Korean embassy member assaulted a passerby
on the streets of Shibuya and sent documents






한국 대사관 성원들이 시부야의 거리에서 행인에게 폭행 불구속 입건



I tried protesting the Korean Embassy!

YouTuber to confront the anti-Japan state!





Also, diplomat Songchumun (sex scandal) ...

"Investigation of female employee sexual assault"





Pak Jong-Hak ,

After being sexually abused against

minors for Chilean diplomats,

Reaction startle itself (Hangul subtitles)


Subtitle-Settings-Subtitle (1)-Automatic translation-Language



A 40- year-old male office worker at the Korean Embassy

It was found to have been arrested for assault

September on the street in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo,

Suspected of hitting the face of a passerby male with bare hands

After being arrested, it turned out to be an embassy member,

After release, the document was sent out on the same charges


September on the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo,
40s at the Korean Embassy office worker (Minato-ku)

Korean Embassy punched a passerby man.
That the current criminal was arrested

for assault at the Metropolitan Police Department Shibuya Station
It was found on the 2nd through interviews with investigators.


After finding out that he was an embassy member after arrest,
Shibuya Police Station releases male employees based
 on the Vienna Convention on Foreign Relations.
After that, Shibuya Police Station switched to voluntary investigation,
and sent the male staff on paper for charges of assault.

According to investigators,

male employees were on the street in Udagawa-cho,

Shibuya-ku in mid-September.

There is a suspicion of hitting the face of a passerby man with his bare hands.


According to investigators,
The Korean Embassy staff was
on the street in Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku in mid-September.
A Korean embassy official  punched the face of a passerby man in his twenties.

At the time of the incident, male employees were drunk,
Korean embassy officials have trouble with an unfamiliar man.

The Korean embassy officials responded
to a request for appearance in a voluntary investigation after release,
Because of
he sayed the non-arrest privilege of embassy members
Korean embassy officials had left the place.

◇■ Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations


Adopted at the Vienna Diplomacy Conference in April 1961,

A treaty that entered into force in April 1964,

including administrative and technical staff

They allow the non-arrested privilege of diplomats

and the inviolability of the embassy.

On the other hand, diplomats respect the laws of the Parties.

Have the obligation not to intervene in domestic problems.

Japan ratified the treaty in 1964.

Japanese comments

Really please.

Please disconnect from Korea.

Recommendation   203   Opposite 3


It ’s amazing, if you return to Korea , you ’ll become a hero.

Recommendation   182   Opposite 5


Recently, it has surfaced ,

This has been the case with Korean staff since before.

Recommendation   158   Opposite 3


I don't want Koreans to come to Japan
 because Koreans are annoying.

Recommendation   59   Opposite 0


Koreans was thinking
about excuses for Koreans to be victims.

Recommendation   54   Opposite 1


Wow, violence against young Japanese women in Korea,

Do Koreans use violence against Japanese people in Japan?
Has there ever been such a country?

Recommendation   52   Opposite 0


This is not reported in Korea.

Recommendation   45   Opposite 0


Korea uses the Vienna Convention but does not protect it.

Recommendation   40   Opposite 0


The birth of a new Korean hero
It will be made into a movie soon

Recommendation   39   Opposite 0


Koreans don’t follow international law,

What about the countries protected by the Vienna Convention?
Do you have an apology?
The person who harmed Japan is a crime ,

For some reason, it is praised in Korea.

Recommendation   38   Opposite 0