6/6 | 子育て・仕事のゆるり日記



I'm too tired to organize my idea on this blog.


So, just write down what I did since this morning.


I got up later than usual with my daughters.


I cleaned up on the table in the living room.


I made breakfast, only Mochi with kinako powder and salad chicken.

You should make sure such a simple breckfast is only in the morning after the classroom day, which might be a poor excuse.


I helped my daughters to get ready for going out, which was the most tiredness tasks in the morning.


I took younger daughter to nursry school.


I came cack to my house instead of going to my office directly.


I wached some English news on Yutube.


I replied all of line relating work that came yesterday.


I read a books for 10 minuetes.


I exercised for 5 minuetes.


I ate some foods for lunch and moved to my office.


I took a lesson on CAMBLY.

I couldn't speak well even though the tutor was like a good friend for a long time.


And here I am.



I did every task one by one somehow, but I  have no idea about what is the cause of this tiredness these days.

Am I too tired because of overworked?


I feel I need to leave more tasks to my staff.


Anyway, I'd like to make good use of this evening time.


That's all today.


Have a nice day:)