The Wuhan Pneumonia Virus “Do more tests” group
Rather, it fuels anxiety and confusion
髙橋 洋一(Youichi Takahashi) Economist
嘉悦(Kaetsu)University Professor

Why is the number of PCR tests lower than in Korea ?

Is Medical Collapse Real ?


Dr. Hayashi, an active doctor, answers the pitfalls of PCR testing


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If a test with a sensitivity of 70% and a specificity of 90% is performed on a population with an incidence rate of 20%,
It becomes as the above calculation.

On the other hand, for a population with 2 % morbidity, it looks like the figure below.


Wuhan pneumonia virus

Unaffected people


Test positive




Test negative









The positive predictive value is only 12.5 %.
In this case, re-examination due to examination mistakes continues, and the original medical treatment can not be done,
There is a risk that leads to medical collapse.


Performing an endless PCR test will increase anxiety due to test errors,
The media should tell more that it could lead to medical collapse.


It is important to take measures against crowded trains


As mentioned at the beginning, in terms of shifting the peak of infection spread back,

You can also consider self-restraint.

Around the author, lectures are basically canceled or postponed until the end of March.


The theme parks are closed for two weeks until mid- March .
It is effective until the middle of March to be effective for the shift of the peak
events scheduled at the end of March will be reviewed in mid- March .


In any case,

The question is how to stop the spread of infection in a week or two .


Although not included in government measures, measures to prevent crowded trains are important in preventing infection.

At the time of the request for school closure on the 28th ,

"Measures for crowded trains are also necessary, and for that we need to compensate for lost time."

At a news conference held by Prime Minister Abe on Tuesday, he indicated his intention to compensate for leave.


This time, it seems that the new influenza special measures law enacted in 2009 will be revised.

Because the law has limited financial support,

At this time, it is better to specify compensation for the consequences of government policy.


From now on, various policies should be examined in the Diet, but politics is the result responsibility.

I hope that the opposition does not take any steps, but will do its part for the security and security of the people.




I heard from a staff at a secondary emergency hospital,

Every day from a clinic in the region "I suspect a new type, inspect it"

But the patient was turned around,

In each case, we will deal with a dedicated system on the assumption of a positive patient

However, all test results were negative.

He said that even a missed swing was a considerable burden for hospital staff.

Of course, if a real positive patient comes, I can't say that,

I'm a little worried.

I felt that.

Approved 1040


With the collapse of his country, South Korea,

Until now, it has been urging the inspection of the new corona to be expanded

Modern business has also changed the tone.

If you have a little imagination, you will know what happens if you increase the number of tests rapidly.

Including some people who were saying that it was prosperous because of the media,

It is better to be able to think a little more on your own head.


Japan is an environment where overwork of doctors cannot be afforded,

Examination or treatment of asymptomatic patients in that state will result in the collapse of medical care soon after.

The article also raises questions about when a doctor requests an examination

But doctors actually have

the flu or 武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2) Viral

Few people can distinguish.


Doctors from all over the country were worried about the situation,

If you ask for inspection at an early stage to transfer responsibility,

That alone has the potential to disrupt medical care.

The current situation maintains the current standard,

In addition, it is better to set up a system so that inspection can be performed as soon as possible.



Lots of positives.

The patient becomes impatient in panic. Healing.

Explained no cure. He says he should be hospitalized.

I could not do it because I didn't have a bed.

If you are a little sick, you will come to the hospital by phone or family and spread the infection.

Also confirmed infection. The clinic is closed. Regular outpatients wander.

Is this panic?




Because it is different from entertainment gossip,

An online version of a weekly magazine with no responsibility or obligation

Articles that affect the behavior of the people should not be posted.

For better or worse, you should follow the policies of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the judgment of the doctor.

In the case of paper media, the number of people who buy as a weekly magazine is limited,

Many are misunderstood if they are on the net.

In a sense it is no different from fake news.

Approval 501

Again, going to a PCR test is more risky.

And the treatment does not change anything.

Some commented that it should be performed if approved by a doctor,

The judgment is completely different depending on the doctor.

Just like malicious Doctor,

Doctor 岩田健太郎(Kentaro Iwata)医師 and Doctor上昌弘(Masahiro Kami) .

Looking at unfair public responses, such as buying up toilet paper,


PCR testing should be performed on a limited basis.

Because they are likely to be anxious and get tested without thinking deeply.

And it becomes impossible to respond to people who really need medical care that is widely implemented,

It may be the same as Wuhan, where hospital infections will spread.

Humans are scarier than viruses.

Human panic.

I thought everyone's opinion was right

However, in an emergency like this time, many people only think about themselves,

It passed that it was not correct for society as a whole.




For what is called an unknown virus,

If you do nothing, you will be criticized. If you take measures, you will be criticized later.

The government is doing well in that.

A commentator is a person who is not on the front line of the original but uses his own knowledge to put it out.

From China, is Japan ok? I was asked.

Of course, it is not the government's response but the people who are fake.

Opposition 86



Due to the limited number of laboratories and the fact that current testing methods have false negatives,

I think this opinion is correct.

Worried about patients with cold symptoms

武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2) Check for viruses

Even if I hope at the medical practitioner,

TV coverage with big coverage

But in the first place, a test that gives a definitive diagnosis cannot be performed.

We are eager to refrain from reporting media that fosters anxiety and confusion just for the purpose of raising audience ratings.

Opposition 87


I don't understand the point of going to the hospital without medicine.

And I'm more afraid to go to the hospital to do the test.

You should know your body well.

I understand the anxiety, but I gathered information by suppressing that feeling

This is the time when you need to think carefully and make a decision based on that.

Children look closely at adults. Do you panic and make a noise,

Do you live as usual without thinking or act calmly after judging the situation?

I don't want to be a terrible human.

Approval 252
Opposition 83


Isn't the result positive, or the test is not perfect?

I don't know yet if the virus is mutated.

A few days ago I read an article from a member of the Government Expert Council

However, the content was extremely easy to understand and calm, and for the first time it made sense.

With a far different perspective than ordinary people's thinking,

It is considered in detail in anticipation of the future.


If you were a real expert or doctor,

You're fighting what to do, not if you're criticizing someone.

Even the government will gather the best wisdom of Japan.

The real experts there are no time out in the media.


Because people are easily dragged by anxiety and anxiety,

The media exacerbates fear.

If people make noise, more news will be reported.

We don't just drop ourselves,

I think you have to read these cool articles and think for yourself.

Approval 237
Opposition 61


  The closed Pachinko shop before anything else

If you do not stop early, you will not be able to recover

No other environment is prone to such mass transmission

There are many elderly people

Why do you leave the Pachinko shop abandoned?

I just feel uncomfortable

Opposition 24

A Japanese gambling machine called Pachinko
No accurate statistics

70 to 80% of pachinko halls are generally capitalized in 在日(Zainichi).
在日(Zainichi Korean
=Korean with the status of special permanent residents of Japan)