Signals from foreign stock investors on
'withdrawal from Korea'
It have to look closely|main|top_news
May 27, 2019
[C Korea Economic Daily / Chuo Daily Japanese Edition]
The KOSPI plunged 14.28 points last weekend to under 2050 points.
The equity-to-equity ratio (PBR) of the securities market is 0.8 times,
falling to the financial crisis level of October 2008 .
If such a trend continues,
it has come out to the dark prospect that it may collapse up
to 2000 points as well as return all near the beginning of the year.

The plunging share price is led by foreign investors selling offensive.
Foreigners sold stocks of more than 2.3 trillion won
( about ¥ 258.8 billion, about $ 2.4 billion ) over the last half month .
Concerns that the US-China trade war is intensifying and South Korea
in between is greatly affected are analyzed as leading to the mass sale
of foreign investors.
Given that China and the United States are Korea's first
and second-largest trading partners,
it is clear that the trade war between
the two countries is a big bad thing for Korea.

Even so,
the recent downturn in the Korean stock market is not
without an excessive side.
The 7.18% drop in May is much larger than the 4.07% drop
in the US S & P 500 Index,
which is equivalent to the 7.32% drop in the Shanghai Composite Index .
The rate of increase since this year is 12.58% for the United States and 14.40% for China, both far exceeding 0.21% for Korea .
The Korean stock market has been hit much harder
than the trade dispute parties .
It can only be inferred that there are other factors that increase
the withdrawal of foreigners besides the US-China trade dispute.

Above all, Korea's economic downturn must be cited.
The growth rate in the January-March quarter is -0.3%,
the lowest in the OECD, and major indicators such as exports,
production, investment, consumption and employment are not synchronized
at the same time.
The growth rate for the January-March quarter
was announced to be minus 0.3%
from the October-December period last year .
It is minus 1.2% when it converts in annual rate
which is the growth rate statistical method of the United States .
hen Korea run short
It means that Korea was greatly backtracked.
Listed companies have had three consecutive quarters of shocking shocks
from the fourth quarter of last year to the first quarter of this year,
with the prospect that it will be even tougher
in the fourth quarter of the year.
It is the background behind Korea's economic growth forecast this year,
both inside and outside Japan .

Even so,
the government has almost no idea of ​​changing the policy basis
of the anti-corporate parent labor union who received the failure point.
In addition, the North Korea's missile provokes
North Korea's denuclearization away, and the geopolitical risk
of the Korean peninsula will increase again .
For foreigners, there is no reason to remain in the Korean market,
leaving individual stocks ascent.

It should be understood that the recent fall in the won market price reflects
the overall evaluation of the Korean economy ,
which takes all these things into consideration.
It is necessary to read the signal embedded in the foreign investors' exit
from Korea beyond simple stock price decline.
Stock prices are just mirrors of the country's economy .
Korea with no investment attractiveness,
28th well below Greece
March 25, 2019
[C Korea Economic Daily / Chuo Daily Japanese Edition]
It turned out that Korea's investment attractiveness
considering economy size is lower than Greece experiencing
the financial crisis .

According to the Korea Economic Research Institute,
Korea's Foreign Direct Investment (ODI)
amounted to 2.1% of gross domestic product (GDP) based on 2017.
On the other hand, the ratio of foreign direct investment
(FDI) remained at 1.1%.
As a result, the ratio of net foreign direct investment,
in which FDI minus ODI in 2017 is occupied by GDP, is -1.0%.
It is said that the amount equivalen
t to twice the foreign investment money
that has flowed into Korea has flowed out due to foreign investment .
It ranks 28th out of 36 members of the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The net foreign direct investment deficit has increased
from minus $ 14.1 billion in 2009 to minus $ 32.8 billion last year.
Head of Economic Policy Team Hong Sung Il
of Korea Economic Research Institute
"The fact that the net foreign direct investment ratio as a percentage
of GDP has become negative means
that there are more companies trying to move away
from Korea than those trying to invest in Korea.
The attractiveness of investment in Korea,
taking into account market size and various business environments,
remains the lowest in developed countries. "
It talked.

Ireland ranked first with a corporate tax rate of 12.5%,
the lowest in the world.
Countries in Europe followed,
such as Switzerland and Portugal, Estonia and the Netherlands.
Korea is lower than France and Britain,
which have been evaluated as having lost their attractiveness
as former production bases due to high labor costs,
as well as Greece and Portugal, which are experiencing economic crisis .

Experts say that the reason for the decline in Korean investment attractiveness
Mam Labor costs and corporate tax are high, and operating costs are high
New investment is not easy due to various regulations
such as metropolitan area regulation and anti-business sentiment
Raise We mentioned that the domestic demand market is smaller
than China and Southeast Asia.


In a place where the agreement b

etween the nations is calmly revolted and the corporate assets are seized ,
There should be no investment available.

Recommendation   2155   Opposite   3


Korea has left .

Foreign investors have not left.
I think that I interpret it.

Recommendation   1491   Opposite   3


All of Moon's policies have been successful, and “ withdrawal from Korea

has finally begun .

It's about late, but I'm really looking forward to the results.

Recommendation   1476   Opposite   6


very good !!. I think it is necessary to understand thoroughly.

Recommendation   499   Opposite   1


Preparations for unification with the North are progressing steadily.

Recommendation   360   Opposite   1


Only China imposes sanctions on South Korea
Japan and the United States will impose sanctions from now on,

so it is not long before the current hot,

hot summer economy will have a fall and a cold cold winter.

I think it is Japan that has to leave Korea the most.

Recommendation   521   Opposite   2


The market was convinced that Japan would not help Korea any more.

Korea can not understand it without Japan's trust
None of the other countries, as well as Japan and the United States, have signed currency swaps with South Korea in their major currencies .
As the leader of the world's 1st place is working hard

with economic policies like Bunsaitra, it may go at once.
It seems that it's about time to cool the champagne to the end of the day.
Fun fun

Recommendation   317   Opposite   0


Is there a plan for Korea to recover its economic and corporate performance? .
If not, foreign investors would not have to stay in Korea.
I think that Korea is not a signal of investors,

and if Korea can not come up with clear and effective measures

and immediate action measures, it will be gone soon except for Toray.

Recommendation   305   Opposite   0


I think that recently, Moon Jae-in was re-elected .

It will surely lead to economic collapse .

At first we want you to entertain for the remaining term.

Decrease your strength so that Japan's sanctions become more effective (laughs).

Recommendation   298   Opposite   1


Can Hankling see the signal firmly and take measures?
It was in a situation where it could not be managed by anyone

before Moon administration, but I think it is in a state of speeding up and no help.

Recommendation   281   Opposite   1


It would be rude to Greece.

If Greeks know this statement, they will  be surprised

with the natural consequences.

With this, if the Japanese company totally withdraws,

the investment

will be negative or even negative, and the rest will rely only on the IMF .

Recently, the number of articles that have hit Japan until

the Central foolish daily report is awful.

Recommended 203 opposite 0 deleted


As a security cooperation country of Japan and the United States,

while receiving a great deal of support from Japan and the United States,

while each country hates ,

let's invest in a foolish country that breaks its relationship

by contradicting the treaty agreement

with Japan unilaterally everyone Not think.

It's not unattractive in a country called Korea,

and it's not worth investing in a Korean person

who can not make a fair decision .

Recommended 196 opposite 0 deleted


Are you calling a Japanese company

that has made a large investment in such a country a war criminal company?

Stop it all!

Recommend 166 opposite 0 deleted


In addition, there are retaliation financial sanctions

( non-issue of letters of credit )

from Japan, and everyone will Not remain in Korea.

Recommend 157 opposite 1 delete


There is no reason not to be attracted to a country

where there is a risk that the investment will not be legally protected

after the promise is overturned later.

Recommend 152 opposite 2 removed


Well that's right.

Recommendation 147 opposite 1 delete


Economic noise is at the top of the country, only wrong economic policy,
It's because it's a people who can't hold down

the labor union's bribe and don't feel like using it for subcontracting.

Recommend 145 Ops Delete 0


What rank is Japan?
When it is not convenient, don't give out the Japanese name,
In a silly comparison, put out the Japanese name,
Do symbolize a broken Korea!

Recommend 117 opposite 0 deleted


As an addition to the reason for the fall

  Korea will not keep his promise

  You may be seized over property by unreasonable judgment

  Do not return Buddha statue

Recommend 115 opposite 0 deleted


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








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