mlbpark Korean 旭日旗 (욱 일기, Rising Sun flag) Disgust was created by anti-Japanese incitement Everyoneseghh&user½site=1reply=1source½sig=h6jBGYtgih6RKfX2hgj9Rg-gihlq

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"Let's prevent the Rising Sun flag of the Tokyo Olympics 旭日旗 (욱 일기, Rising Sun flag)"
Professor Seo Kyoung-Duk distributes English videos to the world!
• 2020/03/06
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엠팍 "욱일 기는 반일 선동" | 일베-일간 베스트 | 일베저 장소

2. Korean

Rising Sun flag (욱 일기, 旭日旗) Disgust was created by Left wingers anti-Japanese incitement



徐坰德(서경덕, Seo Kyoung-Duk, ソ・ギョンドク)
Korean anti-Japanese activist. 誠信(성신, Sungshin) Visiting professor at a women's college.

3. Korean
Isn't it created by a guy called Seo Kyung-duk?

4. Korean
Since 2011 , Taiwanese overseas Chinese have actively instigated online
From that time on, the number of searches for the 旭日旗 (욱 일기, Rising Sun flag) increased because Taiwanese overseas Chinese were masquerading as Koreans here and there.
If I made a mistake between Korea and Japan with the 旭日旗 (욱 일기, Rising Sun flag), I could insult both of them.

5. Korean
>> 4
It's not
The mainland 짱깨 to such actions in Korea 짱깨(jjangkkae,チャンケ) is
You are now, mainland J짱깨(jjangkkae,チャンケ) disconnect the, Korea, Japan, thereby breaking up the Taiwan

Insulting Chinese in South Korea
Many migrant workers and immigrants from China, used by those who look down on them

6. Korean
>> 4
I'm sick
Pro-Japanese 섬 짱깨(seom jjangkkae ,ソム チャンケ, 島チャンケ) why touching the Japan?

7. Korean
>> 4
What is breaking up the Korea-Japan relations is the mainland 짱깨(jjangkkae,チャンケ) but sickly

8. Korean
>> 4
This guy is 朝鮮族 (조선족, Korean-Chinese )


朝鮮族(조선족, joseonjog, Korean-Chinese)
One of the Chinese minorities defined by China's ethnic identification work

9. Korean
>> 4
This kind of guy features = continent 짱깨(jjangkkae,チャンケ) is
Making Taiwan and South Korea confused


10. Korean
Nobody in the world cares about the 旭日旗 (욱 일기, Rising Sun flag), and even China proudly Invited holds the Maritime Self-Defense Force with the 旭日旗 (욱 일기, Rising Sun flag) at the Navy's observing ceremony.
Even though no one has blamed it, only Koreans have been instigated and are internationally isolated.

11. Korean
From the time of No Japan, the word 土着倭寇(토착왜구, tochag-waegu) spread rapidly and was used instead of the word 쪽발이 (jjogbal-i, チョッパリ, a discriminatory terms against Japanese people) .
Undeveloped sedition brainwashed stupid tribe 朝鮮人(조선사람, joseonsalam, Chosun people, Koreans)  !



Supplement: Indigenous 土着倭寇(토착왜구, tochag-waegu)
A dead language that used to mean pro-Japanese in South Korea, but recently reused for political purposes.
Nowadays, the word 土着倭寇(토착왜구, tochag-waegu), which is widely and commonly used on the Korean Internet , has never been used before 2018 , even if you look at past articles .
The first article using the word 土着倭寇(토착왜구, tochag-waegu) is this article in December 2018 → ttp: //
朝鮮人(조선사람, joseonsalam, Chosun people, Koreans)
An ethnic group whose identity and mother tongue is 朝鮮語(조선말,Korean language).
In the language spoken in and around the Korean Peninsula,The national language of South Korea and North Korea.

12. Korean
>> 11
Indigenous 土着倭寇(토착왜구, tochag-waegu) is no Japan earlier 文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in) or not is a word that came out immediately after winning?

13. Korean
I also argued with 꼰대(Jijii,  old buzzard, ジジイ) on YouTube yesterday
The 旭日旗 (욱 일기, Rising Sun flag) is the same as the Nazi flag, so it fought directly against Japan at a huge sacrifice, and the United States, which gave in to Japan, said nothing, but why without the United States? I was silent when I said that only Korea, which couldn't stand alone, was crazy.

14. Korean
>> 13
A more serious left-wing zombie would have skipped, "We are awake and the United States is not."

15. Korean
To be honest, the one who goes mad with the 旭日旗 (욱 일기, Rising Sun flag) is just a weirdo.
The problem is those who rush into foreigners' Instagram for no reason and skip such strange things as "Do you know the history?"
Even if it doesn't, the image of South Korea is bad, but it gets worse.

16. Korean
I played happily Street fighter

17. Korean
First of all, those of anti-Japanese incitement is, 짱깨(jjangkkae,チャンケ) to masterpieces of us has created

18. Korean
The wise イルベ(일베, Ilbe) people appreciate

日刊ベストストア(일간베스트저장소, ilganbeseuteujeojangso, Ilbe Storehouse)
Or the 日刊ベスト貯蔵所(일간 베스트 저장소, ilgan beseuteu jeojangso, Daily Best Store)일간 베스트 저장소, ilgan beseuteu jeojangso) Korean electronic bulletin board site.
abbreviate  「日ベストア,イルベストア(일베저장소, ilbejeojangso,Ilbe Storage )」, 「日ベ,イルベ(일베, Ilbe)」「イルベドットコム(일베닷컴, ilbedaskeom,」, etc. and also notation

19. Korean
BIGBANG 's top wascriticized in 2007 wearing clothes with the 旭日旗(욱 일기, Rising Sun flag) mark.

Supplement: In September 2007 , BIGBANG 's TOP apologized for being criticized for wearing a jumper with the 旭日旗(욱 일기, Rising Sun flag) .
TOP (Real name: :Choi Seung-hyun, チェ・スンヒョン, 崔勝賢、최승현)


20. Korean
Wasn't it a problem at the 2002 World Cup?

21. Korean
Korean netizens should disconnect the LAN cable wwwww
Anti-Japanese bite against the whole world on SNS , but only Koreans become isolated internationally

22. Korean
에무박(Emubak, エムパク, MLBPARK) who became a patriotic conservative

Note: The 에무박(Emubak, エムパク), MLBPARK of Korea that the 東亜日報(동아일보, Dong-a Ilbo) is a major league-related community site.
It is called ガンギエイパク(홍어 박,Gangiei Park)  in Ilbe because there are many users with a leftist tendency .



洪魚膾(홍어회, Hongeohoe, ホンオフェ)
It is a food that promotes fermentation by putting sashimi or fillet of ガンギエイ(Rajiformes, 洪魚,Hongeo:ホンオ、こうぎょ、홍어)in a jar, etc., and has a very strong odor