2020年9月27日に更新されたInstagramで、今週初めにケンジントン宮殿の庭園でデイヴィッド・アッテンボロー監督の新作”A life on our planet"の特別試写会が開催された様子が共有されました。


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to share new photographs of their family with @DavidAttenborough. The photographs were taken earlier this week in the gardens of Kensington Palace, after The Duke and Sir David attended an outdoor screening of Sir David’s upcoming feature film 🎞️ ‘David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet’. With a shared passion for protecting the natural world, they continue to support one another in their missions to tackle some of the biggest environmental challenges our planet faces. This includes working together on The @EarthshotPrize 🌍 the most prestigious global environment prize in history – further details of which will be shared in the coming weeks. When they met, Sir David gave Prince George a tooth from a giant shark 🦷 the scientific name of which is carcharocles megalodon (‘big tooth’). Sir David found the tooth on a family holiday to Malta in the late 1960s, embedded in the island’s soft yellow limestone which was laid down during the Miocene period some 23 million years ago. Carcharocles is believed to have grown to 15 metres in length, which is about twice the length of the Great White, the largest shark alive today.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge(@kensingtonroyal)がシェアした投稿 -





 彼らが出会ったとき、デイビッド卿はジョージ王子に巨大なサメの歯を与えました🦷その学名はcarcharocles megalodon(「大きな歯」)です。

 デビッド卿は、1960年代後半にマルタへの家族旅行で歯を見つけました。これは、約2,300万年前の中新世に敷設された島の柔らかい黄色の石灰岩に埋め込まれています。 カーチャロクルは15メートルの長さに成長したと考えられています。これは、今日生きている最大のサメであるホオジロザメの約2倍の長さです。」



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