Investment and employment lost in two years of「anti-Japanese boycott 反日不買運動」!
If South Korea proceeded to「de-Japan」, the world would have become「de-Korea」
7/1 (Thursday) 18:31 delivery 1815

If South Korea proceeded to "de-Japan", the world would have become "de-Korea"
Two years after the Korean anti-Japanese boycott, if you proceed with "de-Japan", the world will "de-Korea"
2021/07/01 FNN Prime Online



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川崎健太 Kenta Kawasaki

"Interview Department Netapre" is a collection of reporters' best news.
Reporter Kenta Kawasaki of FNN Seoul Bureau will tell you about "after the NO JAPAN movement".
It has been two years since July 1, when the Japanese government announced that it would strengthen export control to South Korea.
In South Korea, a radical anti-Japanese Boycotts of Japanese product was launched, and Japanese products disappeared from the city.
However, imports from Japan are increasing rapidly in South Korea.
The point is, ironically,「 if you proceed with "de-Japan", the world will be "de-Korea"」.

FNN Prime Online
Korean companies' dependence on Japan remains unchanged

加藤綾子Ayako Kato Caster:
But Mr. Kawasaki, does the total import value increase so much just because this temporary trend has passed?

FNN Seoul Bureau Kenta Kawasaki Reporter:
That is the important point.
Because only consumers participated in the Boycotts of Japanese products.
As for what it means, I talked to an employee of a major Japanese machine maker stationed in South Korea, but in the first place, the first company that handles products for corporations rather than consumers like ourselves. Was not affected by the non-buying.

You told me that in an industry where Japan is competitive, South Korea's dependence on Japan remains unchanged.


FNN Seoul Bureau Kenta Kawasaki Reporter:
To support this, South Korea imports parts and materials from Japan, but from January to May 2021, it exceeded 1.5 trillion yen.
It has increased by 15% year-on-year.
The amount is more than half of the value imported from Japan.
In the first place, South Korea is said to have small domestic demand.
The trade structure is like this.
We import materials and parts, process them, and export them as finished products in the form of semiconductors.
So to speak, it depends on foreign countries
FNN Seoul Bureau Kenta Kawasaki Reporter:
Therefore, importing such materials and parts from Japan is indispensable.
Certainly, for the past two years under export control, the Moon Jae-in administration has promoted domestic production of these materials fields, and has emphasized the elimination of Japan here as well.
However, the Korean media is quite calm, saying, "It is difficult to catch up with the technology that Japan has built over decades in a short period of time."


The result of the boycott is a sharp drop in investment from around the world.

FNN Seoul Bureau Kenta Kawasaki Reporter:
On the contrary, there are some that have decreased sharply due to the strengthening of export control.
This is the world's investment in South Korea.
The amount of investment from Japan to South Korea in 2020 will exceed 80 billion yen, which is large, but it has been halved from the previous year.
Similarly, the number of new companies expanding from Japan to South Korea is halving.
The background to this is that it is believed that it is risky to carry out corporate activities in South Korea due to a radical boycott.


FNN Seoul Bureau Kenta Kawasaki Reporter:
This "de-Korea" is not limited to Japan.
In the United States, investment in South Korea has decreased by 20%.
Investment in South Korea from the EU has also decreased by 30%.
Certainly there is an influence of Corona, but the Korean media reports that "laws that severely tighten the management of companies have been enacted in South Korea one after another, so it may be a factor to avoid investment." That's why


FNN Seoul Bureau Kenta Kawasaki Reporter:
Either way. There was the Boycotts of Japanese products.
As a result, if the number of investments from Japan and the number of companies entering the market decreases, it means that employment in South Korea will decrease.
This is ironic, but the boycott has resulted in South Korea strangling its economy.
In response to the strengthening of export control, they have been crying out loudly for Japan, but the composition of dependence on Japan has not changed after all, and on the contrary, Korea is moving forward as a reaction.
This is the current situation
The Boycotts of Japanese products has returned as a boomerang

柳澤秀夫Hideo Yanagisawa
At the studio, we talked to commentator and journalist Hideo Yanagisawa.

Ayako Kato Caster:

Mr. Yanagisawa, it's been two years since the Boycotts of Japanese products movement started in South Korea. How do you see the current movement in South Korea?

Journalist Hideo Yanagisawa:
The Boycotts of Japanese products movement was a boomerang ...
Since economic ties cannot be established by one country alone, we can see again that they are interdependent with each other, and the Boycotts of Japanese products movement may be a temporary passion, but on the contrary, You are digging your own grave. I think it's better to keep in mind that it should be taken as a lesson.

(From "It!" Broadcast on July 1st)
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