家族旅行♪4日目 岡山県へ

Family Trip♪4th Day  Heading to Okayama



Good evening!


Today, my husband and I watched the presidential debate on CNNテレビ which broadcasted the debate of Trump vs. Harris.

英語で見ていたのですが、主人がずっと笑っていました爆  笑さて、どちらが選ばれるのでしょうか。。。!?

We were watchig it in English and my hubby was laughing during the debate quite a bit.爆  笑Oh well...we wonder which candidate will be elected...!?



旅の続きに戻ります。。。Going back to the story on our family trip...


1日目 下矢印 1st Day

熊本、宮崎、岡山、家族旅行♪1日目 | A vida e bela!日伯家族&元外資ワーママFIRE達成のHappy Diary! (ameblo.jp)


2日目 下矢印 2nd Day

家族旅行♪2日目宮崎県高千穂へ | A vida e bela!日伯家族&元外資ワーママFIRE達成のHappy Diary! (ameblo.jp)


3日目 下矢印 3rd Day

家族旅行♪3日目高千穂神社と祖父の法事 | A vida e bela!日伯家族&元外資ワーママFIRE達成のHappy Diary! (ameblo.jp)




On the 4th day of the trip, we headed to Kumamoto Station from Miyazaki by car.

(ずっと、文句も言わずに運転してくれた主人に感謝お願いです。I sincerely thank my hubby お願いwho drove us all the way to Kumamoto without any complains.)


We returned the car and moved to Okayama from Kumamoto by Kyushu Shinkansen.新幹線



岡山県では倉敷にあるIvy Squareさん(ホテル)にお世話になりました。

We stayed in a hotel called "Ivy Square" in Kurashiki, Okayama.


When I was a little girl, I used to stay here with my parents couple times.グッ It is located in Bigan district in Kurashiki.

【公式】倉敷アイビースクエア (ivysquare.co.jp)





After arriving the hotel, we headed to "Round One" in Okayama per requested by our kids.(My son, my sister's son and my brother's son.)



We have "Round One" in Tokyo as wellアセアセ but our kids are quite busy and cannot get together so often, and they say they don't have the facility called "Spo-cha" in Tokyo.  My parents and sister decided to stay in Kurashiki area while my husband and I took our kids to the "Round One."リムジン前

We called 2 taxis and it was about 30 min ride from the hotel.


After playing so hard at "Round One," we visited Yakiniku place which our taxi driver introduced.

玉貴 - 妹尾/焼肉 | 食べログ (tabelog.com)



My hubby ordered a bunch of meat that would fulfill 3 boys (high school and junior high school kids) who are growing-up.飛び出すハート

帰りも、焼肉屋さんにタクシーを2台呼んでもらい、無事にIvy Squareまで戻ってくることができました拍手

On our way back, we asked the restaurant to call 2 taxis and we could come back to the Ivy Square without any issue.拍手

帰宅してIvy Squareの綺麗なお風呂(大浴場)で癒されましたグラサンハート

Upon our return to the hotel, I enjoyed the beautiful bath in Ivy Square. (They had a large and clean public bath.)グラサンハート


I sincerely thank my hubby who supported us whole day that day.お願い


つづく。。。To be continued...






You guys did excellent job today!キラキラキラキラ


Enjoy your evening!