CNN10 December01, 2023 | amnn1のブログ





cop stands for conference of the parties

intence technical negotiations brokered by the UN

net zero greenhouse gas emissions

progress successive cop summits has been limited

the biggest polluter at the time

ratify the agreement

It didn't oblige developing nations like ...

began to crumble

was to limit global warming to well below 2 but preferably 1.5 ℃ above pre-industrialized level

pledges by governments across the world haven't gone far enough

even as deadly extreme weather has gotten more intense 

and cost of inaction has 

acknowledge the role of fossil fuels in ...

had its shortcoming 

fund to help vulnerable nations hit by climate disasters


as long as the climate pollution is captured before it enters the atmosphere

ease mounting tensions between 

the height of the Cold War

break the ice ahead of ...


statesman 政治家 



the Diplomat wielded enormus power and ..

as treacherous

would be contested decade later when ...

what came to be know as shuttle diplomacy


not content to maitain the status quo

not content with 現状に満足していない





reporting a surge in respiratory illnesses in children

cause the spike 

it's not any new or unknown diseses carring pathogen




use good hand hygiene



about an upsurge of respiratory illnesses


pediatric hospitals in and around 



you are going to be getting an increase in respiratory infections

there's been an increase of ..



an uptick of microplasma pneumonia 

not a novel pathogen like  [ˈpæθəʤən]

downplaying the severity of this strain of pneumonia

be treated with antibiotics

accused ... of not being transparent about ...


long after the rest of the world moved on from social distancing, 

<> long after <> soon after 




online consultation sessions per night

relatively underdeveloped primary care system



 receiving a IV drip


be on track to be the first 




be scheduled to take effect

banned sales of tobacco to anyone 

call it off 

be insistent that  <> insist

they wanted those regulations reversed and ...


outlaw smoking for ...

barring sales to anyone born after 2008


and months later...


the previous government was headed towards

be headed ?


it feels a tremedous cost to be in power to give up that bill


prolong the death


atmospheric phenomenon




particles emitted in solar storms creating enchanting waves of colored light


a rare spectacle that hovers over 




show up at lower latitudes as streaks of purple with distinct green bands


see it hp here in your mind's eye before you can see it out there in the world


mind's eye 
心の目, 心眼, 想像

-The ability to imagine or remember images or scenes.



fured by her company 




come about


majorette バトンガール and business majore




complacency ひとりよがり is the constant enemy







now a newly unsealed cour document reveals

knowingly refused to shut down accounts


steer shildren toward harmful


attorney general(s 司法長官, 法務長官


only a fraction of the accounts 


the complaint mischaracterizes our work using selective and cherry-picked documents



- To choose in a highly selective manner; select only the best or most suitable of:


what would your propposed solution be to ....

make these platforms safe for all to use


find light at the end of the tunnel ...


pipe was inserted through the debris to provide them with food, water and oxygen.


emerged safe to the relief tof families gathered around

appear to be in good health

despite the ordeal


what an impressive example of patience and resilience


on the artificial intelligence front


how something like this could happen at this ...


they were assured that the article in question 

using pseudonyms even so...


*pseudonym(s ペンネーム, 筆名


-A fictitious name, especially a pen name.






where the race is on to save a native forest fird from a formidable foe that has decimated their population


*formidable - Arousing fear, dread, or alarm: 恐るべき

*decimate -to destroy a great number or proportion of: 多くの人を殺す.


high up on a plaque to in the middle of the Hawaiian island of Kwaii




found nowhere else on Earth but here

be about to go extinct 

be in peril 

be fire due in part to the usual culprits like habitat loss

a newer and more deadly menace has emerged


*menace 脅迫, 威嚇, 脅し
- A possible danger; a threat:


which the birds have no resistance to


is the last refuge in the wild


incubate eggs 


landscape level solutions to

in doing this

remainder of the environment

where enclosures are designed to minic their natural habitat but ...


discourage imprinting a process where...

last chance at survival

a genetic diversity 


would be enervate but ....

surpassing ... set by ..



(…の)気力を弱める, 力を奪う

 (v. ˈɛn ərˌveɪt; adj. ɪˈnɜr vɪt)
-deprive of vitality; weaken


meaning to cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality or weaken.





CNN10 Novembe28, 2023



bear with me

I'm pumped to see ... 「興奮している」「ワクワクしている」

work into tomorrow's show


intercept 傍受する, さえぎる, 迎撃する


be left without power


foiled more than 20 Ukrainian drone attacks


*foil 計画などを失敗させる

- To prevent from being successful; thwart:妨害する, じゃまする

- To obscure or confuse (a trail or scent) so as to evade pursuers.


there is no quick end in sight for ...


is asking Western allies for continued support

target goals for providing ammunition would fall short ...

is quickly running out + as Congress remains divided over funding additional support


they can be used for reconnaissance or assault



electronic warfare


cheap and expendable but..



a synonym of real and actual 


authentic has several meanings including true to one's own personality, spirit or character.


span(s approximately 2.6 million square miles in ..


shed light on how our actions impact distant natural spaces and what we can do to protect and nurture 


participate in the National Geographic and Rolex Perpetual Planet Amazon Expedition researching


one of the ecosystem's most iconic and endangered 



crossing the borders of Ecuador Colonbia and Peru is the andian cloud forest
might sound like something plucked from a fairy tale

* pluck 引き抜く


but it is very much real

one of the most biodiverse ecosystems


with an array of orchid ラン, moss)es  コケ, 

many other epiphytes 着生植物

* epiphyte  (ˈɛpɪˌfaɪt)

A plant, such as a tropical orchid or a staghorn fern, that grows on another plant upon which it depends for mechanical support but not for nutrients. : aerophyte, air plant.


rare plant(s


spectacle bear(s


be unique for each individual 


be classified as vulnerable by 


Christmas light maze the enchant experience is 

it's an immersive experience the website syas a mischievous little elf named Eddie misplaced eight toys 








social rights activist Nelson Mndela

it always seems impossible until it is done


once it may have seemed impossilbe


truce deal 

a temporary pause


we're going to zip on over to..


is not what it used to be

shoping craze(s

lead to stampede(s

the mad discount dash / assosiated with ...


look to score deals online as many consumers gear up for Cyber Monday


instor shopping


many retailers rolled out their discounts much earlier this year to entice people to spend dooner


penultimate attempy by retailers to ratchet up their sales today makes the 


*penultimate ast but one in a series of things; second last.


that works better for some


ballpark (野)球場

<>bowling alley


locally grown fresh produce


can be the seed to start the new revolution towards food system transformation


fingerling type potato


* fingerling 幼魚, 小魚, 非常に小さいもの


irrigated by a special system 


concessions at 




asparagus to zucchini


nowhere to be found


he was doing what he was born to do 

