Sportymagsさんより「ユヅル・ハニュウ:2016 NHK杯」Part Ⅰ | ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆

ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆


Yuzuru Hanyu: 2016 NHK Trophy
ユヅル・ハニュウ:2016 NHK杯


Ok, the Grand Prix Final is set!!  After an exhausting but exciting weekend, NHK is now over and the preparation for Marseille begins!  It’s really hard to be 16 hours behind Japan. Instead of trying to “wake up” at 3am to watch the Men’s SP event, I decided to just stay awake and watch everything (Pairs and Womens prior to Mens).  So, for the first night I was up from 7am Thursday, went to work and then stayed up until 6 am Friday (23 hours)!!  I was smart about it though, and took Friday off from work.  After 5 hours of sleep, I got myself prepared for Day 2, and was up from 11am to 7am (20 hours).  For Yuzu, no problem!


A special shout out to CBC for finally hearing the fans and streaming BOTH the SP and LP!! Normally they only stream the LP, so when I saw the schedule, I was so excited!!


(Part Ⅱに続く・・・)