MoonJae-in is Kim Jong-un's messenger boy,

Play an inept a cheap trick that South Korea is food aid

by missile launch of North Korea

May 10 , 2019 / 鈴置高史Takabumi Suzuoki





Successful ICBM interception


There is still more reason for North Korea to become embarrassed.

It is that the United States succeeded in the interception experiment

of ICBM ( intercontinental ballistic missile ) on March 25th .


North Korea is

"Instead of abandoning the development of the ICBM ,

please allow possession of short- and medium-range ballistic missiles

and nuclear warheads."

Have planned a deal with




韓国が北の核兵器を使って日本を脅かす最悪シナリオ2  」



But now that the United States has been able to shoot down the ICBM ,

North Korea's negotiating cards have become obsolete at once .

Chairman Kim Jong Un also in the administration speech

"Now, in the United States, tests are being conducted on the assumption

of our ICBM interception,

and hostile movements that go against the spirit

of the US-North Korea joint statement have become evident."

And admitted that he was forced into an adverse situation.

At the end of the administration's speech

"With patience, wait for the US to break down until the end of this year "

He also invited US concessions from above.

However, by having separated the time with " the end of this year "

" I'm afraid that the system will not have

to solve the food shortage by then."

It was see through. 

Bring out humanitarian assistance nominally

North Korea, who had been driven down,

would have shot missiles with jealousy of jealousy .

Of course,

as it has a critical weakness, it is highly likely that the United States

will ignore it and continue sanctions even if a little provocation.

However, if the reason for "humanitarian assistance" is given,

it must be calculated that food aid can be drawn

from the international community.

It also smells like the launch of rockets and missiles

was the day after the UN report onstarvation ”.

It is South Korea that North Korea has chosen to play the role of caddie .

Korea played its role well.

The left-handed paper Hangyore is editorial on May 6 ,

the day after the missile launch



圧力より対話の必要性確認した北朝鮮の「武力示威」 」


" Humanitarian assistance including food aid to North Korea is the key

to the resumption of the North-South and US-North Korea dialogue "


The point is that sending food would make North feel quiet .


On May 7 ,

the ruling party, both Democrats, Hong Young Pyo representative

"Government should actively consider support for humanitarian dimensions,

including food assistance, with the United States and the United Nations.

It will be the heart of North- South and US- North Korea dialogues . "

See through the North

However, the way to use "humanitarian aid" was read completely

from the United States.

In an interview with ABC , Secretary of Pompeo told as follows,

Humanitarian assistance is allowed.

In short, the (UN) sanctions allow North Korean people to get food .

When it comes to seeing what happened on the night of May 3

(missile launch),

I think it would be nice if money would be spent for his people,

but unfortunately not .

It was questioned whether food that had passed to North Korea in the name

of humanitarian assistance would reach the people of ordinary people.

The general perception is that much of the food that has been sent to the north

with humanitarian assistance has flowed to the military.

That is why the United States has approved North Humanitarian assistance

but has not implemented it in earnest.

According to the Korean newspaper,

the United States has also been restraining South Korea's support

for North Korean humanitarianism .


Announcing different US and Korean announcements


Despite the negative remarks of Pompeo, the Korean government was in vain.

On the night of May 7 , President MoonJae-in talked

with President Trump over the North missile issue by phone.

At that time, he brought up a talk on "humanitarian aid."

Blue-clad tower (Presidential Office)

"President Trump has stated his intention

to support South Korea's humanitarian food aid to North Korea . "

Explained to the reporters.

If Pompeo and assistant Bolton come in between,

"humanitarian aid" is also denied.

Therefore, he directly complained to President Trump ,

and drew a story that South Korea started "provoking an award"

to start aid to North Korea.

However, the White House's explanation

of the telephone talk did not mention " food aid " at all .

A suspicious reporter at the central daily report contacted the White House,

but the response was rejected.

Chosun Ilbo also suspected that "certifying Trump for food aid" is Not true.





He pointed out that even though the leaders

of the partner countries have not made an agreement,

it is addicted to announce that the Blue Tiles platform is as

if it had been agreed .


Kim Jong Eun tame the Moon Jae-in


However, the MoonJae-in administration runs fast .

Unification Minister Kim Young-cheol announced on May 8

that it would immediately decide how

to provide food assistance to North Korea,

and implement it by the time of food shortage from May to June .

Then, on the next day, North Korea launched two missiles .


This time,

I crossed the Korean Peninsula from the northwestern part to the east

and landed in the Japan Sea.

The flight distances were all 420 km and 270 km, longer than last time.

Even so, President MoonJae-in was held

on the same day's second anniversary

"I think food aid needs the sympathy of the opposition and the people."

He declared that he would deliver aid while persuading domestic opponents.

May 10 , Korea Daily to editorial





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한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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