The Korean Peninsula falls into a "storm in the cup" due to a total US-China confrontation
Japan’s position is
鈴置高史(스즈 오키 타카 부미,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)
Daily Shincho 7/7 ( Tue ) 18:15


Professor Jeong Kwanyoung , Jeong Kwanyoung , had a look


정관영(Jeong Kwanyoung,チョン・クァニョン) Professor had a look
Destiny of 文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in)
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The United States and China face off.
The struggle between North and South Korea is no more than a "storm in a cup"-said Korean observer 鈴置高史(스즈 오키 타카 부미,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki).


The Pro-North Master Person centralized appointment

South Korea is snuggling as close North Korea.
On July 3 , President n文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in,ムン・ジェイン), became the director of the 國家情報院 (국가정보원,National Intelligence Service) Abbreviation: 国情院(국정원,NIS), an information agency, appointed the former Diet member 朴智元(Park Chi-won,박지원,パク・チウォン).

박지원 (1942년)-위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

朴智元(Park Chi-won,박지원,パク・チウォン)

朴智元(Park Chi-won,박지원) is a 金大中(김대중,Kim Dae-jung,キム・デジュン)'s right-hand man of former president.

During the administration of 金大中(김대중,Kim Dae-jung), he was the Secretary General of the Blue House (Korean Presidential Office), and a secret ambassador at the first North-South summit in 2000 .
Appointed after buying a pipe with North Korea.

 In addition, large and medium-sized  金大中(김대중,Kim Dae-jung)regime in North Korea because of the inter-Korean summit achieved 5 discovered later that sent 100 million dollars, the 朴智元(Park Chi-won,박지원) to who was convicted 1 has been less years imprisonment.


Who Is ?] 이인영 더불어민주당 원내대표

李仁栄(이인영,I In-yeong,イ・イニョン)


As a candidate for the Secretary of Unification, 李仁栄(이인영,I In-yeong), the former representative of the ruling party 「共に民主党(Democratic Party of Korea,더불어민주당)」 was assigned.

Originally from the student movement, close to North Korea, First Chairman of 全国大学生代表者協議会(전국대학생대표자협의회,National University Student Council) Abbreviation:  全大協(서대협,Seodaehyup)


서훈 “취임땐 국정원 댓글사건 진상조사”: 국회·정당 :정치: 뉴스 ...

徐薫(서훈,Seo Hun,ソ・フン)

 The director of the National Security Office of Blue House was the director of National Intelligence Service 徐薫(서훈,Seo Hun,ソ・フン) .
He is a intelligence officer born and bred who has long been in charge of the negotiation window with North Korea.

 In March 2018 ,during the “US-North Korean intermediary” in South Korea, he visited North Korea and met with Chairman 金正恩(김정은,Kim Jong-un,キム・ジョンウン) and visited Washington with Kaesu kata na de to return to President Donald Trump.
徐薫(서훈,Seo Hun,ソ・フン)  had an interview.

Kaesu kata na de
After attacking one, immediately turn your tip to attack the other.


제도권 정치 떠난다"… 임종석, 총선 불출마 선언 | Save Internet 뉴데일리

任鍾晰(임종석, Lim Jong-Seok,イム・ジョンソク)

任鍾晰(임종석, Lim Jong-Seok,イム・ジョンソク) played a key role as Secretary General of the Blue House at the start of the  文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in)administration, returned to the Blue House as a Special Assistant to the President office for Foreign Affairs and Security.

 全大協(서대협,Seodaehyup) of 3 in generations Chairman, 1989 because he sent a representative to the World Festival of Youth and Students held in North Korea in years 3 years and a half, has been imprisoned.

It is said that this is a human resource assuming a special envoy for North Korea.


Snow clogs that follow even if they are stepped on ( Those who follow powerful people )

- It is North Korea shift .


Despite some expectations, the Korean media is also surprised that "it's such an explicit personnel affair."

It was the 文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in) administration was abducted from North Korea, and was eventually blown up to the North-South joint contact office of the 開城工業団地(개성공업지구,Kaesong Industrial District,ケソンこうぎょうだんち).


Geta no Yuki | Picking up the shattered pride


 Still, the administration gathers people close to the north, believing that North Korea will one day respond to the dialogue.
It sayed in Nagata-cho, it is in the state of "Geta Snow that follows you whether you step on it or kick it."

 It's not just HR.
6 May 30 days, 文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in) President EU was mentioned in telephone talks with leaders as being on "a US there is a need in the morning US dialogue in front of the presidential election is propelled".
He declared that he would take charge of the US-North Korea summit meeting by November this year .


최선희-위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

崔善姫(최선희,ChoeSon Hui,チェ・ソンヒ)

 However, It was immediately put on a sleeve by North Korea.
According to North Korean foreign media “
My Ethnic Groups (Japanese Version), ” the first foreign secretary ,崔善姫(최선희,ChoeSon Hui,チェ・ソンヒ), announced a talk on July 4 .

 There is something strange in Japanese, but I quote a part of the discourse as it is.

Recently, the Japanese language ability of North Korean media has been declining.


- even from our memory was also not faint forgotten the word "North Korea-US summit meeting" is, is made to concentrate the attention of the international community up to the topic from a few days ago .


If there is a person who expresses the intention of arbitration early without paying attention to what the parties think of us, the US sovereignty about the necessity to hold a North Korea-US summit meeting before the US presidential election You can also hear the people sympathizing with each other .


It is not necessary to confront the United States, which views the North Korea-US dialogue as a tool only for dealing with their political crisis .


South Korea Don't talk about

--" Person who expresses intention of arbitration early "

So far, I made Mr. 文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in a foolish person .



"We have a pipe with the United States. South Korea should not be outspoken," he said.
However, the 文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in) administration is unlikely.
They believe that the reason for their existence is to improve relations with North Korea.
No matter how much you step on it, you can't keep up with it, like the snow of Geta.


포로 폭파 안 한 게 어디냐…'던 송영길 “용납 안 돼”로 정정: 뉴스 ...

宋永吉(송영길,Song Young-gil,ソン・ヨンギル)

 The Left wings is desperate.
The 「共に民主党(Democratic Party of Korea,더불어민주당)」has begun to talk about the withdrawal of US troops in Korea in order to win the joy of North Korea .

Foreign unified chairman of 宋永吉(송영길,Song Young-gil,ソン・ヨンギル)Rep. 7 May 1 day, "over-capacity (USFK in the meeting, which was held in the National Assembly over capacity or not)." - -In other words, he claimed "too much."
 North Korea aims to dismantle the US-Korea alliance.

That one mound is the reduction and withdrawal of US forces in Korea.
"We have the nuclear weapons. Even if we drive out the US troops, the South will hear exactly what it says," he says.
Even today, when the US military is stationed, South Korea looks at North Korea's complexion.

 In the article "My Ethnicities" (Japanese version) quoted above, the following points out the reason why they do not respond to the summit talks with the United States.


- already without also agreed to the eye of the summit that has been achieved, I wonder really dialogue and trade with the United States that are obsessed persistent in DPRK hostile policy is established .


- the fact that one will not be the United States is close to us have any tricks to make a make a new us and the framework resolute decision is also evident not dare meet .


 For North Korea, "the promised dismantling of the US-Korea alliance will not be put out, but the United States will not release sanctions without demanding the destruction of nuclear weapons" is very untrustworthy.

 At the first summit in June 2018 ,the US and North Korea promised to replace North Korea's nuclear weapons with the US-Korea alliance by saying, "De-Nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."

"US-ROK alliance annihilation," the first of 1 , Section 1 has been described in detail in "US-North Korean summit meeting, which broke the US-ROK alliance" Section



문재인 한국 국민 앞에 허망의 "외교 대국"을 연출1



Passion MacArthur Statue

- Korean how much the US-ROK alliance demolition or does it favor .


President 文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in) also revealed his antipathy to "American imperialism, which divides the weak people and rules the world," in his autobiography, "The Destiny of 文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in)".

(See “US-Korea Alliance Disappearance” Chapter 1 Section 1 “US-Korea Summit Meeting That Breaks the US-Korea Alliance”)



트럼프 대통령 "한국은 북한의 국가 '로 분류2

トランプ大統領「韓国は北朝鮮側の国」と分類 2


- conservatives and ordinary people ?


They support the US-Korea alliance.
Therefore, the left wings sect will provoke the anti-American sentiment of the people at the right time and appeal for the abolition of the US-ROK alliance.

 7 May 1 day, left-wing held a rally that claim to "Get out the US forces" in front of the statue of General MacArthur in 仁川(Incheon).
It is at the time of agitating anti-American sentiment that the left wing holds a meeting in front of the statue.


신식민지 지긋지긋해”…맥아더 동상에 불지른 반미단체 목사-중앙일보


 For pro-American conservatives, MacArthur was a benefactor who rescued South Korea from communism by carrying out the 仁川(Incheon) landing operation.

However, for the left wings, he is the person who hampered the unification of the north and south.
This statue is sometimes burnt.



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