「英語のニュースにチャレンジ!」PART.17 | オンライン英会話「Davao Cafe(ダバオカフェ)」

オンライン英会話「Davao Cafe(ダバオカフェ)」

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ダバオカフェ開校一周年記念<br />30レッスンプレゼントキャンペーン実施中!!


第一回目「Scientists Discover Secrets of Coffee」はコチラ
第二回目「Raw Chocolate May Be Healthier」はコチラ
第三回目「Obama Goes to UN With Islamic State, Ebola on Agenda」はコチラ
第四回目「Japan braces for very strong typhoon Vongfong」はコチラ
第五回目「Officials: Number of New Ebola Cases in W. Africa Declining」はコチラ
第六回目「Nishikori joins last 4 of ATP World Tour Finals」はコチラ
第八回目「Problems with selfie sticks in South Korea」はコチラ
第九回目「Tattooed Santa」はコチラ
第十回目「New Year's resolutions difficult to keep」はコチラ
第11回目「Pop Singers Pick Up」はコチラ
第12回目「Russian cat saves a baby」はコチラ
第13回目「Workaholic fathers 'leave orphans'」はコチラ
第14回目「Big robbery in London」はコチラ
第15回目「Earthquake in Nepal」はコチラ
第16回目「Is Secondhand Smoke Child Abuse?」はコチラ


Everyday Grammar: Put Prepositions in Their Place


English learners know that prepositions can be difficult to master. There are 94 one-word prepositions in English, and about 56 prepositions with two or more words, called “complex prepositions.” This adds up to 150 chances to make mistakes.

We cannot, of course, explain the small differences between all 150 prepositions here. We can, however, provide you with a few explanations of different prepositions that use one particular verb: provide.

Provide (someone) with:

When provide is followed by an indirect object, English speakers use the preposition “with.” Providing (someone) with something means to give something wanted or needed.

Here is an example sentence, written by U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama: “Room to Read provides girls with scholarships that cover the cost of housing, food, and books.”

In this sentence, “girls” is the indirect object and “scholarships” is the direct object.

Provide for:

Another preposition with the same verb is “provide for.” “Provide for,” in general, means to make whatever is necessary for someone available to him or her. We often use this expression when we talk about parents providing for their family.

In a VOA Learning English story about a Cambodian-American filmmaker, we used the preposition in this way: “She says changes such as migration away from rural areas are allowing more women to find work and provide for their families.”

This preposition can also be used in other ways. “Provide for” can mean to make it possible for something to happen in the future. For example, in our story about water shortage in California, we wrote, “They say it [California] needs to find a way to provide for the growing need for water.”

Provide (something) to/for:

When “provide” is followed by a direct object, English speakers can use the prepositions “to” or “for.” Provide (something) to/for (someone) means that you deliver or give something to someone. For example, “The company provides health insurance to all of its employees.” “Health insurance” is the direct object and “employees” is the indirect object. In this example, we also could have said “The company provides health insurance for all of its employees.”

Both of these sentences are correct, but it is more common to use “provide (something) for” than “provide (something to)” someone. The expression using “to” is rather new to American English, according to the Internet application Google Ngrams.

Google Ngrams is an app that shows general changes in English usage by searching all the words in Google’s digital books.

The graph on Ngram for “provide (something) to” shows it was hardly ever used before 1960.

Compare that to the Ngram graph for “provide (something for).” The expressions appear more often. The expressions also appeared much earlier, around 1920. They were used then almost as often as they are used now.

Understanding English prepositions can be difficult, even for native speakers! But we hope that we have been able to provide assistance to all of our listeners and readers.

I’m Kelly Jean Kelly.

Jill Robbins wrote this story for Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the editor.

(出典元:VOA Learning English

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