The Bank of Korea “In May, the current account will turn into the black”
Input 2020.06.04 10:20 | Modify 2020.06.04 10:25
Korean beads Kwon Yujeong



April current account deficit of $660 million. .83 months ended in the black


[ E-Daily Kim Kyung Eun Reporter ] Input 2019.06.05 . 13:17


Current account deficit is the largest deficit for the first time in 9 years and 3 months ...
excessive sharp drop in exports, pushing foreign dividends /KBS ( News )

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Here, exports have not shown signs of recovery in the second quarter.

Leave 5 exports of May also year-on-year 9.4 fell%, 4 May ( -2.0 width lower than the%) is increased.

박양수(ParkYang Soo,パク・ヤンス) the Bank of Korea Economic Statistics Director-General
"In the flow, it sounds like $ 5 billion is a little undermined, but we have to look at it for another month or two. "

There is also the fear that the April deficit will take root.
The outlook for next year is darker.

According to the economic outlook for April this year, the Bank of Japan forecasts that the current account surplus as a percentage of gross domestic product ( GDP ) will be around 4 % in 2019 and will be in the high 3 % range next year, with a gradual decline.


However, the service deficit in April decreased.

The improvement in travel and transportation balances resulted in a deficit of $1.998 billion in the same month of the previous year, and a deficit of $1.43 billion in April.

It was the smallest for 28 months since December 2016.

Travel balance saved.
It recorded a deficit of $680 million, and the deficit narrowed compared with the same month of the previous year ($1.11 billion).

The number of Chinese and Japanese immigrants is continuously increasing.

Financial accounts in April recorded a net worth increase of $380 million.

Of this, direct investment increased by $3.84 billion in domestic and overseas investment, and domestic investment by foreigners increased by $280 million.

With regard to securities investment, domestic and overseas investment increased by $5.34 billion and domestic investment by foreigners increased by $240 million.


수출 급감에... 경상수지 9년3 개월 만에 최대 적자-국민일보


Kim Kyung Eun ( )


4월 경상수지, 코로나 충격에 9년 3개월 만에 최대 적자-경향신문





Master of same quality Song Dong Jil
Met HitChin , Kim Jae Dong
What if it disappeared and the minimum hourly wage runner full ?

Economics and Management 1 ignorant of is you do not know do not know degrees !!
It's better that you have to balance it according to productivity!

Master of same quality Song Dong Jil
Why is the judge's hammer hammer different from the carpenter's hammer hammer ?
Does everybody have to be the same? ?
You have to get the same value? ?
All sweet words, flattery, theories, and the same quality Songdongjil have reduced under !!!

□Chin hypocrisy Kim Jaedong !!

■Why is your microphone different from the Chinese cabbage business microphone that sells in the market ???

Does everybody have to be the same?
You live in an expensive house in the middle of 江南(Gangnam)
Riding the Range Rover Robo for 260 million won
Why is your hourly wage exceeding 10 million won ?
太和江(Taehwagang) 2000
Approval 13
Opposite 1

Don't worry about that !
That's right for 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in).
It's so hot while writing
After that, he am a person who doesn't care what happens to the next country.
Approval 18
Opposite 1

기레기(Gilegi,キレギ). ... full of money.
If the price rises above the apartment price in Seoul , is the economy again Pokman? Alternative.
What are you doing. 〓〓
Approval 1
Opposite 1

기자 (Kija/reporter) + 쓰레기 (Suregi/trash) compound words,
A slang term for a reporter who writes low-level articles
폭망 ( pogmang,Detonation, Pokman , Ponman)
Unsuccessfully failing irreparably large

To go ) , amendment subjects that should not exist ordinary income
1 , Attempted export income (import) money
2 , interest and attempted income
3 , Attempted Sales Income (Stock Unstocked)

I) A handling organization that I remember and remember
1 , state-owned corporate bonds still (old)
2 , State-owned financial institution (revenue guarantee business)

Mainly audited by the Bank of Korea's complete company audit (thanks) I have vowed my own bait ( mosquito ) wood
Since repentance and conversion must be transparent, it is necessary to be transparent.⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩ ??????
Approval 0
Opposite 0

3 minutes bunshi rise Although I talked about the conversion from the beginning of the year
Illuminating only the falling cycle and reporting
Beautiful accompany
Approval 0
Opposite 1

The economic growth rate after the civilian government is decreasing year by year
Average economic growth rate of each government
盧武鉉(노무현,Roh Moo-hyun)〜4.5%
The Moon government's claim of " economic Pokman " does not pass!

If the US-China trade war continues, our export-dependent economy will become more difficult

李明博(이명박,Lee・Myung-bak)deficit of debt of the government, every year 20 trillion
朴槿恵(박근혜,Park・Geun-hye)when every year 25 trillion deficit
盧武鉉(노무현,Roh Moo-hyun)during the 5 Sum of year 18.5 trillion deficit
文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in) government rather, world surplus 20 trillion remaining

Still, the Moon government [a party that puts on a one-sided support frame!
Now when the government loosens its finances, lowers household disposable income and boosts domestic demand
Approval 1
Opposite 3