most of the wine has been moved to our warehouse in Guildford.




illustrious 華々しい(功績などが)=>illustrious career 


be suited to 





I think the rooms are well suited to intemate gatherings.


* be well suited to ... / be well suted for...


The land is well suited for growing soy beans.


I think I am well suited to this position.



Do we have a suitable candidate for the role?



I don't think it's appropriate to wear a t-shirt to this gathering.


Soundproof booths are must-haves as remote meetings are becoming increasingly common. That way, you don't disturb the people around you when you speak.
-That's true. On top of that, you don't need to worry about the noise around you when you are on mute yourself.


A play room in a corner of the cafeteria would be nice to have. Parents could bring our children from neighboring day care center during lunch break to play together.

-I like your idea. Parents can interact with their children even if it's for a short time.





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(35)6月7日(水) 地下室を見学


What did Risa thought first when she was shown to basement cellar?

- The first thing that came to my mind was that it would be nice to have facilities like this in the Tokyo office.


Why is the wine cellar not so big?

- The wine cellar is quite modest as most of the wine has been moved to our warehouse in Guildford.


Now this is the basement. This is where receptions and client ...are held. What do you think?

Each room has its own character. A perfet blend of modern and old. The first thing that came to my mind was that it would be nice to have facilities like this in the Tokyo office.

Um... your request is noted.  These private rooma are varied in size and design representing the rich heritage of our illustrious history. We try to keep a cozy atmosphere in order rooms. 

I think the rooms are well suited to intimate gatherings. After all, wine is as much as social beverage as it is a part of cuisine.

Rigth. Now this is the grand space for bigger private or corporate receptions. The wine cellar is quite modest as most of the wine has been moved to our warehouse in Guildford.




illustrious 華々しい(功績などが)=>illustrious career 


be suited to 





I think the rooms are well suited to intemate gatherings.


* be well suited to ... / be well suted for...


The land is well suited for growing soy beans.


I think I am well suited to this position.



Do we have a suitable candidate for the role?



I don't think it's appropriate to wear a t-shirt to this gathering.


Soundproof booths are must-haves as remote meetings are becoming increasingly common. That way, you don't disturb the people around you when you speak.
-That's true. On top of that, you don't need to worry about the noise around you when you are on mute yourself.


A play room in a corner of the cafeteria would be nice to have. Parents could bring our children from neighboring day care center during lunch break to play together.

-I like your idea. Parents can interact with their children even if it's for a short time.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(36)6月8日(木)


Subject:Results of the Hotel interviews

Hi Risa!
By the time you read this email, you will have arrived safely in London. The results of the hotel interviews we conducted are saved on the shared drive. So please have a look. Oono-san made some slides out of the result which you can use if necessary. It's clear from the analysis that the demand for organic and natural wines has undoubtedly been growing. On the other hand, it's a bit premature to conclude that nonalcoholic wine markets are growing. We need to do some more research before we can make a proposal to the London headoffice

Hopefully the jetlag will be light.


I got some sleep on the plane, so I don't think I'll get jetlag.





I slept on the plane, so I don't think I will be jet-lagged.


Hi Ron,
Thank you for your email. I got some sleep on the plane, so I don't think I'll get jetlag. I appreciate you summarize the interview results. It'll be very useful for the meetings in London. The growth of nonalcoholic wine may be related to the fact that alcohol was banded in restaurants and bars during the pandemic. Please feel free to contact me if something comes up during my absence.


Hi Risa,

I'm glad you got some sleep on board. Of course work comes first, but as you well know, to understand why, you need to know the culture of the country or region. Make sure you teke some off to soak yourslf in the environment and enjoy everyday Britain and Europe firsthand.


Venturing outside the hotel for food and drink is not for just health and educational purposes. It's also  fun. And since I have a sweet tooth, I probably seek out for dessert or snaks. So afternoon tea sounds very appealing to me. Is that too touristy? Anyway, I would ask my local associates for some good recommendations and  learn from then if we went together.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(32)11月30日(木)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(32)6月1日(木)


I'm sending you ...

Please note that I've been taking the liberty of including only a summary of

*take the liberty of... 勝手ながら




make the corrections to ...



valued -> be a valued member of ...


as requested

I'm pleased with


the image of WCS as being strong and trendy wines


When...,  it's good to have a check list prepared so you know what to listen for and how to sort the information.
Everything should be clear and summarised into a compact organized report.
Make sure important information like changes and deadline stand out



議事録 / minutes


Subject: Minutes Request for a review

Dear all,

I am glad for our fruitful disicussions last week. I'm sending you the minutes of our meeting in Tokyo. Please note that I've been taking the liberty of including only a summary of your comments from the brain storming session. If you have any addtions or corrections, please feel free to contact me by this Friday. 




I'm sending you ...

minutes 議事録


take the liberty of... 勝手ながら





Hi Lisa!

Thank you for compiling the minutes. Please make the following corrections to my remarks of the strategy meeting on the bottom of page three. Before correction, the policy of organic and natural wines would be discussed and reconsulted on in London. After correction organic and natural wines would be one of the pillars of the future strategy of WCS. 

Many thanks,


p.s. You have made a great contribution to the meetings in Tokyo. Pleaes continue to be a valued member of WCS.


make the corrections to ...



valued -> be a valued member of ...





I'm pleased with the possitive response to organic and natural wines. 

* I'm pleased with...

* possitive response


I'm glad you've shown a possitive attitude towards organic and natural wines. 



Hi Daniel,

I have ammended the minutes as requestedI'm pleased with the possitive response to organic and natural wines. We'll do our best to promote the image of WCS as being strong and trendy wines in Japan as well.

By the way thank you for your kind words about my contribution. It's very encouraging.




as requested



What do you pay attention to when you make a minutes?

- When taking minutes, it's good to have a check list prepared so you know what to listen for and how to sort the information. Everything should be clear and summarised into a compact organized report. Make sure important information like changes and deadline stand out. It's important to listen to people's concerns even after meetings and focus on common goals. Just like Lisa did here. 
