Increase in U.S. military contributions in Korea,
If it is unavoidable, you should remove all of the security stumbling blocks
South Korea up to the Middle East?
The US called '5.4 trillion'
(2019.11.07 / News Desk / MBC)
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A certain peak

Now a decent editorial has finally come out.

For the national interest of the Republic of Korea,

Syngman Rhee, 이승만 ,

Park Chung-hee, 박정희,

Like Chun Doo-hwan

You need a smart and courageous leader in smartball.
Agree   220 Opposition 3


Kim Sang Jin
This editorial is a clear arrangement of the public will.

Regardless of whether you increase military spending or not

It ’s a goal that you have to run like the corner of Musso ~
Agree   187 Opposition 3

Musso ( MUSSO )

A car manufactured and sold by Sanyong.

The origin of the car name comes from “무소” which means rhino in Korean


Park Hyunsk
Former President Lee Myung-bak, 이명박

Abandoned just before the announcement due to US threats and intimidation,

Still, he was trying to announce the removal of crossroad restrictions.

That's why security was emphasized.

President Park Geun-hye failed to persuade China,

Regardless of the threat of China, Sadd was deployed.

Now, God, Moon Jae-in (문재인), withdraws and claims the US military.

Is it all the same as good share?
Agree 163   Opposite 1


Kim Jong Seo
The ignorant Moon Jae-in government is clear and helpful for the national interest

Please read a little like this

Respond directly to the US immediately.

Is it difficult because of Kim Jong-eun ( 김정은 ) ?

Kim Jong-eun ( 김정은 ) holds

Are you worried about exposing the weakness of Moon Jae-in?

Ella already ~~~~~ !
Agree   149 Opposition 2


Ship's reputation Ham Myonson
It ’s a great opportunity to regulate nuclear development,

Kim Jong-eun ( 김정은 ) is scared and Moon Jae-in (문재인)

We dare to have the same nuclear missile,

Can you take it out in words?
Agree   126 against 0


Cho Yong Tak
This editorial has a really important story.

It is a content that must be interpreted in an easy-to-understand manner for all citizens !
Agree   89   Opposite 1


Lee Joo Hoon
It ’s a really good point.

The language is an alliance, and it is virtually a situation of a dependent country that Korea cannot do.

This time, as the editorial pointed out, completely detached from the inequality chain,

A healthy alliance must be restored.

Full support for editorial content
Agree   79 Opposition 8


It is a denaturation day
The problem with understanding the story is the lack of this.

If you are too confident to make money, leave npt

Even the word to arm nuclear with that money

Try only a few !
Agree   74 Opposition 1


Cold treatment Baxon
Everyone knows if Trump should be bad, so think about it!

Even if a huge amount of money has fallen so far, it is an alliance, so it has been protected for decades,

One day seeing my most evil villain hostile

It ’s not enough to support tremendous money free of charge at the back door,

Until I should stop (sanctions against North Korea)
If it was discovered to give secretly

Who is going to pay a huge fee to protect you ?

This request to increase defense costs is a complete record

The responsibility of Moon Jae-in is not less than that.

Even if you pull out your neck or choose to stand

You just have to do it with paper money and lift it

Cho Guku, が is Lee Hae-chan, 이해찬

Communist Lim John, Secretary

Kang Kyung-wha, 鄭 and Chung Kyung Doo, 정경두

Ms. Yung Sung (Chung Wyong, 정의용)

Isn't it just that everyone is all accomplice?

It looks like OOO 's OOO down

Ca n't you see another end of the day ?
All steamed !!!

Agree   70 Opposition 2


Jeon Ji-sub
It ’s a very correct natural claim,

Among the security officers under the Moon Jae-in government,

I ca n’t find anyone with the knowledge to promote this,

I think this is a little bit

As long as the current government, which manages the country by collecting only the lower middle class, is compassionate
Agree   67 Opposition 2


Lee Won-il
The problem is that Moon Jae-in

Writing dog thread.

It means that there is no interest in the security of Korea for a long time.

Moon Jae-in is vain as if vacant

The thing that applauds that there is no false north-south peace is also a problem.
Agree   61 Opposition 1


100 % agree.
Agree   60 Opposition 1


Kim Hyomuk
It is an editorial that has gone through the reality accurately for the US military defense budget sharing discussion in Korea .

However, my South Korean negotiating delegation card

After trying to prepare a card about "Korean daily report editorial", I feel the question ...

Reporters and netizens should clarify the names of our negotiators on the Korean side.
Agree   58 Opposition 1


Final issue
As the content of the article,

What do we really need from the US,

The public is not caught at all closed

If you have the power to surpass the embassy of another country that is even more stupid than at the end of the old Han,

You must be able to talk from missile regulations

Georginger, I do n’t know what we need

Overwrite and leave the US Army

I think I should go and stop
Agree   56 Opposite 0


Lee Jinmu
Totally confused with the United States, rejecting excessive contributions,

In order to protect national security,

What the Moon Jae-in government should do

1 Release from US missile control,

(2) Abolition of nuclear power plant policy and free treatment of nuclear waste, plutonium

Must be able to produce.

Japan produces and loads plutonium,

What is the Moon Jae-in government?
Agree   54 Opposition 0