ケーススタディー | Aussie Physio (オーストラリアの理学療法)

Aussie Physio (オーストラリアの理学療法)


オーストラリアでPhysiotherapist (理学療法士)になるために渡豪



名前 J.L 78歳男性

現病歴:膵臓癌にてWhipple's procedureをするために3日前より入院。術前、食欲不振によりく四週間で体重10キロ減少。術前BMI17.5。術前ADL・歩行自立。膵臓癌と診断された術前の2週間前より禁煙、それ以前は一年間に約50Pack喫煙。普段より毎朝痰が出ていた。

術前肺機能: FVC 2.4L (予測値の85%)

          FEV1 1.6L (予測値の70%)

          FEV1/FVC 67%

既往歴:COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)、高血圧、Atrial fibrillation(心房細動?)

術前服薬: Captopril (ACE-inhibitor), Oxis (eformotorol)turbuhaer (bronchodilator), ventolin MDI

(bronchodilator), Spiriva, Losec (anti-reflux agent), Aspirin

Personal History(社会歴?): 元大工、アパートの二階に一人暮らし、3人の子供(成人)がいる

Procedure: 'Whipples' - under mid-line incision, removal of part of stomach, duodenum and pancreas, and lower common bile duct with re-establishment of continuity of pancreatic, biliary and GI systems.

術後の経過:術後高血圧、心房細動(IV Amiodorone: anthi-arrhythmic agentにてコントロール)にてHigh dependency unit(こちらでいうICUと普通病棟の中間に位置する病棟)に入院

現在の服薬:Morphine PCA(patient controlled analgesia), Maxolon (anti-nausea), Captopril (anti-

hypertensive), Digoxin (anti-arrhythmic), Ventolin nebs 4 hourly, Spiriva & Oxis inhalers (once

daily), oxygen therapy 28% via Venturi mask or 2L/min via nasal prongs


看護観察: 体温:38.7℃ 脈拍:100 呼吸数:24 血圧:140/90 SpO2:91%(28%O2Venturi maskにて)


ABGs on 2L/min O2:

pH     7.38

     PaO2   60mmHg

PaCO2 47mmHg

HCO3- 28mmol/L

BE 2

SaO2 91%


Subjective assessment(主観的評価)





Objective assessment(客観的評価)


8% Venturi mask)








1.What is your cardiopulmonary problem list for this patient and any additional 'considerations' for your treatment?


2.Describe your short-term management strategies for the patient addressing the main problems and provide a rationale


3. Discuss any precautions you should consider in your treatment of this patient


4. Your patient developed pneumoni post-operatively and spent 1 week in the Intensive Care Unit. He was then transferred to a medical ward. Three weeks later, he is ready for discharge and is very deconditioned and breathless on minimal physical activity. Discuss your discharge plan for this patient.





Prior to the operation Mr JL had complained of a poor appetite and had lost 10kg in weight over 4 weeks. His pre-operative BMI was 17.5 kg/m

Mr JL ceased smoking 2 weeks ago when he was diagnosed with cancer requiring surgery. He has a 50 pack year history of smoking and regularly produces sputum in the mornings.

Pre-operative lung function: FVC 2.4L 85 %predicted



Mr JL is a 78 year- old man admitted 3 days ago for a Whipple’s procedure for cancer of the pancreas.2. He had been independent and self-caring prior to his illness.1 1.6L 70 %predicted1/FVC 67%


COPD, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation

Pre-operative medication:

Oxis (eformotorol) turbuhaler bd

Ventolin MDI prn

Spiriva once/day

Losec (anti-reflux agent)


Captopril (ACE-inhibitor)

Personal History:

Retired carpenter, lives alone in 2nd floor unit, 3 adult children


‘Whipples’ - upper mid-line incision, removal of part of stomach, duodenum and pancreas, and lower common bile duct with re-establishment of continuity of pancreatic, biliary and GI systems.

Post-operative course:

Admitted to high dependency unit, hypertensive post-op (now controlled), had periods of atrial fibrillation requiring IV Amiodorone (antiarrhythmic agent) – now ceased.

Current medication:

Morphine PCA (patient controlled analgesia)

Maxolon (anit-nausea)

Captopril (anti-hypertensive)

Digoxin (anti-arrhythmic)

Ventolin nebs 4 hourly

Spiriva & Oxis inhalers (once daily)

Oxygen therapy 28% via Venturi mask or 2L/min via nasal prongs

Current status: Day 2 post-op

Nursing observations

Temperature – 38.7

Pulse rate – 100 bpm

Respiratory rate – 24 breaths/minute

BP 140/90mmHg


CXR: bibasal atelectasis, loss of lung volume

ABGs on 2L/min O

oC2 – 91% on 28% O2 via Venturi mask2

pH 7.38




BE 2

SaO2 91%


Subjective Assessment:

2 60 mmHg2 47 mmHg3 28 mmol/L

Pain - only pain on moving and coughing (6/10), hasn’t been out of bed

Nausea – previously but now improved

Cough – coughing brown mucus, 2 plugs this morning, difficulty clearing

Forgotten about breathing exercises

Objective Assessment:

Attachments: Nasogastric tube in situ, central venous line, wound drain, oxygen mask

off face (28% venturi mask)

Slumped in bed, looking unwell, slightly breathless on conversation

Upper chest breathing pattern, increased resp rate

Chest expansion -

Auscultation – transmitted upper airway noises,

expiratory wheeze throughout.

Cough – weak, tight and moist sounding

Sputum – 5 ml P3 brown

bibasally R = Lbreath sounds bibasally, polyphonic
