Japanese sexual assault she met through SNS ..
"I thought they liked each other"
[Soul = New Sheath] 박민기 (Park Min-ki , パク・ミンギ) Reporter
input 2020.10.24.14: 00 Correction 2020.10.24.14: 01




A South Korean men in his twenties who assaulted a Minors Japanese female
"I thought she liked me"
Watched 2
• 2020/10/24

Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles (1) -Automatic translation-Language

I came to know "Japanese women studying in Korea" on SNS and
met them in person to invite them to his own house.
Defendant who drank, and criminal "I thought they liked each other"
Victim "I was scared to refuse and he will kill me"

A South Korean man in his twenties was handed over to trial.
He was suspected of having sexually assaulted a Japanese woman  met through SNS and  victim injured in the process.

In the process of the investigation, the man made a statement to the effect that he did so because he thought he liked each other.
However, it was reported that the victim of the minor said at the time of the investigation, "If I refused, I was scared to he will kill me and so had sex."

According to the court on the 24th, the sex of Mr. A (27)'s children and adolescents was held at the hearing of the 13th Division of the District Court's Criminal Agreement in the Northern Seoul(Director judiciary 허경호 (ホ・ギョンホ, Heo Gyeong-ho)) on the 19th. In the first trial on suspicion of violating the law on protection (injuries such as rape), Mr. A's defense counsel said, "I thought that the accused had no idea of ​​the victim at that time and had a favorable relationship with each other. ".

He added, "At the investigation stage, I denied (the suspicion), but on the way I learned that the victim had an unnecessary relationship that I did not want and admitted that it was an unconditional defendant's mistake." ..

Mr. A learned about Mr. B who was studying abroad in Korea through Instagram last July.
It turned out that Mr. A, who met Mr. B in the same month, brought his luggage directly and invited him to take him to his own house.

At around 10:30 pm on the day, Mr. A, who was drinking with Mr. B in a residential area, suddenly robbed Mr. B of his mobile phone and then held Mr. B's hand on his specific body part. I found out that I had a deep kiss.

Immediately after Mr. B refused, Mr. A forced him to lie down on his bed and then sexually assaulted him, but in the process, he held down Mr. B's neck for about 1 minute and suffocated for 2 weeks. It turned out that he had injured him.

On the other hand, Mr. A's defense counsel said, "It may sound like an excuse, but the bed mats at that time were thick, and we did skinships while drinking alcohol, and our bodies leaned. "It's a good match to gently push the neck," he said. "I immediately apologized, and the victim was okay. It was the memory of the accused that the situation was well organized at that time."

At the time of the investigation, it was found that Mr. B made a statement to the effect that "If I refused on the spot, it would kill me, and I was scared, and I did everything as soon as possible."

☞ Empathy Media Business Wire minki@newsis.com

ⓒ Empathy Media Newsis Telecommunications Company.
Because you thought you liked a woman by squeezing her neck? I think that Hannam(漢南, 한남), who is different from the Japanese guy,
sympathy 2347
Opposition 176

A very pathetic Korean man who embarrasses Koreans
empathy 1776
opposite 34

to situations that have a favorable impression, mobile phone Why deprive
empathy 1583
opposite 8

not betray still expected Korean men
(reduction (reduce, eliminate, reduce) become a man very thing speaking)
Empathy 1401
Opposition 2

Kim Yun-hee
Hannam(漢南, 한남)-'s  do Hannam(漢南, 한남)
empathy 1233
Opposition 234

Song Dae-seop
Originally Japan is bad, but it's okay to rape Japanese women
Goodbye take a big goodbye Young youth Oh
sympathy 891
Opposition 13

Face of the rapist's name Face Address Reveal
Empathy 862
Opposition 13

Physical thing Giant X and Singapore-style Hannam(漢南, 한남)-dong and public execution are recommended.
Empathy 806
Opposition 23

men must undergo sex education again
and shook as it is scanned land prices start as soon as the lower body
and was to consider an agreement if disadvantage
without'm www interest hate initially well the other party
's non-swan confidence person the way what is ♬ ~ and it fell
men initially I think that it has agreed with the unfavorable shook the lower body as it is the land Korurinun as if to undergo sex education again partner is well disgusting what is the way I no interest www's no swan confidence person ♬ to ~ 자빠 링 (jappaling) tired to
empathy 740
opposite 46

자빠 링 (jappaling)
can tip over when you are riding a two-wheeled vehicle such as a bicycle

to more than so many seen by the AV
empathy 695
opposite 7

Fufu laughs other people also. .
empathy 722
opposite 111

Hannam (漢南, 한남) Han us,
If this is the only girl, say crime of false accusationi(誣告罪, 무고죄)
What prayer to Amitabha seems to have done

empathy 558
opposition 88
wheel-free car
crime's evidence is a statement of female
empathy 491
opposite 401

was South Korean woman Once the room main (province, Ltd.) to eat accused would have been confidence person to give mistake (laughs) Fufufufufufu
empathy 7 
1 against

If it's a sexual crime even for the day by day , there's day by day to  that sexual crime commit article.
Empathy 6
Opposition 0

Eagle innovation
Ah ~ Why 쩔다(jjeolda, 半端ない, hampanai)?
A lot of pornographic things come out in that country, do it,
all the nationals of that country have no light and slang
sympathy 1
Opposition 0

쩔다(jjeolda, 半端ない, hampanai)
Often used by young people in the sense of "bad, amazing" A popular word.
Wow, odd not, be crazy, be-pickled
His performances are often described as hampanai or , with extra emphasis, hampanaitte -. A Japanese expression meaning "awesome" or "incredible"

Jesus on the lotus
of open or that degree In the case of an incident, he was not guilty of lack of evidence in Japan and guilty in South Korea.
Empathy 2
opposite 0

To handsome
By giving a critical fatal blow to the dignity of the country, Japan's net right wing prey throwing over Issei ..
Don't watch Youtube .. Youtube
gugppong Video Soup Image Bowl Drink
Every country seems to like many Korean women
The United States is still flooded with
il-bons, and Europe is flooded with nations living in il-bons. Wool is now a new nation with the name Ali.
Empathy 2
Opposite 0

국뽕(gugppong, グクポン)
Blind patriot

일본(il-bon, イルポン)
Enjoy or understand popular culture while having an antipathy towards Japan
People who are interested in Japan and are familiar with the situation

Objective pepper
Comfort women (
慰安婦, 군사 매춘부, Military Prostitutes, 위안부) Harmoni's enemies are my marshal (enemy) 갑이다 (gab-ida) Second 安重根(안중근, Ahn Jung-geun) justice loyal retainer Great respect
Empathy 3
Opposition 2
갑이다 (gab-ida)
Korean net slang
It is
「甲(Kou, grade A, first in rank=갑, gab, naze) is (=이다, ida, to be)」, but the meaning is 「He is God (Close to the Japanese internet slang meaning)神だ」


安重根(안중근, Ahn Jung-geun)
朝鮮(Chosun, 조선, Joseon, Korean ) nationalist, independent activist
Japan's first Prime Minister,
伊藤博文(Hirobumi Ito) assassinated terrorist

comfort Woman (
慰安婦, 군사 매춘부, Military Prostitutes, 위안부) Have you revenge multiple times?
Empathy 2
Opposition 1


KOREAN Comfort women (慰安婦,군사 매춘부, Military Prostitutes, 위안부) FESTIVAL 2011
• 2011/07/12


Korea claimed 慰安婦(군사매춘부, Military Prostitutes, 위안부, Comfort women)



Korea claims to be a sex slave forcibly taken by the government and the military
A woman who used to be a soldier's sex partner mainly in the battlefield.
Generally speaking, the comfort women often refer to the Japanese military comfort women.
The name "comfort women" is also used by the South Korean army after the disappearance of the Japanese army after World War II.
During the Korean War, it was also called「Special Comfort Corps (特殊慰安隊, 특수위안대(Special comfort zone) )」or「Class V Supplies (제5종보급품,第5種補給品)」
In additive on, women with synonyms also exist in the German and French troops.、
The comfort women were legal prostitutes at the time and were paid by private companies.
Mediators widely recruited through newspaper advertisements and hired Japanese women in the mainland as comfort women
Most of the mediators were Chosun people(조선 사람, Joseon salam, 朝鮮人, Koreans of Japan-Korea merger era) 


mochi thinking: South Korean Prostitutes, Pimps Rally Against ...


Demonstration of South Korean prostitute "Let's we will can prostitute"
The7th anniversary of the enactment of a special law on sexual transactions in May 2011.
In South Korea, more than 1,000 prostitutes demonstrated legalizing prostitution.

コリアン hashtag on Twitter

JoongAng Ilbo(中央日報, 중앙일보)2006.06.21
Los Angeles Police Department officials
"90%of the 70-80 prostitutes arrested each month are South Koreans."
Girl statue(少女像, 소녀상, sonyeosang) in front of the Japanese Consulate
A bronze statue that is said to imitate the comfort women of the former Japanese army, which are mainly installed in the Republic of Korea.
慰安婦 (군사매춘부, Military Prostitutes, 위안부, Comfort women)
The comfort women were legal prostitutes at the time and were paid by private companies.
Korea claims to be a sex slave forcibly taken by the government and the military