South Korea, job openings-to-applicants ratio 0.38 ...
Expansion (Sense of reality) unemployment rate is 15%, youth is 26.6%
Posted on May 21, 2020 by: sincerelee
Invoices come flying [ Gonbyeongho TV ]
2020/04/15 Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles ( 1 ) -Automatic translation-Language

K prevention of epidemics !
President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인,ムン・ジェイン)!
Developed countries, developed k (vomiting of blood)
It's easy to see that Korea is "that kind of thing" or "it has to be that way".
But what's really going on?
About really rises up there, 『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』the problem, people of real life ...
For example, are you doing well in the economy?

Under the premise that "any country is difficult", what is the unemployment rate in Korea, and what is the ratio of job offers to applicants?
Let's follow the "real image" from these two aspects.

First, let's look at the job openings-to-applicants ratio, which is an important number both in Japan and South Korea, but is often announced in Japan, but is not much news in South Korea.

Even if you check Korean-related news quite a bit, you may not see the word 「Job openings ratio(구인배율)」in Korean news.
Korea has the exact same words, the same meaning, and the same numbers.
The rate of people seeking a job is 「求Job구人openings인倍배率ratio율」.

Why did this word disappear?
I don't know if it is the correct answer, but it is because the ratio of job offers to applicants in Japan is high.
A job openings-to-applicants ratio of 1 means that “100 job seekers have 100 jobs (places)”, and 0.9 means that 100 people have only 90 job openings, that is, insufficient.

In Japan, the ratio of job offers to applicants often exceeds 1, but in South Korea, even after the administration of 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인), it never exceeded 0.6.
The Japanese economy has declined!
Japanese are poor!
Although it must be said, it is inconsistent if the ratio of job offers to applicants in Japan is high.
Besides, the value of 0.6 is too low for Korea, which maintains the unemployment rate in the 4% range.
For that reason, in the economic news of South Korea, the term job offer ratio is not often mentioned.
Other than some pro-Japanese (laughs) media.

Then, as of March, what is the ratio of job offers to applicants in South Korea? According to the article "Korea Economy" on April 13,
"According to the official official job vacancies network statistics, the ratio of job offers to applicants fell from 0.60 in March 2018 to 0.38 last month.
It means that 100 people are looking for a job, but only 38 are hired. ",
With that. Also as of March, Japan had 1.39.
習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』under the influence of, Japan (also the world) The ratio of job offers are becoming degraded.

600,000 beneficiaries of unemployment benefits. "The tip of the iceberg"
Input 2020.04.13. Modified 17:39 2020.04.14. 07:29
Baek Seung Hyun / Ahn Tae Kyu / Kim Pora / Yang Kilson

 『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)
onset employment impact full-scale
unemployment benefits in March 900 billion "maximum"
new applicants only 156,000 people
per 100 of employment 38 only
work preparing students also severe pain

사진 = 연합 뉴스
"Unemployed middle are the work of car maintenance , but you have dependents three people.
My son, who worked at a health club, was also notified of the dismissal.
The road to live is wide and it is pitchless and dark. "

Mr. Shin, in his 50s, met at the Seoul Employment Center in 長橋洞(Changgyo-dong), Seoul on the 13th and sighed all the time.
習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』rich man who led a living is because lost all of the work.
According to『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』 in the center of the small-scale business park, which is drove in the unemployment Chaosn from the 20s to the middle-aged and elderly.

Last month, the Ministry of Employment and Labor received the highest unemployment benefit (job-seeking benefit) payment of 898.2 billion won (77.9 billion yen, 7.2 billion US dollars) was recorded on the same day.
For the first time, the number of unemployment benefit recipients exceeded 600,000.
According to『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』employment impact due has been confirmed as an indicator.
The number of new applicants for unemployment benefits for which the number of unemployed people can be determined this month was 156,000, an increase of 31,000 over the same period last year.
It is the largest increase since March 2009 (36,000) during the financial crisis.
The number of employees in employment insurance was 13.76 million, an increase of 253,000 compared to the same month last year.

Looking at the number of employees of employment insurance by age, the number of people in their thirties decreased by 42,000, and those under the age of 29 decreased by 17,000. Because the new hires fell sharply,  According to『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』the biggest victim of the concern that is the youth nor enter the labor market has become a reality.

The ratio of job offers to applicants fell from 0.60 in March 2018 to 0.38 last month, according to statistics from Work net, the government's recruitment computer network.
It means that 100 people were hired but only 38 were hired.

Employment part is about what unemployment has soared, According to『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』but there is also the effect of, in October last year to increase the payment period and unemployment benefit payments, social safety net has been enhanced In addition, he explained that in March this year there were two more business days than in March of last year.

Congestion of employment centers every day regardless of industry or age
"I lost my job vaguely broadly, but I am more worried about re-employment"

Contrary to the government's explanation that the rapid increase in unemployment benefit applications was due to the strengthening of social security networks, it was a riot in reality .
 Korea Economic Daily reporter us , leave 8 to 13 days , I was looking around Seoul Labor and Employment Agency and western Seoul, 冠岳(Gwanak)and 江西(Gangseo), employment center.

Although up 25% year-on-year, unlike unemployment statistics, most employment centers were " very busy."
Age range from the 20s to the 60s, the center over multiple generations to was looking for a couple that found there was a case that was filed for unemployment benefits together.
“It has increased by 50% compared to this time last year,” said people in the field.

The unemployed who met at the employment center were more worried about re-employment than unemployment.
He quit working in the office building security guards, but 50s Kim certain is certain person
"Unemployed is vaguely wide and endless, but I'm more concerned about whether I can get a job again."
A woman in her 20s who was a nursery teacher
"About a year working the Nursery Closed is subsequently had to stop the" in "seems difficult to find a new job to save a job in one year or semester units"
she said.

Because of『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』Large restaurant was not able to avoid the arrow of infectious diseases.
Kim, in his 50s, said he worked in a large restaurant with more than 100 seats in 麻浦(Mapo), Seoul.
" 30 employees were unemployed at one time, which was a good job that their salary was never pushed."

Hospitals were no exception.
Im , who worked in a dentistry in 安山(Ansan),  京畿(Gyeonggi)for over a year,
because of 『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』 situation after , the patient is cut off suddenly while the hospital is completely was going out of business from the first I've heard other dental also circumstances that it is the same ."
According to a statement from the Ministry of Employment and Labor, 35,300 people lost their jobs in the health and welfare industry alone last month.

In addition to the unemployment benefit application window, there was a continuous outcry at the employment maintenance support application window.
Employment maintenance support is a system where employers maintain 90% of leave allowances by maintaining paid employment through paid leave (repeated years) .
Lee, who runs a school with 50 instructors ,
"It was I wanted to give also protect employment of the employee to apply for employment maintenance support gold Niki , but this time, six-time visit " while the is the most important to "timely support , but so as to complement the document each time coming "
he explode his regret.

Baek Seung Hyun / Ahn Tae Kyu / Kim Pora / Yang Kilson Reporter (c) Korean economy

As an aside, two weeks after this article, "Asian economy"
"The job offers ratio in Japan has dropped to 1.39! The employment market is a mess! ]
It posted an article.
In a sense, it is a great patriotism (?).

This in order to not forget the responsibility of the WEB in the infection spreading,
習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』and are used to change the name of.
Because the Wuhan virus may change the city name itself.