Thank you for those who have watched Legal Consultant Show!?/ Thank you so much for watching the Legal Consultant Show!?

While I am writing this article/blog, I am very excited already

I had already received (a lot) comments regarding to the preview of the show last week

And for those who might thought/come cross head that “Why ZAWACHIN?”

The truth is that, I still cannot believe that it was me.

Yet the crews knew the true me

that I was one of the One Direction Fan.
Cuz my Filipino mother like the One Direction’s producer, Simon Cowell soooo much, as well as the The X Fator, 
I start following One Direction on the YouTube.

Since that I start knowing them but I wasn’t in the details

One day, I had chance to “mimic-facial-make-up” as One Direction. 

As usual, when I do “mimic-facial-make-up”, I listen to the person’s music

For One Direction, of course it was their own albums

I am not good about English but the melody and the feelings from the music made me so into it, by the time I finish the facial make up.

 that I have been posting tweets about One Direction and gets heat up then needed to delete sometimes

cuz I could not tweets about One Direction on public, I created separate account for it.

However, as the work gets busier, I couldn’t catch up much…

For those you know, I took off my masks and I got beat up pretty bad about my looks……

But I am girl too

Who does not get hurts when people talk bad about your looks. It was worth than getting rejected

I didn’t even want to come out on TV anymore, I even thought about quitting the job/Showbiz

But I have been supported by lot people

My manager, mother, people from work, family and friends and for all those cheers, there were ONEDIRECTION 

Their most popular song “What Makes You Beautiful”. 
The lyrics just fits me perfect for the situation, and all the words get into me so much

You don’t know. You don’t know you’re beautiful. The lyric gave me a push on my back

I felt that the lyrics said to myself that “I should not be down like this and had to stand up”

Because that, I start liking them more and more; going to One Direction’s official shop for promotion items, the presents from my friends start becoming all One Direction items, my k-pop image gets little fade away. But I love all the musics.

or maybe it’s because of my Filipino side, I love American music so much

for all those, music has NO boundary

And I love American, Japanese, K-pop and all sorts of musics. 

Bit too much about music…

Well, the TV show’s program was surprise for me as well, that I have double checked with manager and other crews so times;

“The 1D it!!” 
“The music group which has huge influence to ppl!!” 
“There must be someone else who fits this position than me!” 
“Are you sure you want me to do it?”

Yet I was still asking about the same thing to crews after I arrived London.

Then, I was asked to do a Premium Live Report which I never been told before the trip

 It was like a miracle

I know that there so many funs in the world who is struggling from eager to see them,  visit them and meet them, and I am one of them.

Because I had same experiences as all other fun, 
simply I could not believe what is happening to me

It is displeased to reject the offer for One Direction neither as one of their fun. 
I took the job with the best I have in me.

The Premium Live Report was at the same place where the Story of My Life’s music video was taken

I made new friends who are coming from France for One Direction and had chance to chat with him/her.

Before the live starts, 
One Direction show up in front of us and Harry had commented about the terrorism at Paris and offered a silent prayer

There was talk session for the One Direction members and MC, 
and some funs actually gets into the conversation time by time. 
I never seen such an event in Japan before.

Some even funs shout to Harry , 
“Can’t hear you Harry! Please raise your voice!!”. 
I don’t know if it is the mic was at bad position or cuz his Harry’s natural voice ?

Well, at least I get to see Harry’s timid/humble/modest smile. 
It was great talk session

After the talk session, 
I finally get to hear their live singing. 
I cried for simply still can’t believe the fact that I am there!!
I enjoyed Live till the end, singing with them.

I felt like I have used all my life’s luck

I wish I could write more detailed report, it is almost the limit for the words count. I will write on another chances. 

The real lives for the crews are actually starts here!←

 it was a surprises from One Direction

All right, hereafter would be talking about the back stage of the surprise!

The took me to a room by asking me that they wish to recode my passionate talk about One Direction.

I was surprised by the huge lights setting and local England TV crews in the room. 

But our crew told me that “we borrowed equipment from local TV station”.

then during my recoding/talks, 
I have heard loud noise outside the room.

I have been told “it was nothing”, 
so I did not worry much at the moment. 
But it was actually that the One Direction was trying to enter the room by mistake. 

After that suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and 

“Hi Zawachin!!!”. 

It was 
One Direction that stood in front of me

I thought it was my imagination due to the heat and the music from the live. 
Then I realized they were real!!
 but still could not understand the situation and I ran to the edge of the room to clear my head
I'm so sorry.I didn't think it's real.

I really could not believe what is actually happen, 
especially after the premium live.  
and I was really panicking

My head was just whiteout

By the time I finally, 
understand that they are actually there, 
like really in front me. 
I start shambling and my tears would stop 

During the interview, 
One Direction members were looked my eyes and answered my question nicely

At the end, I could tell them my real feelings

I also received a words for encouragement 

It helped me to push my back even more

Even more, 
they made me a original song based on the What makes you beautiful. 
and they even took a group picture with me, 
which was actually a NG

The miracle happened again and again during this trip, 
I really thought  was dream, and even thought I have full filled my life already!!! 

I thought I have used all my lucks

but then I thought I should be positive that I have receive luck from One Direction rather than “used up”  

after the surprise, 
when our japanese staffs was trying to leave, 
1D members came to us and gave a hugs and handshakes for thank-you

I have become more fun by knowing their humble-ness, 
even though they have become world famous group

That’s why I have decided that, from now on!! 
I will cheer them on public like the other fun. 

No more hiding

Don’t care what other people says about the me because of the character that I have on the tv!!

I cheer for whoever I like to cheer for

This was not just a business trip but an opportunity for me to decide how I like to cheer and enjoy music in my life


ONEDIRECTION that gave me power and happiness!!!!


All staff of ONEDIRECTION,



Sonymusic entertainment staff that gave me great opportunity,


Legal Consultant Show!?staff,


Mr. Watabe of world lol


People who support this project


I would thank and appreciation


Thank you very very very very very very much