Opinion manipulation of pro-Moon leaders

= Spread the word of the Unity Party (tonghabdang, 통합 당) "





親文 여론조작 "신천지=통합당소문 퍼뜨려라"




Parent Mun public opinion operation


= Confusion party (tonghabdang, 통합 당) scattered "/


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At 10:46 am on March 26 , a major Korean portal site

"More than 1,000 new coronavirus patients in Japan"
The article was published.

For this article, around 11 am
"If you choose the wrong president, your country will be destroyed like this."
"We should block Daegu without restricting Chinese people from entering the country
I don't know what they're thinking. ''
And other comments critical to the government
"I think so" was the number one responder.

However, after 1 pm
"The government of the Republic of Korea is more robust and transparent than any other country."
Such as comments are intensively written,
It quickly took the top position in “I think so”.


As the new coronavirus spreads,
Enthusiast supporter of 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)
Suspicion of embarking on public opinion manipulation has surfaced.
Such Internet users should be less prominent in comments critical of the current administration,
It is working systematically so that comments favorable to the administration are displayed above.
Published on the portal site the same afternoon
A typical article is "New Corona, 284 increase per day".

About 4600 followers
"Gimg Yeokul(김겨쿨)" is his Twitter
"Xintiandi is going to destroy the country"
It wrote to support the comment.
Moon's supporters expressed critical views on the government
Entering the social media ( SNS ) of entertainers and athletes,
"Do you intend to recognize yourself as a follower of 新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지) ?"
"Comment bomb" was written one after another.



▲ Comments from the pro-Moon leaders' comment operations / Twitter / Facebook


In this connection,

李俊錫(Lee Jun Seok,이준석 of the Future Integration Party, recently said

"新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지) tries to unite opposition parties

There is an attempt to manipulate public opinion. "

And was exposed.


Supreme Commissioner Lee on his Facebook

"On the telegram (of mobile messenger)

"Fake news praise room of awakened citizens (pointing to pro-Mun powers)"

It's like a command post on the Internet. ''

And then

"From yesterday," Senuri = 新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)"

The command to impress is added. ''



Looking at the screen of the chat room actually captured by Supreme Commissioner Lee,

"新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)'= Sennuri = Free Korean Party = Future Integration Party"

Please let them know their identity widely. "

"Was the independence army of that 日帝(ilje sidae)era feeling like this?"

He encouraged each other by saying,


柳時敏(Rhyu Si-min,유시민)、



And those who are leaning toward the ruling party

"China ban is not the essence of the corona situation"

The purpose is to make a claim.

日帝(ilje sidae)

annexation of Korea under Japanese rule


Without clear grounds,

After deciding that opposition officials were followers of Xintiandi,

There is also a "witch hunt" that attacks like "terrorism".

Rep. 郭尚道(Gwag Sangdo,곽상도)a member of the Reunification Party,

On the same day,

The wife of former Judge 李誕熙(I Tanhui,이탄희)both Democrats,

呉智苑(O Jiwon,오지원) lawyer

He said he was considering charging for defamation.

Oh Lawyer on his Facebook on the 22nd

「# 新天地 (Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)郭尚道(Gwag Sangdo,곽상도)」

With a hashtag of

新天地 (Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)

Established mortgages on farm-owned real estate. "

Because it was written.


on the Internet

「# 新天地 (Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)郭尚道(Gwag Sangdo,곽상도)」


O's cell phone

「# 新天地 (Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)郭尚道(Gwag Sangdo,곽상도) is dead.

Rushed mobile email,

Also in a related article, "Smear even sewage in your mouth and lie."

And so on.


In contrast, Representative Oh

"We set up a revolving mortgage in order not to receive the commission,

新天地 (Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지) Farm

And Xintiandi (S, hincheonji, 신천지) churches have similar names but are completely unrelated.

Daegu citizens as well as his own

" Is 新天地 (Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)a follower? ''

We're under attack with a mix of teasing. ''

Such an act is "a typical witch hunt"

That is what the opposition claims.


Former professor 陳重権(Chin Jung-gwon) of Toyo University

"The pro-Moon group is back

I embarked on the incitement of

"Senuri = 新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)" "

He said, “This is a long time ago, of Nanum Komsuda (I am a troublesome guy = Nakoms).

It's a remake of the incitement that 金容俊(Gim-Yongmin,김용민)was doing. "



"新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지) has nothing to do with 朴槿恵(Park Geun-hye,박근혜)or Senuri.

This is not the case with the current Future Integration Party.

The 新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지) ( NL National Liberation) movement has lost political goals,

Close to religious,

(Actually) 新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)

His missionary method is surprisingly similar to old illegal movements. ''

Pointed out.


Reporter Kim Hyun Won

Chosun Ilbo / Chosun Ilbo Japanese edition