Is the FIMA repo a "safety valve alongside a Foreign Exchange swap" ?


IsFIMArepoSafetyValveAlongsideFXswap ?3

IsFIMArepoSafetyValveAlongsideFXswap ?2

IsFIMArepoSafetyValveAlongsideFXswap ?1

FIMA 보고서는 "환율(FX)스왑과 대등 한 안전 밸브 '인가?3

FIMA 보고서는 "환율(FX)스왑과 대등 한 안전 밸브 '인가?2

FIMA 보고서는 "환율(FX)스왑과 대등 한 안전 밸브 '인가?1






Structure and flow of Japanese government bonds




Be fore You Invest In a Bond Fund/ETF, Know This


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Anoni boiled trout (anonymous)

 > I want articles to be written correctly.

Before that, there is "Facts / Reality Wants to Be Accurately Recognized", so it would not be possible on the Korean Peninsula in a reality distortion field.

> "I'll lend money to US Treasury bonds held in foreign currency reserves."

I mean, "I'll lend you money, with the debt borrowed from me as collateral." In simple terms, I think "I just need to offset", but macroscopically, US bonds are sold in large quantities, and buying dollars can be confusing, so do you want to prevent it?

Well, for Korea, which has abundant () foreign currency reserves, it is a reassuring () backing.



With this method, the value of US Treasury bonds is a dollar valuation itself, so it is unlikely that the collateral will break, and it is possible to maintain the hegemony of the dollar while avoiding the turmoil in the bond market.


In the United States, capital and lenders collateralized by U.S. Treasury bonds held by partner countries (including privately held shares) are conserving as "a trump card for preserving their own investment capital in the event of default (offsetting private receivables and own debt)." Is it? I thought, but it may have been impossible.


However, as far as the U.S. government bonds held by the "counterpart government" are concerned, I think it would be indispensable to take such measures.




 If you're wrong with FIMA , I'm sorry.

If you have some time deposits (secured custody of US Treasury bonds) in your bank's general account (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), you can withdraw cash (dollars) from your account to the extent of the term (Government bonds).

Does that mean?
Do you pay interest?


If you do not borrow high-interest lending if you take interest more than the interest payment of government bonds, collect government bonds and maintain prices

Is that the aim?


Koi Dowd

 It seems like a basic one night with interest (with rollover)

I feel like this can only be used for rushing, but what about?
It looks like the financing for salaried workers has been added the next day.


Nerd caught

Kore is a quality contract with Korea.

Part of economic scorched earth?




 That's right.
It was only about "How to use foreign currency reserves".
So, what is the $ 121.1 billion in US Treasury holdings?
US $ 400bn foreign exchange reserves need more U.S. Treasuries




  You are going to issue huge deficit bonds without backing up the economic substance, so did you feel the fear of the dollar crash?
I feel the intention of borrowing a name from the international financial circle to help us recover US Treasury bonds that flowed out of the country in the past QE .
I think once again that various strengths can be used with the strength of a key currency country.


Thank you for an easy-to-understand article.

You want to increase the liquidity of the dollar, but you don't want to sell U.S. Treasuries.

I was wondering why central banks could prepare dollars in a week for Foreign Exchange swaps.

If you can not return it, the security (home currency) foreclosure → The auction is natural, but in fact it may have been returned in US Treasury bonds.

If that's the case, it's okay with US Treasury collateral! And we abandoned the building like Mutual Aid. (Some countries take the building seriously and get on the map.)

If you can't return it, the Fed will be buying government bonds, so the price won't go down.

All are measures to keep US Treasuries out of the market.

As expected, US imperialism is dirty w



Worried Aunt

 > Even if you are going to apply for the FIMA repo, there is no new swap line because foreign currency reserves are the limit.

(* The amount of U.S. Treasury bonds held in the name of the local currency authority)

> The purpose of this FIMA repo is exactly the same as that of a foreign exchange swap in terms of "a US dollar liquidity facility provided to domestic financial institutions."

Oh, that's right! One question is that the foreign exchange swap with Korea is the same mechanism.

Isn't it the case that Korea has $ 60 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds in its foreign exchange reserves, which the United States uses as a Tateho Mortgage- for foreign exchange swaps? Is it true?