
South Korean conservative media "Why did the Korean government choose the path of confrontation with Russia, which is on the side of South Korea on the territorial dispute?"


March 23, 2022 March 23, 2022 The future of the Moon Jae-in administration, the blog of his Sincerely, which is impossible in the neighboring country, Korea information 0


竹島(Takeshima,다케시마)blog post)





Missile attack on Kyiv shopping center ... Ukraine refuses ultimatum
2022/03/22 / YTN News


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A fierce battle is raging between the two sides over the southern city of Mariupol, as Russian troops attack a shopping center in the Ukrainian capital, Kiiu, killing eight people.
Russia has expressed its will to continue using the hypersonic missile 'Kinzal', but the US is not able to confirm whether it will be used in practice.
'This morning the world' with reporter Jo Soo-hyun. welcome.
Let's start with the situation on the main front of Ukraine overnight.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is virtually deadlocked.
Russian bombardment continues on key fronts, including the capital Kiiu and the second city of Kharkiv.
Our time yesterday evening, the Russian military launched a missile attack on residential and shopping centers in the Podilsky district of northern Kiiu.
The shopping center was completely demolished and a nearby high-rise building was also severely damaged.
The fire from the missile attack was extinguished, but civilian casualties continued.
Eight people have been confirmed dead so far, and it is estimated that about 20 people are buried in the rubble of the collapsed building, so rescue work is continuing.
The situation in Southern Mariupol is rapidly changing day by day.
Fierce fighting is escalating as the Russian army demands the surrender of Ukraine and tightens the encirclement.
Russia is increasing pressure not only on Mariupol but also on neighboring cities to block off Ukraine's southern coast.
Although it has not been confirmed on the screen yet, it is said that the Russian army attacked a residential area outside the southwestern port city of Odessa on the morning of the 21st local time.

The Ukrainian government has repeatedly rejected the Russian military's ultimatum to Mariupol.

After the Russian military sent an ultimatum to Ukraine, we opened the humanitarian channel for two hours from 4 pm yesterday our time.
All Ukrainian troops were told to lay down their weapons and leave the city within this time.
Since then, Ukrainian forces remaining in Mariupol have warned that they will face military trials, which the Ukrainian government has firmly rejected.
Ukrainian President Zelensky has repeatedly said that he wants Russia to surrender to Kharkiv, Mariupol and Kiiu, but he will not surrender.
Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister Irina Bereshuk previously said that "we cannot surrender our weapons and surrender".
Whether or not Mariupol will be handed over to the Russian military is expected to be an important watershed in the future.
Meanwhile, US President Biden is noteworthy by saying there are clear signs that Putin is considering the use of chemical and biological weapons, but he has not provided evidence, so we will have to wait and see.

As the use of force continues, civilian casualties are also increasing. What is the extent of the damage identified so far?

The UN says more than 900 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since the Russian invasion.
According to the UN Human Rights Office, 925 civilians, including 75 children, lost their lives in Ukraine from 4:00 am on the 24th of last month to 0:00 on the 21st, the day the war started.
The number of civilians injured is approaching 1,500, including 99 children.
Ukrainian government figures are a little different.
Ukraine's Ministry of Defense said by the 21st local time that 150 children had been killed and 400 schools and 110 hospitals were destroyed.
Ukrainian refugees are also on the rise.
According to the UN Refugee Agency and the United Nations International Migration Agency, 3.49 million Ukrainians who fled abroad and refugees within the country... (omitted)

YTN Jo Soo-hyun (sj1029@ytn.co.kr)

I don't think there should be such an opinion, but as a country in the liberal democracy camp, the media that give a negative opinion to the "conflict with Russia" are conspicuous in South Korea. ..
Basically, the content is that "Ukraine tried to enter NATO" as a problem. Why does such a claim come out?
This is to support South Korea's "policy ambiguity (on purpose, neither side)".
Actually, Russia and Ukraine, that kind of thing is just a name.
Of course, it depends on the media and the writer, but most of the articles looked like that to me.

It's not just about the media.
Hong Hyun-ik, the director of a major think tank national diplomacy under the Korean government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), even insists that it is extremely dangerous to have diplomacy that is biased toward either side in national security as in the situation in Ukraine.
According to [February 21 Maeil Economic Daily2月21日毎日新聞] (not Japan's Mainichi Shimbun), "Ukraine's stimulus to Russia for joining NATO is manifesting itself as a crisis of war," said the United States and Russia. We were in danger because we thought we could move a powerful country like this by ourselves. " Must be. "

우크라이나 사태 빗댄 홍현익 "이쪽, 저쪽 널뛰기 외교 위험"

Hong Hyun-ik, who said to the Ukrainian situation in a roundabout way, "Here, there is a danger of jumping over there and diplomacy."


Lim Sung Hyun Input 2022.02.21.15: 51

Emphasis on friendly relations between the United States and China
Pointed out "because of US Trump and Biden" in the North-South relations crossing (stalemate)
Ko Yu-hwan "North-South Agreement All Death Culture, Practical Action Important"

21일 서울 중구 롯데호텔에서 열린 `남북기본합의서 발효 30년` 학술회의에서 이인영 통일부장관(왼쪽 셋째)을 비롯해 김기정 국가안보전략연구원장(왼쪽 첫째), 고유환 통일연구원장(왼쪽 둘째), 홍현익 국립외교원장(왼쪽 넷째)이 기념촬영을 하고 있다. [사진 제공 = 통일부] 

Minister of Unification Lee In-young (third from left), Director Kim Ki-jeong of the Institute for National Security Strategy (first from left), Koh Yu-hwan, Director of the Institute for National Unification (second from left), and Director Hong Hyun-ik of the National Diplomatic Academy at the '30 Years of Enforcement of the Inter-Korean Basic Agreement' held at the Lotte Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 21st. (4th from left) is taking a commemorative photo. [Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Unification]
Hong Hyun-ik, head of the National Diplomatic Academy, said on the 21st, "It is very dangerous to run diplomacy one way or another in national security like the Ukraine situation." President Hong emphasized the importance of the government's stable diplomatic action between the United States and China to advance inter-Korean relations at the '30 Years of Enforcement of the Inter-Korean Basic Agreement', co-hosted by the Korea Institute for National Unification, the National Diplomatic Academy, and the Institute for National Security Strategy.

Director Hong pointed out, "Ukraine's stimulation of Russia by joining NATO is leading to a war crisis. "We should also learn a lesson, maintain peace with the US and China, and maintain friendly relations that are not too biased toward one side," he said.

In relation to the prolonged strain in inter-Korean and US-DPRK relations, Wonjang Hong insisted on the theory of responsibility of the United States. “The Moon Jae-in administration is advancing inter-Korean relations, but President Trump has not kept his promise to Kim Jong-un and responded recklessly,” said Hong. North Korea is also responsible, but the U.S. policy toward North Korea ultimately prevented inter-Korean relations from advancing.”

Director Hong also expressed his position that it is urgent to change the wartime OPCON to improve inter-Korean and US-DPRK relations. Director Hong said, "The main reason that North Korea seeks a way out through dialogue between the US and the United States is that South Korea does not have OPCON, so negotiations with the United States are essential for its survival. It is necessary to restore the sovereignty of the OPCON to discuss the issue,” he said.

Koh Yu-hwan, director of the Institute for National Unification, said, "Following the inter-Korean basic agreement, the June 15 Joint Declaration and the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration have entered the path of private culture after the agreement, without exception. important,” he said. Go Won-jang said to the government, "The inter-Korean relations are progressing and retreating and are not producing clear results," he said. ' was also ordered.

Unification Minister Lee In-young pointed out that "the current situation on the Korean Peninsula is not easy." He emphasized, "The only solution is to narrow differences through dialogue and resolve them through negotiations during the golden hour of peace that should never be missed." Even toward North Korea, Minister Lee pointed out that "there should never be a situation in which the nuclear test and the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) moratorium are destroyed."

[Reporter Im Seong-hyun]

ⓒ Maeil Business & mk.co.kr, unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited


It's still February 21st, but it's surprising that government officials speak so openly. But it's strange.
It must have been the people of the Moon Jae-in government who claimed that the country had become a "choice" between the United States and China, but now "I thought I could move a powerful country by myself." blah blah blah somehow.


Some argue that South Korea's quad membership and Ukraine's NATO membership are the same in that the winners are talking about joining the quad.
Since it was an article I introduced just recently, [OhmyNewsオーマイニュース] said, "To join the quad, South Korea and China will have to confront each other in some way. And the military alliance with Japan has the highest priority on building trust. Only after the Yoon government receives an apology and compensation from the Kishida Cabinet and Shinzo Abe behind it will try. It will be a case. "
I don't think anyone has said an alliance with Japan yet.
Do you think that when you enter the quad, it will become an alliance as it is?
Or is it a mislead or not?


윤석열의 '쿼드가입'에 대한 모호한 미국 반응, 그 이유


Ambiguous American reaction to Yun Seok-yeol's 'joining a quad', and the reason [Today's issue in history]


Input by Kim Jong-seong 2022. 03. 21. 15:18


[Today's Issues in History] Prerequisites for joining the 'Asian version of NATO' quad
[Reporter Kim Jong-seong]
The US State Department responded to President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol's pledge to join the Quad. This is the response of the Biden administration to the promise to enter the 'Asian version of NATO' that implements the US Indo-Pacific strategy.

In the meantime, the US has been hoping that Korea will also join the Indo-Pacific Strategy, a countermeasure against China, and Quad, a four-nation cooperative that implements it. Nevertheless, he responded cautiously to the promises made by President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol.

In the <Voice of America (VOA)> published on the 19th, an article titled "there is no procedure for cooperation with external partners" was published in the US State Department's Quad pledge by Yoon-elect. According to the report, a State Department spokeswoman who was asked to comment on the Quadruple membership said, "The alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea is the key to peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific, along with strong economic ties and close friendship between the peoples." “Quad does not have procedures in place for cooperation with external partners,” he said.

Although 'the ROK-US alliance is necessary for the Indo-Pacific strategy', he added the proviso that 'to date' and said that 'there is no procedure for cooperation with external partners in place'. It was a rather vague answer. He only made it clear that 'Korea is outside the quad, and that there is currently no cooperation procedure with South Korea'. This can be seen as an answer that reflects the State Department's perception that the conditions necessary for South Korea's accession are not ripe.

Shin Beom-cheol, director of the Center for Foreign Affairs and Security at the Economic and Social Research Institute, who was the general secretary of the Foreign and Security Policy Headquarters at the Yun Seok-yeol camp, said in an interview article titled, "Security policy designer Shin Beom-cheol, 'We must think about realizing the national interest in a quad'" published in the Herald Economy on the 18th. He criticized the Moon Jae-in administration's attitude toward the four-nation partnership of Japan, Australia, and the United States.

He said, "China opposes Quad and the Moon Jae-in government seems to have accepted China's demands, but China's opposition was unfair and the Moon Jae-in government's response was wrong," he said. "It's wrong to wear sunglasses and oppose a quad," he said. Quad is a flexible organization, so you can sign up for it at no cost.

The primary purpose of the quad is to siege China.

As can be seen in the <Yomiuri Shimbun> on September 24 last year, Quad also pursues space and cyber cooperation. Although it is true that it has characteristics other than military and security organizations, the basic purpose of this organization is to encircle China, and the basic characteristic of the organization is a security alliance.

For example, the 2nd training of 'Malibar 2021', a quad-joint military exercise, was held in the Bay of Bengal between India and Indochina from December 12 to 15 last year. As you can feel from this, Quad is a security alliance that holds China in check in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The claim that you can sign up for free is far from the truth.

Shin Beom-cheol, head of the center, also remarked that "Korea's value will rise if it joins the Quad," right after the Joe Biden administration took office. In an interview article with <News 1> dated February 3 of last year, "Shin Beom-cheol, 'If you join the quad, the value of Korea will rise... "There is," he insisted, "the proof that China-Japan relations are not bad."

Japan also joined Quad, but China is unable to do anything. Even if Korea joins, China will have no choice but to do so. China is not able to do anything about the US, which is leading the quad, and it is the same for India and Australia as well as Japan.

After these four countries joined the Quad, China is not the only country left behind. From the beginning, China was a country that could not do what it wanted. The assertion that China will not be able to treat China recklessly because of the increase in value if it joins Quad does not take into account the special circumstances and circumstances of each country.
Advice from Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage

윤석열의 '쿼드가입'에 대한 모호한 미국 반응, 그 이유 - 오마이뉴스 모바일

▲ Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida holds a press conference after attending the 4th online quadruple meeting held at the Prime Minister's Office in Tokyo on the 3rd.
ⓒ AFP = Yonhap News
Richard Armitage, who served as Deputy Secretary of State during the George W. Bush Jr. administration, gave advice about Korea joining the Quad. At the 'Trans Pacific Dialogue' forum hosted by the Choi Jong-hyun Academy on December 6 last year in Washington time, he openly criticized Korea's joining the Quad as foolishness.

According to an article in <Yonhap News> on the 7th of December, "Armitage's 'It's stupid if you want to join the anti-Chinese council quad in Korea,'" Armitage said, "I try to be really honest." After setting the premise, he advised, "It is clear that the Quad is an anti-China security consultative body, not a cultural or political organization.

A security alliance like a quad is to make someone a friend and at the same time make someone else an enemy. Armitage's advice is whether there is a need to forcefully join a security alliance with China.

The current situation in which Russia, a powerful country, is ravaging Ukraine makes Koreans feel sympathetic towards the weaker countries. Russia's Putin's expansionism is the biggest cause of this situation, but it should not be overlooked that the current Ukraine regime's attempt to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) also played an important role.

NATO is a military alliance that oppresses Russia. Ukraine's attempt to join NATO did not increase the value of Ukraine in the eyes of Russia. It wasn't about putting Russia at risk in front of Ukraine. However, this was used as a pretext for Russia to invade Ukraine.

Shin Beom-cheol, director of the center, said that if Korea joins the Asian version of NATO, the value of Korea will increase in the eyes of China. If this perception is pervasive in Yun Seok-yeol's camp, it will darken the future of Korea.

A quad is something you can't rush and you can't rush

Even if China condones South Korea's accession, not all obstacles will disappear. Another hurdle came from Taiwan, which supports the Quad Alliance. On the 19th, a Chinese portal site, Sohu (搜狐) published an article titled 'Yang Yong-ming: Difficult to solve historical problems, so there will be no US-Japan-Korea military alliance' can be checked

Yang Yong-ming, secretary-general of the Taipei Forum and an adjunct professor of political science at the University of Taiwan After saying that, he predicted that although South Korea could participate in the diplomatic side of the Quad Security Dialogue, there would be no military alliance between Korea and the Quad.

In a lecture titled 'Analysis of the New Korean Government's Diplomatic Strategies' on the 18th, he said, "After Yoon Seok-yeol took office as President of the Republic of Korea, he will try to strengthen Japan-Korea relations, but it is not easy." presented His forecast is that it will not be easy for South Korea and Japan to form a military alliance within the framework of a quad because of the comfort women and forced labor issues.

The Yun Seok-yeol administration will push for accession even in a gradual way, but to do so, a national consensus on forming a military alliance with Japan within the quad must be formed. For that to happen, the Japanese government and far-right forces will have to open the hearts of the Korean people.

However, Japan is also avoiding even the smallest apology and modest reparations. Therefore, even from the perspective of third parties, there is no choice but to predict that the military alliance between Korea and Japan will be difficult. It is not something that the Yun Seok-yeol government can do alone. If it was possible only with the will of the Yun Seok-yeol government, the State Department spokesperson might not have had to send an ambiguous reply to the VOA.

Quads are neither rushed nor rushed. If they join a military alliance for the purpose of oppressing China, South Korea and China will inevitably become enemies in one way or another. The Yun Seok-yeol government cannot decide on these issues at will. And in the military alliance with Japan, trust building comes first. It could be attempted after the Yun Seok-yeol administration received an apology and compensation from the Kishida Cabinet and the person behind it, Shinzo Abe.

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