
Does South Korea Want Korean People's Democracy (Popular Democracy)?

July 1, 2020 Sincerely's Blog


韓国語「ゴンチャ(공짜 gongjja)」とは

What is Korean word "Gong jja(공짜 ゴンチャ)"?



Lawyer Jeon Jeon-chaek “The biggest crisis in the Wen government will be due to populism”


MBN Entertainment


Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles (1) -Automatic translation-Language

A sweet temptation in front of the deterioration of the national fiscal soundness and the national debt ratio
Will ‘populism’ eventually lead to the collapse of the Wen government?



It was pointed out that the government is a problem, but the people are accustomed to "something socialist."
What I point out in this article is, "I don't like the rationing system, but it's a mistake to say that it's" socialism "to the extent that the country plays a role to some extent. The point is balance."

However, somehow, there is something in common with the concept of 『Gongjja (공짜 ゴンチャ, free, free, without paying) ゴンチャ((공짜 gongjja, free, 無料, 代価を払わないでいいもの)』 "" that I talked did about in "Why Koreans do not return the borrowed money". .
Maybe it's because of my reading. I would like to introduce mainly that part.

Digital Times, partial quote.



[박양수 칼럼] 사회주의 '지옥문'이 열렸다

[Park Yang-soo (박양수 パク・ヤンス) Column] Socialist'Gate of Hell'has been opened



Park Yang-soo (박양수 Park Yang-soo) Input 2020.06.30.19: 07 Correction 2020.07.01.03:14


Chief Editorial Writer パク・ヤンス(박양수 Park Yang-soo)

If you look at Dante's'new song', you'll see a warning like this at the entrance to hell.
"Throw away all hope, you who come in here." The warning continues.
 "You will enter through me (the gate of hell) in the'city of sadness', in'eternal pain', and in'ruined humans'."

Hell is where there is no hope.
Make people who cannot realize their mistakes have "eternal pain".
The suffering of hell also exists in reality.
It was experienced by people who had to live in communist and socialist regimes like the former Soviet Union, China, Cuba and North Korea.
The "utopia" world depicted by the socialist community is a virtual image.
The failure experience of the socialist system over 70 years proves it.
It is ironic in history that there are still anachronistic forces dreaming of a revolution after falling into such a socialist 「 미몽(Mimong, stray dream 迷夢, 心の迷い)」.

Since the ruling party won the overwhelming victory in the 21st general election, there is a growing tendency to pull our Korean society into socialism.

Attempts to explicitly constrain public property events have also expanded significantly.
Cheong Wa Dae, the government, and the Democratic Party of Japan are representative of the land-public concept offensive.
Rep. Park Joo-min shook the real estate market last month by proposing a partial amendment to the'Housing Lease Protection Act'that would allow renters to extend their leases indefinitely.
Moon Jae-in, a member of the civil society of the presidential palace, said, “We must quickly establish the concept of land and public and solve real estate and speculative development problems.”
Earlier, Justice Secretary Ju Mie insisted on the introduction of the land-public concept as "the gateway to eliminating our social inequality structure" in 2017.
It seems that the intention to seek a constitutional amendment was hidden here by stepping stones from the concept of land and public.
In March 2018, the Moon Jae-in administration also proposed a constitutional amendment that included the concept of land and public.


<・・What is worrisome is the fact that the Moon Jae-in Government's populist policy has deeply imbued the people with socialist habits over the past three years.
Young people consider free education, free medical care, and public rental housing as natural welfare policies.
He says he doesn't feel too much burden on the income distribution system, which distributes living expenses to all the people.
I became insensitive to the free distribution system that I received in the nation.



It's like taking care of a frog that slowly ripens and dies in the water in a pot that gradually heats up.
The foundation of Korean democracy has collapsed from the pulse without any means to do it.
What is worrisome is the fact that the populist policy of the Moon administration has deeply entrenched the people in socialist habits for the last three years.
Young people feel that free education, free medical care, and public rental housing are natural welfare policies.
He says he does not feel any particular burden on the income distribution system, which divides living expenses among all the people.
It became insensitive to the free distribution system that they received in the nation.

The ultimate goal of socialism is the complete abolition of privatization of the means of production.
The abolition of private property (* by the Moon government) is expected to proceed in a gradual manner, not a compulsory method as in the former Soviet Union under Stalin, even during the Mao Zedong period in China.
Taxes will increase, businesses and individuals will be subject to more regulation, and employment and severance will be too difficult.
Tax increases and increased regulation will hurt the economy and cause many people to fall into the very poor.
Prior to that, South America, Venezuela, etc. walked on similar roads.
Venezuela, under the control of Chavez, went bankrupt for the first time in 19 years, advocating a'deep-rooted evil accumulation liquidation (적폐청산 積弊清算)'and promoting a'Bolivarian Revolution' in which populism, socialism and nationalism were mixed.・・


At the end of 1957, Mao Zedong declared a "Great Leap Forward" to pursue the path to a paradise for workers and farmers.

However, a reckless socialist experiment resulted in a catastrophe that starved and killed 32 million people between 1958 and 1962.
In fact, Mao Zedong expected such a disaster to some extent.
 Mao Zedong, who visited Moscow in 1957, said, "We are prepared to sacrifice 300 million Chinese for the victory of the world revolution."
In November of the following year, he said, "There can be a situation where half of the Chinese have to die."
A few years after the Great Leap Forward was suspended, tens of thousands of people were slaughtered during the so-called Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) under the guise of "deep-rooted evil accumulation liquidation."

On the 29th, the 17 seats of the standing chairman, including the chairman of the Diet Steering Committee, were all filled with the Democratic Party.
Following the judiciary and administration, it will be recorded on the day when the legislature is seized by the huge ruling party and the door of one-party dictatorship is opened.
It is likened to the German people, who were ignorant of the dangers of Nazism, paving the way for Hitler's one-party dictatorship.
Germany transforms into a totalitarian nation in just one year.

Perhaps our society is now standing in front of the hell gate.
Deceived by the sweet temptation of free welfare, he is dedicating his entire freedom to socialists.
His mentor, Pergillius, tells Dante, who doesn't understand the meaning of the warning at the entrance to hell.
 "Human beings are rational animals and must do their best throughout their lives.


But those in hell are those who do not know what is best for them. Sins of greed, violence, and fraud (morale). These are the ones I committed. "

Park Yang-soo  Chief Editorial Writer

If this article is about "Isn't it a preparation for the fusion with North Korean democracy (unification of the federal system)?", I think it is a big hit.
But I think "socialistization" is a little different.

Depending on your point of view, true justice for socialism can be seen as a society where everything is as close as possible to Gongjja (공짜 .ゴンチャ)
With that in mind, the "socialization of South Korea (especially the youth)" in the article is certainly a problem.
However, such a society cannot be created in the first place, and even if it can be established, such socialism will not last long in Korea.
In Korean society, this would be the case.

There was Mr. A who could only earn one apple a day.
A uses B, which can earn three apples, as a gold spoon, and the country should do something about it.
Then, one day, it became a society where the country distributes two apples every day. B, who earns three apples, opposed the system and was liquidated as a deep-rooted evil accumulation, saying, "What was my hardship so far?"
However, after a while, A thinks like this.
"I get three apples every day and it's natural. I've had a hard time fighting B."
[The "natural" here is North Korean people's democracy. It's true justice, as they say. ]

It was North Korea that went to the point where A could go to the "natural" that he thought.
The constitution says socialism, and the country name has the character of democracy. In fact, it is hereditary with dictatorship and aristocracy.
It is a North Korean people's democracy. Discrimination is also fair. Because of course.
In South Korea, we call this "popular democracy" and insist that it is a world in which citizens play a leading role, coupled with the political power of citizen groups.
This is what Korean society should be worried about.
This is different from "socialism".

The visit of the representative of the suzerain is an honor of 『属国 Client state(vassal state,종속국)』.



The 19th president 文在寅, ムン・ジェイン (문재인, Moon Jae-in)
「韓国政府は「和解・癒やし財団」の解散,The Korean government dissolves the 「Reconciliation and HealingFoundation, 한국 정부는 '화해·치유 재단'의해산」
「自称徴用工判決,Self-proclaimed forced victim workers judicial decision, 자칭강제징용피해자사 법적 결정」



秋美愛, チュ・ミエ(추미애, Chu Miae)
Korean politician and Minister of Justice.
From the end of the Park Geun-hye administration to the beginning of the Moon Jae-in administration
He represented the Democratic Party of Korea from August 27, 2016 to August 25, 2018.


Opinion polls show that about four out of ten South Koreans think that only Secretary Choo Mi-ae should resign in order to resolve the conflict.
"Only Secretary Choo Mi-ae should resign" 44.3%
"Only President Yoon Seok-you should resign" 30.8%
"Both resigned" 12.2%
"You don't have to resign both" 5.4%
"I don't know" 7.3%
The older the age group, the more respondents answered that they resigned as Secretary of State Choo Mi-ae, and the higher the percentage of those in their twenties who answered that they did not understand well.

