
In the situation in Ukraine, the South Korean presidential office said, "I said that I would agree with the sanctions against Russia, but I did not say that South Korea would sanction." "I can't understand the criticism of the media. Then, do you even say that South Korea should Unique sanctions yourself? "

February 25, 2022 February 26, 2022 The future of the Moon Jae-in administration, the blog of his Sincerely, which is impossible in the neighboring country, 148 information on South Korea


竹島(Takeshima,다케시마)blog post)







文在寅事実上、対ロシア制裁に反対表明, ウクライナ侵攻で制裁への参加










tak***** |

It's time to rethink the United Nations by the victorious nations of World War II, and there is no UN or discussion before the force to invade.
The same can be said for Japan, not a fire on the opposite bank,
In order to prevent the invasion of armed forces from other countries, it is necessary to be prepared to collapse together if you reach out to the country.
You know what it takes,
Japan, which is aware of the misery caused by nuclear attacks, has come to think of a nuclear deterrence strategy. It is not possible to protect the country or the body with cleanliness.
    Empathy / 174
    Opposite / 9

Zephyros |
It can be said that the traditional Russian way is that "the one who makes the established facts wins, no matter how criticized by the international community".
It eventually failed in Afghanistan, but it succeeded in Poland, the Baltic States, and recently in Crimea, and the successful experience gave me confidence in this invasion.
Japan was also killed in the northern territory.
South Korea encountered the same thing during the Joseon era, but Japan stopped it.
Of course, Koreans never admit that.
The Korean Peninsula was divided by the same method. South Korea does not try to face this history.
Apparently South Korea learned more from Russia.
That's why Japan occupied 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마) by force even though it was powerless due to the defeat, and I think that Tsushima could probably go with it.
The Japanese should understand that the "logic of power" is still alive and well in the 21st century.
    Empathy / 209
    Opposite / 2

The Sea of ​​Japan |
There is no qualitative difference between the method of drawing the Putin line to invade Ukraine and the method of drawing the Syngman Rhee line to take 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마), so it is a double standard song that South Korea sanctions Russia. Did President Moon Jae-in decide when he received it?
Well, some Korean politicians have dangerous remarks such as "Tsushima is also Korean territory," so Japan has no choice but to work to strengthen defense centered on the Japan-US alliance.
    Empathy / 328
    Opposite / 3




ass***** |

In the short term, crude oil can be imported from Russia and economic effects can be obtained, but in the long term, it will be abandoned by Western countries such as the United States and Japan.

Balanced diplomacy ends up just getting to the right side in the short term and not thinking about it later ...
    Empathy / 193
    Opposite / 4

eku ***** |
It is important to support and participate in the international community ...
The actual action is to end by pretending to be the wind that is doing to the minimum ...
It's amazing to think that this will be trusted by the international community!
I am amazed because such a country wants to push Japan away and enter the G7 or is a key currency.
    Empathy / 276
    Opposite / 1

History man 64 |
Since the international community does not see South Korea as a "responsible member of the international community," it does not care about the suffering of Ukraine this time and positions only the profit and loss account and national interests at the top, and balances diplomacy between the United States, Russia, and China. Please immerse yourself.
    Empathy / 37
    Opposite / 0

tqt ***** |
Moon Jae-in's diplomacy is always reluctant, so I can't get sympathy from allies. Above all, even in economic diplomacy, my own country's profits and losses are prioritized.
    Empathy / 77
    Opposite / 0

yam ***** |
As reported, South Korea is not seen as a Western developed country group. Not now.
    Empathy / 157
    Opposite / 4

kat ***** |
That's the red team. I know other countries.
    Empathy / 126
    Opposite / 1

jis ***** |
Isn't there anything that can be sanctioned on its own?
    Empathy / 74
    Opposite / 1

    Ta152 | Ta152 |
    Since "basic values" have not been established, every time the situation changes, it goes back and forth.
Like the only attitude toward Japan that does not shake, you must have an attitude that "no good things are bad" even if the economy is hit.
        Empathy / 137
        Opposite / 4

    shi ***** |
    If that country also acts, it is time to adjust the distance to the country because there is a possibility that sanctions and exclusion from international settlement will be imposed on other countries such as export bans on products using US technology. Isn't it difficult to deal with because it's so good?
        Empathy / 44
        Opposite / 1

    yan ***** |
    West and east are important for South Korea, so you can't decide which one.
    It is necessary to take office as president who can decide important matters.
    Moon Jae-in cannot decide anything.
        Empathy / 122
        Opposite / 5

    nr9 ***** |
    > It has been pointed out that he provided an excuse to distrust himself.

    Without giving an excuse, he has already caused more than enough distrust in his usual actions.
    It's over now.
    Reply 1
        Empathy / 132
        Opposite / 0

        maa ***** |
        We are bats. I will arrive at the one that is convenient for me. Only anti-Japanese are thorough. You can say this clearly.
            Empathy / 14
            Opposite / 0

    rri ***** |
    The United States has banned exports of semiconductor export restrictions, so South Korea has nothing to do with participation.
    Also, if you can see it with white eyes from each country, I think it would be cleaner to make the flag clearer. What do you do?
        Empathy / 27
        Opposite / 0

    Madao |
    It is difficult for a hidden red group to take sanctions
        Empathy / 12
        Opposite / 0

    Jamakki |
    I wonder if my pride was scratched because I wasn't invited to the G7 emergency meeting ...
    Reply 2
        Empathy / 162
        Opposite / 1

Chiwa ... |
It would be strange that Kishida appears in the G7. President Moon is the only representative of Asia. He is the only Asian representative recognized by Trump (/ o \)
    Empathy / 2
    Opposite / 40

Jamakki |
Chiwa He-san I think that Mr. Trump's admitted sentence (Moon) was "a lie" ...
Besides, whether or not Mr. Trump admits, all the people think that Korea is the center of the world, including Mr. Moon.
    Empathy / 21
    Opposite / 0

    fal ***** |
    Korea is a word game. In short, I just can't make a decision.
Looking at China's complexion and considering its impact on energy trade with Russia, it is not possible to impose substantive sanctions by mouth alone.
It's a pitiful country ... What if the major foreign media globally expand what they say is not a full-scale war in the current situation?
       Empathy / 9
        Opposite / 0

    mda ***** |
    Isn't it a Korean idea? It's a country that has two or three tongues, so I don't care about the international community.
It's as if you're hoping that you're in your own country because of other people's affairs.
Isn't it incomprehensible to be separated from the international community?
        Empathy / 164
        Opposite / 0


    zu3***** | 

They was proud that they became a developed country, but what is the advanced country?
     Even Japan, which is said to be weak, has its own sanctions, South Korea is like a dog.
         Empathy / 142
         Opposite / 1


“국제사회 제재 동참한다”면서…대러 ‘독자 제재’엔 선 그은 정부





Did Xi Jinping treat you as a Chinese dream and borrow it? You just had dirty and chaotic rice !!

yush ****
It's a Mun problem. It's a disaster. ... I'm worried that the nation will be destroyed by this human being.

gurq ****
Who will help if this guy, Oiya-chan, notices cowardice like this, looks at his facial expressions and double-plays, and North Korea attacks us?

suri ****
Both feet swell in the circus, a row of bread, jar standing, rolling eyeballs and candy

suri ****
It's under a tightrope circus

kinc ****
Common sense why our country is adventurous and says Russia's own sanctions
If the United States demands sanctions, it's okay to participate






Comment creator gloss
This tumor sharpness gilegi(기레기 キレギ)
Doesn't it have a brain like Yun Pig?

Comment creator ○○○
The United States should take immediate action ... South Korea will act as an ally if it wages a full-scale war with Russia ...
If you act vaguely, Korea can't do anything ...
Comment author Pandora
Janen's mouth is silent

Comment creator management rock
Are these gilegi(기레기 キレギ) different from the people of our country? Are they Japanese?
  I have to make the utmost effort to formulate (sanction) as long as it does not harm the economic interests of my country.




Originally a type of net slang that means mass media and media
A word that is a product of the terms "media" and "garbage" used when criticizing the media.
In South Korea,「기레기(gilegi,キレギ)」has the same meaning.
gilegi is a combination of reporter {「기자(gija,キジャ)」 in Korean word} and garbage {쓰레기(sseulegi,スレギ)} in Korean word.


Comment author Luke
I really want to greedy reporters and articles like this ..
Is it an article that comes out after receiving a confirmation on the desk?gilegi(기레기 キレギ) is really unavoidable gilegi(기레기 キレギ)Ya

Comment Creator oakak Kim Bum Soo LOVE Kim Bum Soo
Was it gilegi(기레기 キレギ))? Wasn't it natural?

Comment creator Natural person
Jung Jin-woo's own sanctions'is a government that dares to draw a circle
How many governments do you dare to use?
It wasn't this story that contradicts what you claim
Reporters will only be able to write sentences with a neutral, objective visual perspective.
Reporters who have not reached the qualification content
"Government that draws its own sanctions" This fits

Comment author leinwand-korea
Really ~~ That's why gilegi(기레기 キレギ)

Comment author Arirang
It's an indication of grief, and it's the same as threatening implicitly.

Comment making Ego
Is the war now a blame only for Russia?
Why should the Republic of Korea impose its own sanctions on the war that the United States and Europe stood by on the sidelines without support or willingness to protect Ukraine?
Does the United States give up on its own interests and sanction Russia? This reporter blames the government for its own interests as all nations put their own interests first.

Comment author Magpie
There will be many countries that believe in America and perish

Comment creator mong
Reporter stupid ~~ Original sanctions should not be taken for granted. .. How much profit do we get from trading with Russia .. And how good the Russians are aware of South Korea ~~ If you want to feed the people, you should do so .. This is a certain .. Musiku is also ignorant for a while. ..

Comment creation resource number,
Is it amazing that JoongAng Ilbo is crazy again? Support the government's decision on the national interest level. Garbage JoongAng Ilbo Tighten up.

Some media outlets have published an article saying, "What will South Korea do with its current stance," even though many of the US allies and friends have properly participated in the sanctions and imposed their own sanctions? I put it out and ordered a slightly crisper rise.
In response, Park said, "Then, does South Korea have to embark on its own sanctions? I just can't understand the criticism of speech," he said.
Well, how about it? This is a different level from the diplomatic non-participation of the Beijing Olympics.
How far can "strategic ambiguity (take an ambiguous attitude)" be understood? By the way, I hear that there are about 30 local Koreans who want to evacuate from Ukraine.