2/13 DAY5 of control of snack | 子育て・仕事のゆるり日記



I've changed the trial I do now from suger-off to control of snack  because it refers more prisely about my challenge.


I've still gained suger from food but I've strictly controled of what I eat in my everyday life.


I avoid eating somthing included white suger especially like Western-style sweets.


《Breakfast today》


○Soybean milk with the powder of kinako, almond and sesame.

However, today, I added the powder of aojiru with this drink without thinking much, which made it too sweet for me. I expected it helped this drink to become much healthier but I doubted it. Shouldn't I think so obstinacy like this?




That's all, but I was quite satisfied with this kind of breakfast these days.



《The effect I felt》


My face was shining (I hoped it not just oily) with only suncream.

The times I was disappointed on myself to see the miror was decreasing.




By the way, recently I started reading a book "Your Life is 90% Determined by the Way you speak(人は聞き方が9割)"




It was super easy to understand and facinating me so much, so I decided to practice something I learnt from the book in the real situation today when I met the woman who worked in the same industry as me and sometimes did the events for students together. 


She was waiting for me and I greeted her with smile.


I expected to talk to her about 10min at most but actually she said she had somethind that she wanted to talk to me. I appreciated the situation at first and dedicately heard her story with nodding and laughing.


But...She never stopped talking and I tried to finish the talk gently but once the new topics popped out from her, she chenged the topics and continued to speak.


"Oh, it seemed never ending story(Do you know the old movie?)"  


"I don't know how to stop this conversation to leave"


I cried out in my mind so many times.


I had a lot of tasks to plan to do in this morning, but there was no way to know what time it was because I thought to check the time was a bit rude way in front of someone who enjoyed talking with me.


Finally, the meeting was over and she appreciated me so much because she had wanted to talk about our bussiness and this meeting helped her to get rid of stress she hold these days, which words made me satisfied as well but actually I was stanned to realize 2 and a half hours passed away during the time.


On the way back my class room, I stopped by a convenience store nearby for using bathroom and I had a temptation to buy some sweet because I was shocked to lose my precious time much more than I assumed, but I just bought a cup of coffee. I made it! Well done me.



That's all today.


Have a nice day:)