The concept of “credit” is different
between Japan and Korea

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일본과 한국에서는 '신용'의 개념이 다르다2

일본과 한국에서는 '신용'의 개념이 다르다1





The concept of “promises”

that differ between Japan and Korea


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It is about the concept of trust and trust

that is different between Japan and Korea.

There are various elements of “credit” and “trust”.

I can write about it one by one,

Not all elements are completely different.

This time, pay attention to

It is about “consistency”, one of the important elements of trust.
Consistency is very important when Japanese people trust other people .

Japanese can't trust a person who changes what who say and how who speak,

Japanese don't like that kind of “ecstatic” attitude.
In other words, in general Japanese values,

Whether the behavior is consistent or not

It's a very important factor in trusting the other party.

Also, credit and trust are not things that only work with positive elements.
For example,

A restaurant that consistently serves delicious food

Let's say you have a restaurant that consistently serves tasty dishes .

A restaurant that serves delicious food is "That is delicious"

It get credit in the evaluation,

At the same time, restaurants serving tasty dishes

In a sense, "That Over there unpalatable"

It can be said that there is consistent trust.

Besides, although there are rare exceptions for national television stations,

Japanese TV stations in most cases
They will not report content that is inconvenient for Korea,

Most they will praise Koreans anything.
This is basically an element of losing trust,

In a negative sense, "TV only reports what is convenient for Korea"

Because there is "consistency", it is also a kind of trust.

In this way, in Japanese values

The element of consistency is important for credit and trust,

In Korea, consistency is not an element that trusts the other party.

It tends to be very neglected.

In Korea, “How does the other party get along with my thoughts?”

Usefulness is a very important factor in trust.

about this,

"Isn't it strange if the other party is in sync?"

Some people may think,

What is important in Korea is "Why the other party is synchronized"

The background is almost ever considered important.



"Korea's approach to China is a story spread by Japan"
Korea Daily 2015/03/31

Participation in AIIB in Korea, how the US government sees it
Analysis of Korean Peninsula experts
“Understanding Korea ’s position, not thinking about abandoning the US”

South Korea launches a high altitude defense missile ( THAAD )

Unwilling to deploy on chosun peninsula (Korean peninsula)

Participation in China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ( AIIB )

How does the United States see it?

The face up is that Korea will decide for itself

The views of the White House, the US Department of State,

and the US Department of Defense.

However, some White House officials

“It is true that Korea is partly concerned

about its excessive proximity to China.”

Some people say.

Those who wish to be anonymous

“We are already discussing the deployment of THAAD with Korea.

No answer yet "

We was dissatisfied.


THAAD is a security issue,

We don't know why Korea is so conscious of China. ''

Some pointed out.


However, U.S. government officials are uniformly

“The Korea-US alliance is stronger and stronger than ever.

The relationship

between the two countries will not be shaken by THAAD or AIIB . "

These parties are especially

He showed considerable trust in President Park Geun-hye .


Korean Peninsula experts

“The US government knows how big the economic interests

between Korea and China are.

We understand that the position of Korea is not easy.

That's why we don't think South Korea will abandon

the United States and join China. ''

Talk to.


Some informed sources in Washington

“The story of South Korea getting closer to China and coming together is

We heard that the Japanese side is spreading.

The weak part of the Korea-Japan Triangle Alliance

That it is a feud between Korea and Japan due to historical recognition issues

The United States is concerned that China will know and persevere this. "



For this reason, even if the United States arbitrates,

the Korea-Japan summit meeting is realized.

The company is striving to normalize the relationship

between the two countries.



It is also related to “Korean people's ability to complement the brain”

If you take such an attitude

that you would conveniently balance the United States and China,

Normally, neither America nor China look good.
Naturally, the US, which should have been an allied country,

has distrust in South Korea,

As in the article

They are

"The United States should know Korea's feelings"

Korean interpret it without permission.

In short, what Korea is doing

It ’s an inconsistent “neither-sided trap”

Above all, the United States thinks

that any further worsening of the relationship will benefit China,

Just call the air and be patient and considerate.


However, consistency is also in trusting the other party

Korean don’t think it ’s an important element

Because Korea doesn't understand anything about it,

"This is because Japan is speaking."

This is the Korean idea.

The important thing is that Korea is not "not aware"

In the process of trusting the other party

“Consistency” is a rare option from the start,

There is no idea of ​​considering it.

And about the “credit as a negative element” mentioned earlier,

Korea doesn't feel trust there.
The partner who is not good for Korea is

Even if it was always consistent

Thinking only as “a terrible partner who betrayed them”

You don't feel “trust that this response is consistent”.
Simply recognize it as a “morally inferior partner”.

Of the previous article

The idea that “Japan is telling US”

It will be very easy to understand it.
Japan doesn't go around the country like Korea and do “spoken diplomacy”

In the first place, what Japan told the US

Japan was tired of the Korean attitude”

The fact that South Korea is close to China

In the first place, it's a matter of understanding America as well.