Korean parliamentarians meet with LDP members
... The Korean side is keen on improving relations
2019.5.21 ( Akira Oshima)
Park , Byung Suk have met with LDP members on the 21st.
He has come to Japan for the "improvement of relations"
between Japan and Korea, which has been chilling,
but he did not give a positive response to the problems
that the Japanese side is seeking ,
including the so-called Korean wartime workers.
As a result, Toshihiro Nika of the Liberal Democratic Party,
which the legislators hoped,
simply amplified the distrust of the LDP members.
Mr. Nikai The meeting with the secretary general was not realized.

"Purpose  that you came to be here Why? "

At the meeting with the Party Foreign Relations Investigation Committee

(Chairman Seiji Eto) held at LDP headquarters,
Nobuteru ・ Ishihara acting as chairman
He asked the Korean parliament group to forsake.

The Liberal Democratic Party asked
the Korean government to work
on the issue of workers during the Korean War.

Mr Park is
"Respect the Japan-Korea agreement on claims.
It is a promise between countries. "
"We must respect the ruling of the Korean High Court (the Supreme Court)"
Mr Park answered.

It was virtually zero for the LDP.


The Korean side is keen on improving relations early .

In addition to coming to Japan this year's legislators ' group,

we have accelerated the schedule of the joint executive meeting

of the Korea-Japan Parliamentarians' Association

and Korea-Japan Congress held in Korea on the 19th.


Repeated a statement asking for an apology from retired emperor before demise over comfort women issue
He also considered having a special envoy,
Mr. Moon Hee-san of the Republic of Korea, visit Japan on the 13th.

Dispatch of special envoys

did not take place as a violent backlash in Japan was expected.


The Korean side is keenly concerned

that the direction of the Japan- Korea summit will be postponed

by the intention of the Japanese government

at the 20 countries and regions (G20) summit held in Osaka in June.

However, if it can not meet the request of the Japanese side,

it has no meaning.


A member of the LDP was asked to meet

"It's not timing now," he said.

Mr.  Nikai  around

"If He met
for the Korean side
Even if it is cut off and sent only to Convenient places,
 it will  be a problem
. "



Everyone's voice


I think it was good to show that you are not welcome to visit there.
I think it would have been alright to refuse entry.

Recommendation   9733   Opposite   63


"Purpose  that you came to be here Why? "

They may not feel anything

・ ・ I personally think that it is an ugly language for Japanese.

Because it is not a welcome .

Korea Congress have never been told anything before now, or ?

Recommendation   8566   Opposite   43


Have you started crying?

I think it was until the era changed.

Still anger does not change, but it is slow.

Recommendation   6816   Opposite   39


I wanted you to make it into a gate prepayment.
Those bosses are likely to improve their relationship ,

and they should respond to discussions for break off relations .

Recommendation   2092   Opposite   9


I think that it is good by this correspondence.

I think that it is good for feeling that I let go without talking a lot.

Recommendation   2018   Opposite   5 


I think it was good to refuse entry ....

Recommendation   1953   Opposite   7


After all is the LDP?

If you meet with half-hearted expectations, you feel painful in the next election.

The Japanese side also decides the attitude as a country.

Recommendation   1922   Opposite   9


Please do not come to Japan.
I understood that it was meaningless to promise you Korea .

What should we talk about?

It is a waste of time .
We will not give you a rescue ship,

and we will not tolerate your apologetics for 1000 years from now on.
I think you are in conflict and apologize for a while.
At best, do your best to have good results for yourself.
Thank you in advance.

Recommendation   1851   Opposite   8


Still, the creatures of his village,

when he returned to the village, s

trongly conveyed the intention of my village towards Japan toward Japan!

And speak to the villagers!
Villagers and mayors will be pleased!
This is his village!

Recommendation   1818   Opposite   7


It is difficult to enter Japan,

but I would like you to face up

with a firm attitude without being involved easily

Recommendation   1725   Opposite   5


I am surprised that the Korean side think can improve the relationship.
The Korean side is mad crazy.
I was surprised at the Japanese side's response to the entry.

Recommendation   1086   Opposite   3


If you make a good face in Korea,
Japan's politicians should understand sloppy and fly.
Among them, I think that this time it is a cold treat, so it is okay.
Because only Tsuruga and Kawamura Takeo and Iwaya can not be helped
Should be dropped in the next election.

Recommendation   1022   Opposite   5


Radar exposure, prostitutes,

recruitment work problems should not be involved at all.

Recommendation   972   Opposite   6


Mr. Ishihara

"Purpose  that you came to be here Why? "

I think it was very good to have the punch to Korea.

As it is Korea, do you not understand that you are not welcome?
I am suspicious, but
Because it is a word that is easy to take distance
I think it was a good way not to let the Korean pace.
We will also need to be strong attack to Korea

Recommendation   954   Opposite   5


There are only remaining issues on the Korean side,
Can you do it in your own country without coming to Japan?
Whether Korea will do it or not.
If the Korean side does not do it but there is a relationship improvement
Do Korea side that is thinking?

Recommendation   859   Opposite   3


The best response is to refuse the meeting itself to the last ....
"Purpose  that you came to be here Why? "

I think that it was really good that it was thrown away.

Recommendation   813   Opposite   5


You came.
If it meets Nikai, it'll be fine
.. without Apoint to Japan and they concept of easy living.
I guess it was up to now, there is only a disgust.

Recommendation   713   Opposite   3


I do look forward to the news coverage tomorrow

from now on what convenient news coverage will be sent to Korea.

Recommendation   680   Opposite   2


There is no need to be in trouble

It seems to be able to get along well with the north

The economy is going to come out well

It does not matter if Japan is further away

Recommendation   615   Opposite   5


If there is no clear solution on the Korean side,

I think that it would be better to use salt indifferent reaction.

Recommendation   593   Opposite   2


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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