Japan disapprove South Korean WTO next secretary-general election
2020/10/25 19:29 (JST) 10/25 22:13 (JST) updated
© Kyodo News Agency

Will Korea's long-cherished desire "a world-leading country" be realized?
• 2020/06/25


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The government has decided not to support the South Korean candidate and to recommend the Nigerian candidate over the election of the next secretary-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which has been narrowed down to South Korea and Nigeria.
South Korea has filed a lawsuit against the WTO for unfairly tightening export restrictions by Japan, and it seems that if the South Korean candidate is elected, it may affect the fairness of the dispute resolution procedure.
Several government officials said yesterday.
 I will tell the WTO side about Japan's position soon.
The WTO will ask each member state which one it supports and will select the next secretary-general by early November.
 The final candidates are 兪明希(유명희,Yoo Myung-hee), General Manager of Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea, and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala(응고 지 오콘조 이웰)



兪明希(유명희,Yoo Myung-hee)

「兪明希(유명희,Yoo Myung-hee) the final two candidates for the WTO
Possibility of the first Korean chief / YTN
• 2020/10/08



Don't trivialise corruption, tackle it:
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala at TEDxEuston Address
corruption rather than downplay
• 2014/01/10

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (응고 지 오콘조 이 웰라, ンゴジ・オコンジョ・イウェアラ)

      安積明子(Akiko Azumi) Political journalist  
 It's a natural decision.
On usually originally the same East Asia, Japan favors South Korea's candidate rather than Nigeria,
but has the bitter experience of former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (潘基文, 반기문).
Mr. Ban, who voted twice by Japan, distributed a villa with the Sea of ​​Japan (日本海, 일본 해)일본 해) as 「東海(East Sea, 동해)」 at the Secretary-General's music party where political activities are prohibited.
 He was working hard on anti-Japanese activities.
Because Mr. Ban had the goal of becoming president.
    Yoo Myung-hee (兪明希,유명희), who is running for the WTO Secretary-General, also has ambitions.
Usually if he choose to step up to be a government dignitary, head of a UN agency, and then president, he can to induce explicit profits in his home country.
In fact, Mr. Ban is also increasing the number of Koreans hired at the United Nations.
    Mr. Yu said, "Even if I take office as the secretary-general, I will make a decision without biasing to South Korea,"
but if you trust and support it, it could be It's too late now(後の祭り, Atonomatsuri, a later festival).
After coming here, Japan has finally learned.
        Helpful 19450


潘基文(반기문,Ban Ki-moon, パン・ギムン)

South Koreans to the main positions of the United Nations,
The United Nations that it was nepotism rebelled from inside.
In 2007,
when he visited Korea for the first time after taking office as the secretary-general, who was appointed as the secretary-general of the United Nations Iraq Assistance Mission (UNAMI) and was accused of being the "lowest UN secretary-general ever" by all over the world.
Inviting UN Ambassadors to stay in New York when the musical is performed at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York
At that time he said, "I will do my best to contribute to the expansion of Korea's national strength as a Korean Secretary-General of the United Nations."
A musical in which 安重根(안중근, Ahn Jung-geun) assassinates former Japanese Prime Minister 伊藤博文(Hirobumi Ito)
Inviting UN Ambassadors to stay in New York when that musical is performed at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York.
Attended Russia's Moscow Victory Day ceremony in the absence of Western nations in protest of Russia's incorporation of Crimean Sevastopol.
Attended China's "70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War" Memorial Ceremony and Military Parade in Beijing.


  辺真一(변진일, Pyon Jinil)  Journalist Korea Report Editor-in-Chief
Given the current relationship between Japan and South Korea, it is unlikely that South Korea will support the candidate, especially under the circumstances in which South Korea has filed a lawsuit against the WTO on the issue of stricter exports from Japan.
    China, which is expanding its investment in Africa, is reportedly in favor of the Nigerian candidate, but if China continues to Japan side, South Korea will not win.
    Speaking of China, it seems that he hasn't expressed his attitude yet, whether he doesn't want to be resented by South Korea or thinks that South Korea's candidate is not bad.
It's as if you're bifurcated.
    Now that Japan has decided to oppose the Korean candidate, it will be a problem if Japan does not win the Nigerian candidate.
Even so, why didn't Japan make a candidate for the WTO Secretary-General election like South Korea?
Japan said so that he would aim for the chair of the head of an international organization in order to increase his voice in the international community.
        Helpful 11297



 cby ***** |
    There is no reason to support it.
   South Korean candidates sent in for the purpose of falling into their own interests, and South Korean should not be elected.
She aiming entrap to Japan
    Reply 168
Sympathy 59817
Opposition 1492

        Glue Samurai |
        There are many reasons for disapproval, but no reason to support it.
        It's nothing strange. A very natural story.
Empathy 642
Opposition 13

If when you lose the election, you must make a fuss about Japan's obstruction.
Empathy 623
Opposition 8

        Mankind must deeply reflect on the creation of the "lowest UN Secretary-General ever" and prevent the shame of being the "lowest WTO Secretary-General ever."
Empathy 439
Opposition 11

The nation should do everything in its power to stop it ...
        How about supporting a guy who ignores his position and runs into emotions like that "Ban-kun" ?
Empathy 458
Opposition 9

        Leading the Nigerian majority work
        This is definitely said. That's just what I want! (上等だ, Jōtō da, Selling a fight to me is a big deal, 나에게 싸움을 파는 건 네가 잘한 일이야).
Empathy 375
Opposition 9

        Loans |
        There is no reason to support it, but there are many reasons not to support it
Empathy 369
Opposition 6

        Besmura |
        If it's a simple story of YES or No, you can hate South Korea, but Africa, which has a strong influence from China, is at the top It is difficult for Japan and the United States to accept it.
        Even if it is strange that Koreans are the final candidates, there are some weaknesses in Japan that cannot be placed in that position.
        The problem is that neither WTO nor WHO is neutral at all.
Empathy 258
Opposition 13

        It is more problematic for Japan to support it.
        Japan and South Korea are interested countries because Korea has filed a lawsuit against the WTO for export control of Japan.
        There are concerns about the impact of this person in charge,  兪明希(유명희,Yoo Myung-hee), as the secretary-general.
        In addition, despite the WTO's recommendation to correct the tariff measures on Japanese-made industrial valves in September last year, Korea continued the tariff measures until the middle of this year.
        兪明希(유명희,Yoo Myung-hee), who neglected the WTO's recommendations, is not suitable for the secretary-general.
        Candidates from countries that do not comply with international law and treaties, or countries that have their own projects, should never be responsible for treaty bodies.
Empathy 211
Opposition 4

        I don't know how many disputes are currently being discussed at the WTO
But at least it's clear that the parties to the dispute are not fair to the Secretary-General.
Therefore, I think it should not be an international organization.
Empathy 133
Opposition 2



[Special plan] Interview with Mr. 川淵三郎(Saburo Kawabuchi)

    Jeong Mongjun(鄭夢準, 정몽준) 
nnn |
        The decision of FIFA, which was almost decided by Japan at the Japan-Korea World Cup, was divided into held in more South Korea, which is crying because it feels pitiful.
However, Jeong Mongjun(鄭夢準, 정몽준), a FIFA officer at the time, was decided by South Korea, but he announced that he had included Japan.
        Kawabuchi, the chairman of the Japan Football Association, is stunned.
This means that the Aita kuchi ga fusagaranai (開いた口が塞がらないopen mouth will not be blocked, to be surprising,  speechless, 기가 막히다 ).
        Even if you look at this, you can see that it is a region without any concept of fairness, fairness, equality, etc.
        Even if you do a negative campaign, you should drop it.
        Jeong Mongjun has since been on the path of politician.
Empathy 62
Opposition 1

        See more (158)