Sportymagsさんより「ユヅル・ハニュウ:2016 NHK杯」Part Ⅲ(最終回) | ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆

ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆


Part Ⅰ
Part Ⅱ
の続き、最終回Part Ⅲです。

Yuzuru Hanyu: 2016 NHK Trophy


After Yuzu was finished bowing to the audience, he took a few steps backwards and wasn’t really watching where the flowers and gifts were on the ice as he was waving and bowing to fans.  My first thought was “OMG, don’t trip on the flowers” and images of the ending of the movie Ice Castles came rushing to my head.  (Lexi was blind and making her comeback, the fans didn’t know, and she tripped over the flowers since her team forgot to plan what to do with that part).
ユヅは観客にお辞儀をし終わった後、2,3歩後ずさりした。ファンに向かって手を振ったりお辞儀をしたりしていて、花やプレゼントが氷の上のどこにあるのか彼は全く見ていなかった。私が最初に思ったのは、「まあ!花につまずかないで。」というものだった。私の脳裏に映画「Ice Castles」のエンディングのイメージが浮かんできたから。(レクシーは盲目で復帰を遂げた。しかしファンはそのことを知らず、彼女は花につまずいてしまう。というのも彼女のチームはそうしたところでどうすべきかというプランを立て忘れていたから。)(訳注by Chopin : フィギュア・スケート映画の「アイス・キャッスル」のお話です。)


Best lines of the night:  

Yuzu: I want to get more!
Brian: Yes, I know you want more…haha
This is too priceless and so Yuzu.  SO adorable!


Friday, 3:30am: Men’s LP


Knowing that there probably wasn’t any costume change happening this time, I settled onto my couch and prepared myself for another marathon session (again starting at about midnight with Pairs, then Women’s final).  I had one panic moment when the streaming completely died during group 2 of the Women’s final. Fortunately, CBC (or whoever) had it fixed and I only missed 3 skaters.  But, what that did do was add some stress over how stable the stream would be for the men’s event.  Ugh.


I wrote a blog article quite some time ago about Yuzu’s rituals that he performs at every event.  Nothing much has changed over the years, subtle differences here and there, but on this night (morning) he did add something that melted every heart that was watching the event.


This squish of Pooh’s head and the look into Pooh’s eyes as Yuzu left the boards to skate his LP, melted me right to the ground!! Seriously?  OMG, can Yuzu be more adorable?  This is right out of How to be a Perfect Guy handbook.



Photo source: screen shot


Yuzu looking so dejected when the score for the LP didn’t reach 200 was so sad, but the moment Yuzu realized that total scored added up to over 300 was priceless!


Photo source: Mainichi Photography


Best lines of the night:


Yuzu: I was really nervous before the toe!!
Yuzu: Oh, 300!!!!
Of course for the medal ceremonies, all of the skaters skate out nicely to center ice when announced and take their bows.  Yuzu being Yuzu, comes out at full speed and slams on the brakes at center.  He then bows and takes off with speed towards the podium and does his trademark jump onto the podium.  Classic Yuzu!!!


Photo source: screen shot


Can I just say that OMG, Yuzu talks fast.  I’m not sure if, for Japanese fans it sounds as fast as it does to a non-Japanese speaking person like myself, but during his post-win interview in the Kiss and Cry area, I could barely keep up with listening.  I have been told I speak fast (in English) and if I sound half as fast as Yuzu does when he is talking Japanese, I now know why people ask me to slow down.  :)


CBC TV showed the event the next day with Kurt Browning doing some commentary.  I loved when Kurt said Yuzu was “the right skater to win the Olympics and not quit because he obviously had a lot more to offer…..(Yuzu) is so far ahead of the skating world in many areas….everyone is chasing him”.


My only sadness is that Boyang isn’t the 6th skater at the GPF.  If Boyang would have beat out Adam Rippon for the last spot, it would be my dream lineup for the GPF event. BUT, as long as we get to see Yuzu, it will still be perfect!


See you at GPF Yuzu!!


Go Yuzu Go!!!  Doki Doki!!