Thanks to Ms.KaritekitaNekoguruma 's translation, "WHAT'S TAKING PLACE in NHK?!" is published on the web!
4コマ漫画ブログ「アイハズ」(「日本を愛してる」って言うのは今はまだ恥かしいけど)   /  four-frame cartoon「AIHAZU」-nhkEn
☆the 1st☆
NHK, which every Japanese knows, is the most famous news organization of Japan.You have ever once watched a report of protest activities perfomed in Japan even it is a demonstration of around 10.
☆the 2nd☆

Just recently, NHK was protested by thousands of Japanese demonstrators, and, further, was surrounded.
☆the 3rd☆

However, neither NHK nor the other broadcasting stations reported THIS.
☆the 4th☆

Why?Though there was risk that broadcast would be hijacked as a result that Japanese broadcasting station was surrounded by THOUSANDS OF DEMONSTRATORS. Why didn't they report THIS?HEY, WHY?WHAT'S TAKING PLACE in NHK and Japanese broadcasting stations? HEY, WHY?

Please, click!

四コマ漫画「アイハズ」     (「日本を愛してる」って言うのは恥かしいけど)-banner2

Please, watch these movies ↓
The movies aren't translated in English. But it is enough to provoke the suspicion on your mind.

Welcome to NHK, just like a TV program! (Protest Activities around NHK)

Protest Activities into NHK

After watching, I won't raise eyebrows if you shout "WHAT'S TAKING PLACE in NHK and Japanese broadcasting stations?"

see also

日本語版(Japanes version)

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☆Volunteer translators(who are so kind♪) are always welcome!☆