The comfort women compensation trial against the『Japanese governmen』 , the result of the first trial ... The comfort women side wins the case

January 8, 2021
Japan-Korea relations collapse ... Former comfort women proceedings: Korean court orders Japanese government for compensation
Watched 1,836 times
• 2021/01/08

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민주사회를 위한 변호사모임
MINBYUN-Lowyers for a Democratic Society
Abbreviation: 「民弁」(민변 Minbyun)
Or「民主弁護士会」(민주변호사회 Democratic Bar Association)
Korean Council for the Women's Corps Problem)
Abbreviation: 정대협(Jeong Daehyup, 挺対協,Korean Council for Justice)】

Justice Memory Solidarity to Solve the Japanese Military Sex Slavery Problem,
The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan)
Abbreviation: 정의기억연대(jeong-uigieog-yeondae,Justice Memory Solidarity, 正義連,The Korean Council)】
女性家族部(Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, 여성가족부)
Former・女性部(여성부, Female part)
South Korea's Seoul Central District Court has ruled that Japan should be compensated for the comfort women proceedings.
The Government of Japan argues that the complaint should be dismissed due to the principle of「sovereign immunity 主権免除」under international law
However, the district court said, 「Sovereign immunity does not apply to anti-humanitarian criminal acts」.
安積明子(Akiko Azumi)  | Political journalist
    In South Korea, a judgment of compensation for Japan and the construction of a series of statues of comfort women in Germany and other countries around the world.
It means that the 2015 comfort women agreement was completely useless.
What exactly was the 1 billion yen paid by the Japanese government?
In the first place, what was the reimbursement right provision that was the basis for the restoration of diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea in 1965?
Breaking this is equivalent to breaking Japan-South Korea relations.
    Along with the so-called「Self-proclaimed forced victim workers 自称元徴用工」 decision, it will have a significant impact on the relationship between Japan and South Korea.
In the first place, South Korea is insane because it does not keep its international promises.
On the other hand, the Japanese government does not have to give up a step.
    In Japan, the judiciary did not excessively judge political issues based on the separation of powers, and the former international law did not recognize individual claims.
However, it is a matter of South Korea whether or not South Korea will separate the three powers.
And recently, individual claims are being recognized under international law.
Even with that in mind, this decision is terrible.
        Helpful 77158
   山岸久朗(Yamagishi Hisarou) |  Lawyer
    Japan's judiciary does not judge highly political acts of the state.
The idea is that it should be left to political issues, not to the jurisdiction.
This is called  the 「Theory of political question 統治行為の理論」government.
If the Korean courts and the nation continue this attitude, shouldn't we cancel the 2015 Japan-Korea agreement on the comfort women issue and have them return 1 billion yen?
        Helpful 35894
    辺真一(변진일, Pyon Jinil)  |  Journalist Korea Report Editor
    Plaintiffs' complaint should be dismissed for at least two reasons,
One is that in international civil proceedings, there is an international law of 「sovereign immunity主権免除」that a defendant is exempted from foreign jurisdiction if the defendant is a country (government) rather than a company or an individual.
    Another reason is that based on the 「Japan-Korea Comfort Women Agreement 日韓慰安婦合意」in December 2015, the Japanese government announced 「a sincere apology and remorse 心からのお詫びと反省」to the comfort women (Prime Minister 安倍(Abe) = then) for 1 billion yen. Because it contributes.
This is because it has already been settled financially.
    Whether the promises of the nations are treaties or agreements, not only the administration but also the judiciary and the legislation must be observed.
This is because the nation consists of three powers.
        Helpful 35743
Cat Cat Cat Nya ~ |
    SouthKorea completely broke my promise. The Japanese government should immediately impose economic sanctions on Korea, not a regrettable statement.
And you should break off relations forever.
    Reply 504
Empathy 178154
Opposition 3136

        fa ** rz ** |
        In the first place, the Japanese government is paying the Korean government
        The money isn't properly paid to the former comfort women, so the former comfort women should sue the Korean government.
Empathy 6252
Opposition 38

        gol ***** |
        The Japanese government, please give me a strong response.
Empathy 5468
Opposition 42

        sug ***** |
        It's really annoying to say that the agreement was「irreversible 不可逆的」, a very strong expression that you rarely hear, but even that in just a few years.
        I can't trust this country.
        I can't trust it originally, but I should never trust it.
Empathy 5007
Opposition 37

        My pace |
        Comment I strongly agree with the opinion of the owner
        List those who advocate significance among the members of the Diet as those who bring disadvantages to Japan, and use them for the next election.
Empathy 4276
Opposition 41

        Next |
        As for Japan's special permanent residence, almost all of the current special permanent residents are given by the expanded interpretation of the Japanese government.
        Please be strict and apply.
        If you have no criminal record and are working hard and paying taxes, you can stay with a regular permanent residence or work visa, so you do not need a special permanent residence.
Empathy 3773
Opposition 34

        Mofmof cat |
        It's absolutely no good anymore.
The disconnection has become an unavoidable road.
It's a stunned country and the judiciary, but the judiciary shouldn't be the president's favor.
After all it is incompatible with Japan.
Empathy 3581
Opposition 33

        hee ***** |
        It's a strange country. To break the treaty so clearly.
Since Japan has the right to deal only with a matomo(マトモ proper normal) country, it is necessary to quickly decide where to decide (breaking diplomatic relations) and inform the whole world of the violation of the treaty of that country.
Empathy 3216
Opposition 30

        var ***** |
        12 people litigation for 9.5 million per person?
We handed over 1 billion in 2015, so please return the remaining 900 million. I want to say
But you don't have to return the money, so don't get involved anymore.
Empathy 3272
Opposition 66

        tig ***** |
        If you issue such a judgment, the court will not be angry.
Well, of course, of course.
Please look forward to Japan's neglected play and sanctions.
Empathy 1988
Opposition 31

        drg ***** |
        Let's get ready. each other. (^^)
Empathy 2006
Opposition 38

        See more (494)

        No additional comments can be made because the number of replies has reached the limit.

    Sea |
    Do it yourself.
    I wonder how I can get compensation from the governments of other countries even though I can't sell the assets of my own company.
    If you violate the comfort women agreement, return the money you received with interest and then say something.
    Reply 359
Empathy 115940
Opposition 2095

        opt ***** |
        I get 1 billion, but the comfort women agreement is invalid
        Judgment that can only be done in Korea
Empathy 3024
Opposition 17

        sug ***** |
        It's really annoying to say that the agreement was 「irreversible 不可逆的」, a very strong expression that you rarely hear, but even that in just a few years.
        I can't trust this country.
        I can't trust it originally, but I should never trust it.
Empathy 2177
Opposition 19

        am ***** |
        What are you talking about
        It ’s probably the Korean side that does n’t pay for the compensation by embezzlement.
Empathy 2258
Opposition 17

        PODandBear |
        That's right.
        It's just a hit in Japan to raise the desperate approval rating.
Empathy 1649
Opposition 15

        or ***** |
        Do Korean courts understand the meaning of ordering the governments of other countries?
        Oh, is it a judgment because I don't understand?
Empathy 1489
Opposition 22

        Elderly playful words |
        Anyway, the Japanese government will just shoot the usual regrettable gun
But this time, I would like to hear the official discourse of the opposition party.
        I will use it as a reference for the House of Representatives election that will be held later this year.
Empathy 1322
Opposition 26

        Order |
        It would be a mistake for the Korean government to issue a compensation order, whether it is still trying to take it, even though it has been squeezed a lot and used up with unclear money.
Empathy 1213
Opposition 14
        m***** |    
Hmmm, honestly, are you saying it again?
If you keep saying it for decades after the WW2 war, you'll be satisfied.
Even if it's solved, it's a waste of time just to deal with it because it's steamed back.
        In addition, there is no reason not to get such a compensation order by trying against a foreign country in a court in South Korea without permission.
It's not fair and茶番劇(Chaban geki, It's a farce joke).
Empathy 1029
Opposition 15

        big ***** |
        Don't leave it as 「Have it your way! Do it yourself 勝手にやってろ」.
        We should appeal to the world that this country is doing such barbarism and impose decisive sanctions on unfair judgments.
        If you are surprised and do nothing, you will accept the other party's claim.
Empathy 831
Opposition 10

        vhu ***** |
        A own farm 出来レ-ス(farce fixed game) for your own people.
If the assets of Japanese companies are frozen, it will not be fashionable if the same thing is done by Japan and the United States, so I will not do anything.
Empathy 771
Opposition 19

        See more (349)

Valuable protein source |
Where the relationship was originally irreparable ...
This decision is a decisive result. ..
Japan should break up with 「Parasite Friend Country」and decide Japan's first decision. ..
Reply 155
Empathy 103957
Opposition 1977

    ee9 ***** |
    国交断絶(Breaking diplomatic relations)! There is only this.
    Why don't politicians insist on diplomatic ties?
Empathy 1074
Opposition 19

    fum ***** |
    However, I'm tired of ゴリ押し(aggressively overly promoted) Korean TV on NTV.
    This morning as well, I will definitely take in Korean information in 4, ZIP, and refreshingly ...
Empathy 892
Opposition 4

    zqg ***** |
    The 終わりの始まり(beginning of the end)
Empathy 660
Opposition 9

    sug ***** |
    Is it okay to recognize that Korean TV stations are anti-Japanese?
    Even in the news, you can comment on it before hitting your own government, right?
    Especially NHK! If you do not do it properly, you will stop paying the license fee.
Empathy 555
Opposition 7

    Better society |
    Thank you Korean court.
    Thanks to you, I got a message from all over the world about Korea, which cannot keep its promise.
    I want Japan to be sloppy.
    The population doubled as Japan established the 帝国大学(Imperial University) during the reign, improved infrastructure, and stabilized its lives.
    You may still want Japan to do it, but Japan shouldn't be involved anymore, and the court proved a good reason.
Empathy 430
Opposition 2

Taiwan and 朝鮮(Joseon 조선 Korea) during the Japanese colonial era
Watched 1,032,448 times
• 2019/06/25


    kaj***** | 
Intense and immediate economic sanctions → Scorched South → After returning all inventories → Break off relations!
Empathy 467
Opposition 8

     pen ***** |
     It's over.
     What are the benefits of your opponent?
     What's the loss of break off relations?
     For us, it's only a merit to not be involved.
     If you want to go on a trip (when Corona is over), please do it yourself.
     Please do not associate with each other.
Empathy 448
Opposition 9

     xrj ***** |
     As long as the current Liberal Democratic Party, Mr. 2nd floor (二階 俊博, Toshihiro Nikai) is in control, it will be impossible ...
Empathy 473
Opposition 14
二階 俊博Toshihiro Nikai위층 히로
Japanese politician. He is a member of the House of Representatives belonging to the Liberal Democratic Party (12th term). Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General (48th)

    apo ***** |
    I can't expect from the Japanese government
Empathy 474
Opposition 13

    hjp ***** |
   The Korean government should respond to this issue.
    It's a domestic problem in Korea.
    It is because the Japanese and Korean governments have agreed that the Korean government will deal with it.
Empathy 356
Opposition 3

    See more (145)

kou ***** |
Alright, let's break off relations now.
Let's close diplomatic relations.
The comfort women issue is irreversible in the 2015 Japan-Korea agreement and has been completely resolved, so there is no claim right.
How 厚かましい(impudent, shameless) this country is
Reply 132
Empathy 68683
Opposition 710

    owri ***** |
    Trade is possible even if diplomatic relations are cut off.
Economic sanctions are more effective than that.
Empathy 1066
Opposition 12

    sho ***** |
    I agree.
    There is a certain amount of How 厚かましい(impudent, shameless) How too rude you are disgusting!.
Empathy 1052
Opposition 10

    hio ***** |
    Don't forget about economic sanctions
Empathy 880
Opposition 6

    emi ***** |
    > It's a country that loves to 終わった話を蒸し返す(Do rake over old ashes bring that up again), right?

    Currently, there is no other way to make money and increase the approval rating of the current administration.
    They are also impatient. Perhaps the Korean government has considerable financial difficulties
Empathy 570
Opposition 4

    ue _ ***** |
    It's a violation of international law, and the promises between nations say it's irreversible!
    For this country, international and treaties are just letters!
    It is morally impossible to associate with such a country.
    The law is meaningless to South Korea, which advocates democracy.
Empathy 453
Opposition 2

    Killing time (Are you satisfied with collecting red spots?) |
    Agreements and agreements with South Korea will be overturned for some reason
    The promises made with the old government would not have been possible if the president changed.
    Just dating waste
Empathy 452
Opposition 6

    Burdock roll |
    Emulate Iran.
Empathy 518
Opposition 8

    bev ***** |
    There are only countries that are unaware of Iran's anger.
Empathy 443
Opposition 4
한국에 묶인 70억 달러, 이란 백신 구매에 사용 추진
Iran's $ 7 billion frozen in South Korea
Restraining Korean-registered tankers
What is the background of Iran's movement?
• 2021/01/0


   ezp ***** |
    Maybe it also serves as a corona countermeasure?
 Empathy 335
 Opposition 3

    tsu ***** |
    Even though I can't even summon the ambassador, I can't break diplomatic relations ...
    A statue of a comfort woman was built in front of the Consulate General of Busan and was summoned.
    That's because I'm going home in just three months.
Empathy 233
Opposition 6

    See more (122)

Pinball |
It's a violation of international law, so Japan don't hesitate to sanction to South Korea!
Reply 115
Empathy 66627
Opposition 772

Okobo-kun |
This is exactly what the 盗人猛々しい(guilty are audacious).
I want you to disconnect break off  relations as soon as possible.
And you should add that to the history of the textbook.
Reply 57
Empathy 59139
Opposition 723

***** |
Judgment as expected
Suga, whose approval rating is exploding, will rise a little if he gives South Korea sanctions!
Well, I think it ends with the usual "regret".
Reply 95
Empathy 50250
Opposition 798

rtm ***** |
I want you to keep a distance while responding resolutely to strange countries.
South Korea not a very good partner
Reply 45
Empathy 42710
Opposition 661

fly ***** |
Yes Yes He understands, so cash the assets of Japanese companies Do it right away
How many times do you guys get the same decision?
Do you know the meaning of the judgment in the first place?
Reply 40
Empathy 40561
Opposition 713

ggm ***** |
There is no benefit to being involved in a country that wastes time in a farce(茶番劇).
If you get here, that performance,
I'm not sure if I want you to laugh or get angry.
Reply 38
Empathy 31733
Opposition 633