Concentration | Aussie Physio (オーストラリアの理学療法)

Aussie Physio (オーストラリアの理学療法)


オーストラリアでPhysiotherapist (理学療法士)になるために渡豪


I don't really know what I want to say in this blog today, but I've just started to write what I have in my mind

at the moment. When I'm reading articles about physiotherapy, I can sometimes focus on the topic and

sometimes not. What's the difference between those two moments? I guess when I'm not focusing on the

reading, most of the time I'm thinking about something else, like another assignments, presentation, future,

famility etc. In contrast, when I can focus on an article I'm so into it, and can actually eliminate the

thoughts overflowting from my mind. That's really interesting becaue while you are doing one thing you can

actually think something else and when that thought becomes dominant, you lose your focus/concentration

How simple is that? The only thing that you have to do while you are on the task is to focus on the thing in

front of you, but at the same time that's the most difficult thing. Because humanbeing are too smart, we

can think so many things at a time and consequently we are confused with our own thoughts and have

difficulty with interpreting our information.

In short, what I want to say is that I want to be able to eliminate the thought (the most of the time it is the

fear of something that you can't even see) coming from my brain while I'm working on a task.
