The Korea-US Union Command Headquarters is
in Pyeongtaek, and the US military line is south down

Yang Sun Shik reporter Chosun daily 2017.06.04

If you go to Hirasawa to the East Suzukawa US Forces,

the US military force disappears to the north of the Han River

Metropolitan area citizens security anxious amplification

... Korean military operation operation non-incident rate pointed out


The ROK-US Department of Defense approved a plan to relocate

the headquarters of the ROK-US Union headquarters

on Yongsan base to Pyongkek's US military base

(Camp Humphries) on the 3rd .

Secretary of Defense J ( Chon Kyung Du ),

Secretary of Defense  ( Patrick Michael Shanahan ) ,

held a meeting today at the Seoul Defense Ministry office,

and announced a joint news report including such content did.

Korea and the United States have reversed their positions several times,

leaving the problem of Yongsan remaining

at the headquarters of the Allied Forces.

At the time of Roh Moo -hyun's administration,

after the Allied command headquarters was moved to the Pyeongtaek base,

the Conservative government entered

and the Yongsan base of the Allied Headquarters was decided to remain.


After considering the proposal to move the Allied Forces Headquarter

s to the US Department of Defense at Ryukyu Base at the Security Council's

( SCM ) in 2017 after entering the current administration,

it has signed up to a Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ),

After Robert B. Abrams became commander of US forces in Korea,

he made a quick turn to the relocation of Pyeongtaek base.


Ministry of Defense

"I'm sympathized with these measures to improve

the effectiveness of the Joint Command operations

and the combined defense posture."


The US forces in Korea are all relocated to Pyeongtaek,

but having the commander in Yongsan is an inefficiency.

Military personnel

"When I put about 6 items and examined, about a majority of items,

Pyeongtaek base heard a good conclusion with me."


The problem is that the "operational operational efficiency"

of the Joint Command,

which the Ministry of Defense has revealed

for the relocation of Pyeongtaek base, causes "inefficiencies" for our army .

When the Joint Command is relocated to Pyeongtaek,

Korean military officers in major fields such as operations

and military forces must work at Pyeongsawa.

Changes in Korean military operations and greetings

and the military sector are inevitable.


In addition,

while maintaining the united commander Yongsan,

while maintaining a cooperative system

with the Ministry of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff,

during the military provocation of North Korea,

the important role of the united defense system,

such as the deployment of US military strategic assets. It has been.



it has also been pointed out that moving to Hirasawa,

a two- hour distance by car,

may interfere with communication in case of emergency.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Defense officials

"Even now there is no problem as we report the situation daily

with the Joint Commander C4I (command and communication) system"


Concerns were also raised over the relocation of the Union Command

to Han Pang Nam Pyeongtaek.

The military official

"The Allied Forces Headquarters is considering Pyongtek relocation,

and the most important part is the security unrest

in Seoul and other metropolitan area citizens."

ParkWon Gon Professor of Korea University

“Going to Pyeongtaek base means

that the United States will eventually overtake the Army resources of“

take over front ”and provide“

appropriate ”support of the sea and air force center in case of emergency.



In fact,

when the East Tozugawa 210 Fire Brigade is relocated to Pyeongtaek base,

the US Army will lose its strength north of Han River.


Korea and the United States decided to appoint another Korean general

as a future coalition commander

who will use the wartime operational control

that will be transferred to the Korean army in the future.

Front line to take over

A front that is connected to the explosives

and allows the explosives that the person touches to split naturally.

It is also used in the sense that it is an entity

that causes a third country to intervene automatically when a war breaks out.

For example, if North Korea invades south,

US forces in Korea north of Han River will be attacked,

and the US will automatically enter the war.

Let us take over such a unit as a front line .


If the Second Korean War breaks out,

the Korean captain will command

the Allied Headquarters

June 04, 2019 / Chuo Daily Japanese Edition


전작권 전환뒤 한미연합사,한국군 대장이 총지휘한다



After the wartime operational control right

(warmaking right)is converted to the Korean army,

the Korean-US Allied Generals Commander is assumed

by the Korean Army's four-star General Shogun (captain).

On the 3rd ,

Deputy Secretary of Defense Chon Kyung Du and Secretary

of the United States Secretary of State PatrickMichael Shanahan held

a meeting of Korean US Secretary of Defense

in the Seoul Defense Ministry building and agreed to such content.

The current commander of the Union Command is the US Army,

and the Korean Army is the Deputy Commander.

If a full war takes place in such a situation,

a US commander will command Korean forces.


However, on this day,

as the two defense ministers reaffirm the principle

of the commander-in-chief of the Korea Armed Forces,

if the operational right is changed from now on,

when the second Korean war breaks out,

the commander of the Korean army will command the US forces become.

This is expected to give an evaluation of regaining military sovereignty.

Korea and the United States initially considered the policy

that the Korean Army Joint Chief of Staff will double as an Allied Commander.

However, in this case,

it was decided that a joint commander position be established separately

because it was pointed out

that the work burden of the Joint Chief of Staff was too heavy.

According to the Ministry of Defense,

it is not common for the US military

to be under the command of other armed forces.

Professor Chung Han-bom of Defense University

"If the Korean military has a crisis,

it will form the basis to take initiative and actively lead coalition operations."

He talked.

The current structure of the United States Army Commander-Korean Army Deputy Commander is the structure of the Joint Command,

consisting of the Korean War (Korean War),

and while Korea is not equipped with its own unique ability to cope

with the provocation threat of North Korea It has been maintained.


there are many views that the command of the Joint Command

of the Korean Army commander is not a vertical relationship

because of the difference in Korean and US forces.

Government sources

"The seat of the commander and deputy commander has changed,

but in the future, since the guidelines of the President

and Secretary of Defense of Korea and the United States will go down

to the Joint Command through joint staff of both countries,

the structure of mutual consultation rather than vertical instructions It will be"

And explained.

In particular,

the issue of control of strategic assets such as nuclear umbrella provided

by the United States to Korea is expected to be exercised independently

of the United Nations Headquarters, as it is now.

Mr. Shin Bon-chul, director of the Security Research Center,

National Institute of Policy Research Asan

"Even if the operational rights are changed,

South Korea can not but rely on the United States to make a lot of information,

surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) and strategic assets."

"The importance of the Korea-US alliance will be maintained as it is"

Pointed out.

The Korean government plans to end the 2022 transition

to the last year of the current administration term.

The Korean Defense Secretary has decided to change the plan to move

the united headquarters to the Defense Ministry,

and to transfer it to Pyongkek's U.S. military base at Humphreys.

Prior to this, Robert B. Abrams, the commander of the Union,

informed the Ministry of Defense that he wanted to move

the Joint Headquarters to the Humphreys Base.


The Ministry of Defense official

"The two countries confirmed that the operational efficiency,

mission environment, time of transfer, cost, etc.,

and it was determined that the Humphreys base

would be better than the Defense Ministry's territory."

And explained.

Korea and the United States plans to use it as a united command

after upgrading and repairing the building at Hanwries Base.

As the United States commits to surrender a coalition commander

to the Korean military, there is a view

that the increase in defense expenses will be added to the bill.

Professor Park Won-Gon, International Area Department, Handong University,

"For the United States,

if Korea has more authority to lead the combined defense system,

it will naturally demand that Korea's burden should also be increased."

He talked.



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