" The movement of coal cargo vessels in North Korea port is active"
May 17, 2019 [c Korea Economic Daily / Chuo Nippo Japanese edition]
The North Korean coal carrier cargo ship “ Wise Honest
has recently been seized by the United States government on violation
of UN sanctions,
but the movement of coal cargo ships is still active in port cities
in North Korea.
Broadcast (local time) reported on the 15th.
VOA said that private commercial satellite company Planet Labs (Planet Labs)
confirmed that two large ships were anchored on the satellite photograph
which photographed North Korean port Nampohan on the 12th this month.
Nampohan ,It is a representative coal handling port of North Korea.
It is also this Nampohan that the Wise Honest loaded with coal last March.
An expert panel of the UN North Korea Sanctions Commission
has designated Nampohan as a " ship-to-ship cargo transfer hub "
in its March report this year.
VOA is
"A black object that appears to be coal can be seen around the ship,
of which the length of one ship is 170 to 175 meters"
It was introduced.
It is about the same size as the Wise Honest (177 meters).
It is said that the ship could be found at the corresponding point
between the 9th and the 12th.
When the observation period was extended further,
it was confirmed that at least seven ships had been in and out
of Nampohan from the 16th to the 14th of last month, the media explained.
According to a satellite photograph of Planet Lab's Nampohan ,
a cargo ship about 165 meters long was anchored
with its hatch closed on the 16th of last month.
However, on the 17th of last month,
the hatch of the corresponding ship is open,
and another ship has entered the port.
There were no ships in the entire port on the 21st of last month,
but two more large ships appeared three days later.
The VOA reported that at least three ships were in and out
on the 6th to 11th at Songlim Hang near Nampohan .
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