South Korea became on be surrounded by enemie, s (사면 초가)

… Even if “Moon Jae-in” retires, Japan-South Korea relations will not be restored.

鈴置高史(스즈 오키 타카 부미,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)  2January 28, 2022


Five years of the Moon Jae-in administration, which began with makeshift diplomacy.

South Korea has became on be surrounded by enemie, s (사면 초가)

Takabumi Suzuoki, a South Korean observer, sees that it will be difficult for the next administration to get out of it.

To resume nuclear and ICBM experiments.

Suzuoki: The Hankyoreh, a leftist newspaper, gave guidance to Moon Jae-in diplomacy.
「Do you want to return to the Korean Peninsula peace process, to come to naught(수포로 돌아가다) ... No" reversal card "for President Moon Jae-in 朝鮮半島和平プロセス、水泡に帰すか…文大統領にも『反転カード』なし  」 (January 21, Japanese version).
The following is the preamble.

[・ Cheong Wa Dae is "scrutinizing" the situation for the time being, saying that North Korea has suggested that it may resume nuclear tests and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launches on January 20. It shows a cautious reaction.
・ However, there is an atmosphere of concern that the “Korean Peninsula Peace Process,” which has been raised as a result of the Moon Jae-in administration, may be attributed to blisters
. ]


The "Korean Peninsula Peace Process" is a basic strategy for North Korea set by the Moon Jae-in Government, and is a concept to solve nuclear problems by having not only South Korea but also neighboring countries in harmony with North Korea.

It is not just a matter of "to come to naught 수포로 돌아가다"-"The Moon Jae-in administration's policy toward the North has completely failed".
It was also written by Hankyoreh, who is ridiculed as a government-affiliated paper. You can see the shock of the left wing.

Since the US-North Korea summit meeting in June 2018, North Korea has not conducted nuclear / ICBM experiments.
If they are resumed, it will be revealed that the selling of successive left-wing governments, which would ease tensions by forming good relations with North Korea, was a sham.

Especially now, the presidential election is coming up in March, a month and a half later.
If either experiment is resumed, the suggestion, if not done, will help the conservatives gain power.
The left wing was very impatient, "Does North Korea want to crush us?"

The United States full of hands in Ukraine.

--But is it because of the Donald Trump administration, which held a summit meeting with North Korea, that the nuclear and ICBM experiments were suspended? ..



Suzuoki: That's right, but in South Korea, it is still believed that President Moon Jae-in managed the US-North Korea summit meeting.
The Trump administration, which was launched in January 2017, threatened North Korea with a preemptive strike, while exploring a summit under the hood.

In March 2018, the Moon Jae-in administration, who noticed this, visited Chung Eui-yong, the then head of the National Security Office of the Blue House (Presidential Office), and directly from Chairman Kim Jong-un, said, "Nuclear abandonment and US-North Korea dialogue. Announced that he confirmed his intention.
It also announced that North Korea has pledged that it will not conduct additional nuclear and ballistic missile tests while the dialogue continues.


鄭義溶,チョン・ウイヨン(정의용,Chung Eui-yong)
Mr. Chung Eui-yong visited the United States with his sword and sent a letter to President Trump showing "Kim Jong Un's intention".
President Trump immediately sent Chung Eui-yong to a press conference to express his intention to accept the US-North Korea summit.

It was an unusual situation in which a third country announced the summit meeting of the US President at the White House.
After that, although there were some twists and turns, the first-ever US-North Korea summit meeting was realized in Singapore in June of the same year.

However, the second US-North Korea summit meeting in Hanoi in February 2019 ended in a farewell.
This is because Chairman Kim Jong Un did not respond to the complete destruction of the nuclear facility.
The Joe Biden administration was also negative about the summit talks with North Korea, which is unlikely to abandon nuclear development, and negotiations were stalled.

During this time, North Korea did not undertake nuclear and missile experiments.
If it resumes, it would have determined that it is likely to be under military pressure from the United States, as it was in 2017.

It is highly possible that the United States has suggested that both experiments be resumed on January 20th, as it should not be able to move on the Korean Peninsula because of the severe conflict with Russia on the Ukraine issue.
It seems that the United States, which now has no capacity to put military pressure on the Korean Peninsula, succumbed to the threat of North Korea and stepped into dialogue.




President Moon Jae-in visited Saudi Arabia on January 18. He received hospitality and said, "Our Korean status has risen."


The end of successive South Korean presidents (1205 revision).


(July 1948-April 1960)
He was criticized for fraudulent elections (resign from one's public post) and went into exile in Hawaii.
Police fired at demonstration requesting resignation, killing 183 people nationwide
尹潽善(Yun Posun,윤보선)  (August 1960-March 1962) Retirement, resign from one's public post protesting the seizure of power by a military coup.
He was the president of the parliamentary system and had no real power.
朴正煕(Park Chung-hee,박정희)(December 1963-October 1979) Assassinated by KCIA director of trusted retainer.
In 1974, a Korean resident in Japan 在日(Zainichi Koreanshot him with a pistol, killing his wife, Mrs. 陸英修(Yuk Young-soo,육영수).
崔圭夏(Che gyuha Kyu-ha, 최규하)
(December 1979-August 1980)
Following the assassination of President Park, he became president from the prime minister through acting presidential authority.
Resigned due to military control
全斗煥(Chun Doo-hwan,전두환)
(September 1980-February 1988)
After retiring, he was pursued for the injustice of his relatives and lived in seclusion.
Responsible for the 光州事件(Gwangju Uprising,광주 사건) in retroactive legislation and sentenced to death (later amnesty)
盧泰愚(No Tae-woo,노태우)
(February 1988-February 1993)
After retiring, he was sentenced to imprisonment with imprisonment with Mr. Chun Doo-hwan (전두환) for the Gwangju Uprising under the retroactive legislation (later amnesty).
金泳三(Kim Young-sam,김영삼)(February 1993-February 1998)

The second son was arrested in 1997 and sentenced to two years in prison. The charges involved fraudulent lending to the 韓宝(Hanbo,한보 그룹) group that caused the currency crisis

金大中(Kim Tae-jung,김대중)  (February 1998-February 2003)

All three sons arrested for mediation bribery at the end of their term

盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)

(February 2003-February 2008)

After retiring, his brother was arrested for bribery.
He also heard from the prosecution in April 2009 on suspicion of bribery.
Suicide in May of the same year

李明博(Lee Myung-bak,이명박)(February 2008-February 2013)

Arrested in March 2018 for bribery, back office, and abuse of authority. On October 29, 2020, the Supreme Court sentenced him to 17 years in prison, a fine of 13 billion won (about 1,257,570,000 yen, about US $ 11.57 million) and a surcharge of 5,780,000 won.

His brother, who also served as the chairman of the Korea-Japan Parliamentary League, was arrested for mediation and bribery, and was sentenced to two years in prison.

朴槿恵(Park Geun-hye,박근혜)  (February 2013-March 2017)

On March 10, 2017, he was sentenced to impeachment trial.
March 31, 2017 Arrested for bribery, abuse of authority, etc.
On January 14, 2021, a final trial sentenced him to 22 years in prison, a fine of 18 billion won (about 1,743.14 million yen, about US $ 16.04 million), and a surcharge of 3.5 billion won.


North of food shortages, south of prison risk.

--Why does North Korea want to have a dialogue with the United States? .

Suzuoki: You want to ease the international economic sanctions led by the United States.
North Korea has completely stopped foreign trade due to measures against corona. The economy is on the verge of bankruptcy.
The only way to overcome this is to resume the US-North Korea dialogue and have the sanctions relaxed.

It was the Moon Jae-in administration that saw an idiot here. He has been proud of his achievements to the people that he brought peace to the Korean Peninsula through the mediation of the United States and North Korea.
Nevertheless, everything was destroyed by the suggestion of resuming the nuclear and ICBM experiments.

Especially now, President Moon Jae-in needs decisive achievements to avoid being sent to prison after his retirement.
That was the "End of War Declaration" that declared the end of the Korean War.
However, neither the United States nor North Korea have any practical meaning and see it as a means to prevent Moon Jae-in from being sent to prison, so they did not deal with South Korea, who persistently proposed the end of the war.

The Moon Jae-in administration tried to realize the end of the war by holding a summit meeting between the United States, China, North and South, and at least China, South and North Korea, using the venue of the Beijing Olympics from February 4.
However, as North Korea decided not to participate in the Olympics, this concept was also dispelled.
It was a suggestion that both experiments would resume.

The Moon Jae-in administration ends its term without any significant achievements. His executives, including the president, will be gloomy thoughts(암담한 생각).
Many Moon Jae-in administration people should will have a nightmare of going to jail.

Blow one's own horn becomes a boomerang.

――He should not have blown one's own horn, saying, "I managed the US-North Korea summit." .


Suzuoki: Certainly, monkey play diplomacy has backfired now. However, the initial effect was outstanding.
The day after the first US-North Korea summit meeting, the ruling Democratic Party of Korea won an overwhelming victory in the unified local elections on June 13, 2018.
It was natural for the government to play a monkey play.

Besides, it was unlikely that Sarushibai and the people would get angry.
In 2017, North Korea repeated nuclear and ballistic missile tests, and the United States announced that it would not refuse the first strike.
The Koreans, who were be left out in the cold (蚊帳の外, placed outside the net 모기 장 밖), were frightened by the danger of war and were frustrated that they could not even decide their own destiny.

The president who "shows the situation in a partition" appeared there. It didn't matter if that was true.
I just want to believe that he is carving out his destiny with his own hands.
The Moon Jae-in administration responded brilliantly to the desires hidden in the hearts of Koreans.

Around the 21st century, I once walked by hitting Asian people with the question, "How to respond to the rise of China."
Various answers were returned, but not only from Koreans.

"It doesn't make sense to think about it," he says.
For the people of the Korean Peninsula, who have been determined by the surrounding powers for more than a thousand years, there is no point in fluttering.
Both during the Mongol invasion and during the "Western shock" when the West colonized the East in the 19th century, the world view is 180 degrees different from that of the Japanese who "somehow managed to unite."


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