Just by making the comfort women "rendering" ...


May 22 , 2019


Just by making the comfort women "rendering" ...

이대 교수 "여러분도 위안부 되지 말란 법 없다" 발언 논란



In Korea, some lecturers and professors have been

" Comfort women as an absolute victim committed

to the Japanese Empire "

And made a different claim and were socially crushed .

Mostly comfort women

"They was a wartime prostitute ,"

"They have good job and Earning was good "

It became a noise in the process that the students protested by talking with

There was also a very unique case for the pattern of bringing out

and protesting comfort women during class as well.

Professor A is in class at  Ifa  Women's University, Department of Architecture


"If you go to Japan and spend money, they will save money a

nd make weapons and attack Korea,

and you may be get a group of young female workers organized on Japan

or a comfort woman."

She talked with


This is a problem this time.

The student council is asking for an interview with the pedagogical center,

saying that it has been violated, such as "right to take classes"

and "female human rights".

Well, why did this remark become a problem?


Professor of  Ifa  University

"Everybody may be get a comfort woman"


2010.05.21 Kim Seung-hwan Jujich Press keep@segye.com


Ifa  university architecture major student making a wall newspaper /

insisting that women hate remarks in class continued


It was argued that a professor

of  Ifa  Women's University Architecture Department made a joke

about Japanese comfort women and victims during the lecture.

In the school, "A woman disgusting remark that a woman is made

a pictorial representation and sees a woman as potential exploitation object"

It has been criticized.

On the 21st  Ifa  was posted on a bulletin board in the University of Industrial Engineering

"Students are not (乙)

... denounce inhumane remarks and human rights abuses

by teaching power in the architectural majors"

According to Wall Newspaper,

professors in the Department of Architecture asked students during class

"Do you have many trips to Japan?"

"If you go to Japan and spend money,

that child will save money properly and create weapons

and attack Korea ,

and you will be made get into a group

of young female workers organized on Japan , a comfort woman.

There is no guarantee. "


They am the creator of the wall newspaper

"The student TF group of  Ifa Women's University Architecture Major" (Architecture TF ) is



During the course of the lecture,

a professor at  Ifa  Women's University Department of Architecture raised

a claim that he made a joke about Japanese comfort women and victims.

In the school

"A woman who dislikes making a picture

of a victim and targeting women for potential exploitation "

There is a criticism that

These are professors'

"She kept female disgusting remarks during regular class hours,"

Also insisted.



Recently, on the  Ifa Women's University campus in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

"Student TF team in Architecture  Ifa  Women's University (Architecture TF )"

The wall newspaper posted by.

In addition, the architecture TF

"We will accuse various teaching rights and human rights violations

by teaching power that has existed from within the architecture department

through the accident , and let them know the seriousness of the situation "

"In the design course of architecture major, only subjectivity of the professor

in charge of sexual calculation intervenes because of the characteristic

of the design subject that is performed in one-on - one criticism with the professor.

The fact is that due to the structure of the department

where the professor has an absolute influence on the student's grades,

it is not possible to raise a direct problem against the damage caused

by the teaching power. "

Pointed out.

They are

"In architectural majors with a capacity of 30 people or less,

it is possible for the professor to find out a whistleblowing

and retaliate through the case written in Daegu."

"If the damage caused by the teaching power is not eradicated

through this publicization,

students will not be able to raise a problem with this case again."


Wall Shimbun yen Architecture Department professors' application

to apply forcibly, they refuse the design critique of the professor,

and claim that they suffer damage such as class right infringement

due to late addition and early leave of lecturer

for classes of other university Is also included.



Architecture TF

"Please ask both Ifin's interest and solidarity with the architecture major alumni, "

Interpretation of class rights in architecture major

Disruption of human rights violations in architecture major

Post Feedback feedback from architects in this case

▲ Students in architecture major-I requested a convocation

of the professors' conference.


I do not know yet what kind of result A professor

will reach in this matter.

But what I care about is " animation ".

In Korean society, it would  longer ban comfort women " to make jokes ".

The first line of the article is

"There was a claim that a professor

of Ifa  Women's University Architecture Department had made a joke

in connection with the Japanese Army comfort women victims ",

and women's human rights etc. came out afterwards.


"There are people who made jokes about comfort women victims"

It just means that it is established as the first issue raised in the article.

In the near future

"When saying" comfort women ", you should stand from your seat and say"

"When you write the words 'Comfort women',

you should give prayers before you go."

Isn't it possible even by law such as?

It's a chat, yes. It's not a fun chat.


Easy Korean Web

ttp: //rakukan.net/article/46583070.html


At Shinshiari, she picks up at the point

"Korea where comfort women have become the highest authority."

I pick up the bold part at home.
Well, for most Japanese, it may be hard to believe.
Many Koreans think that "If Japan makes the peace constitution unnecessary,

it exposes territorial ambition to Korea ."


Most of the Koreans have something in their minds,

according to what the professor says, "( Japan ) attacks Korea ."
They think that the direction that Prime Minister Abe is taking

is "to strip the fangs towards the Korean peninsula".
Well ... There is a conviction that Japan and Korea annexed one time in Japan,

so that way of thinking can not be attached to one laugh.

The history of Japan-Korea annexation around the early 20th century

"Oh, we really didn't want to put Japan hand in such places ."

I can see the feeling of that.

To be more honest,

there were some people who were uplifting about "getting a colony."


The Japanese government's initial policy was

to create an independent government on the Korean peninsula

simply by obtaining supervision,

and to use it as a buffer zone from Russia .
Well, that's the Hague monk case, so keep doing it,

and squeeze them down into trouble.
It is also a fact that the part that has been

annexed due to unreasonable summoning diplomatic right

and domestic policy unreasonable is also large.

However, Koreans are misunderstood

as "Japan is aiming at the Korean peninsula just as" Dreams and again ". 

I want you to really forgive me .
In this regard, I think it also leads to the story that “Korean self-rating is unusually high ”.


Are Japan-Korea tunnels supposed to be created by Japan ?
I'm kidding.


Only ethnic awareness is strong,

but self-awareness or awareness is  very low is the same as before and now
It's awkward if you're hostile,

but it's a messy guy who gets more trouble if you bring it inside

If you're hostile, it's a much more threat if you're a friend of loser wimp fish.

Who say " Incompetent allies are more scary than enemies "


What Japan wanted was in Manchuria, because it was just a path,

japan wondered why japan just held it off
Thanks to that, Japan's development in the Tohoku region is still delayed

but still forced to spend


The pre-war lesson is that colonial lands are good because

Japan are exploited unilaterally,

and that investing and developing in an unexplored land is expensive

and stupid .

Japan was in trouble because Korea don't feel independent

even if  Joseon Dynasty independent.

Where the colonial territories of western countries were
All colonialities Pay the tab in the form of everyone immigrants.

It is safe to say that Japan has just been released and is only in Japan.
The next time you do it, you just leave it alone.

Why do you think you can rule it?


As a matter of fact, the current North Korea is self- supporting

( although it is ugly ) without becoming a route of neighboring countries.
North Korea at the time played a role that the Japan Empire expected


It is also certain that they have high self-esteem and believe

that they are worthy of being invaded by the Korean Peninsula and Koreans.
Another reason is that Koreans want to invade Japan, which is also

a major reason

Urina La is a counterpart of Japan, a large country, and a rival of Japan,

and someday there is a desire to subvert Japan to Korea and use it like a slave.
Naturally Korea's rival, the nephew Chopper,

should also look at Korea from the same perspective


One hundred years ago ,

it was unfortunate that it would be Russia's capture of Japan .
Fifty years ago , it was worthwhile as a bullet-proof against the red .
Currently , there is no support against the North,

and a support country in the North Korea.
Because direct occupation is not economical,

there is no choice but to get it dry

If Koreans stop coming to Japan, the reason is Whatever is fine.


> You may not be a group of young female workers organized on Japan

or a comfort woman

No, it will be real.
After all, self-proclaimed comfort women born after the war come

from no matter where you think.
The number of comfort women who live in 2030 is more than now .


Even if there is no war,

young Korean women eagerly rush to Japan for prostitution ,

The Japanese government has stopped accepting workers holidays .
I don't want to get close to 50 million Koreans

who are lied with a billed Kramer.
Even though there are only 100 million Japanese, the blood gets dirty.


I thought that it was a talk about trying

to patriotize by sucking Japanese money

in a Japane expedition Korean comfort woman .


If you read Korean reaction translation site, you can understand in one shot
(Even at sites other than famous Samurai girls)
It is good to shake the raw voice of the peninsula
They came to Japan in the comments section

and they was ruined with the same mentality as a native
I should have acquired the correct knowledge in Japanese
It's because of the anti-Japanese education that these guys are different
It can be realized that it is absolutely understandable

because it is abnormal from the gene


Although Korean people in Japan ( Korean national living in Japan )

only bother you , we do not attack Korean hives!