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Building a Survivalbow and Arrow

Bow used in this video: Composite Bow "Falcon 3" by Lajos Kassai.

Wetterlings Hatchet: http://amzn.to/1HADvb8

Rucksack: http://amzn.to/1HAERCL

Bahco Saw: http://amzn.to/1EzSO4F

Lilly´s Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/survlill-20

Review and learning experience:

1. Bow: The limbs were a little bit too weak, next time I gonna attach one more limb to make the bow stronger stronger. Maybe birch is not the perfect material for a bow, cause it seems too springy.

2. Arrow: The arrow did a good job, especially the feathers astonished me, but the tip got loose after a couple of shots, so I have to tie the tip tighter to the shaft next time, and glue it in better. The shaft was too soft, with too little spine. The reason was that I used buckthorn for the arrow, which is growing straight but is just too soft.

All in all I was pretty happy with the bow :-)