MoonJae-in is Kim Jong-un's messenger boy,
Play an inept a cheap trick that South Korea is food aid
by missile launch of North Korea

May 10 , 2019 / 鈴置高史Takabumi Suzuoki





North Korea shot a missile.

The Korean government moved to North Aid.

The ruling party and the leftist newspaper explained,

"If you give food aid, you will be stupid."

The playan inept a cheap trick that the south saved the north

which fell into economic trouble began.

"Iscandel" made in Russia

On the morning of May 4 ,

the Korean military announced that North Korea has launched several

"flyers" from the eastern Wonsan toward the Sea of ​​Japan.

The next day, Korea Central Communications

"On May 4 ,

Chairman Kim Jong-un taught fire strike training using a large caliber,

long range rocket gun and tactical guidance weapons."

Reported that.

Many experts decided that "tactical guidance weapons"

were short-range ballistic missiles from images released by North Korea.

Some experts have found it difficult to be shot down because of low altitudes,

and that it is a Russian-made ballistic missile "Iskandel"

with a range of 500 kilometers.

However, although the US government has recognized it as a " missile, "

it has not concluded it as a " ballistic missile ."

If it is a ballistic missile,

it will be a violation of UN sanction resolution

and it will be necessary to take some action .

Michael Pompeo, who responded to an interview with ABC on May 5 ,

"They fell in the east waters of North Korea.

It has not been a threat to the United States, Korea or Japan. "

And, It have launched a posture that does not matter .

Trump got angry but ...

Net media VOX covering the US political world



WhyNorth Korea’s “projectiles” launch isn’t a cause for concern― yet



the story of a related person inside the White House,

quoted by President Trump ( Donald Trump)

who received a lecture on this exercise

" I was stunned by Kim Jong Un, " he said.

However, the president tweeted that, apparently,

he hoped that he would continue the dialogue,

rather than be angry at Chairman Kim Jong-un.

"Everything happens in this interesting world.

But Kim Jong Un knows more than enough

of North Korea's economic development potential,

and he do not believe it will disturb or end it.


He also too, I am with him,
I know that he do not want to break my promise.
Trading is possible! 》

The government will collapse due to food shortages

Why is the US government so tolerant to North Korea?

Although it is not very uncomfortable to put a muddy face

on the Trump administration's face, it is likely that Kim Jong-un,

the chairman of the board,

will raise a white flag if economic sanctions are maintained

and North Korea continues to be shut down.

In an interview with ABC ,

Secretary Pompeo speaks openly of his speculation.

It is below.

According to a UN report on Friday ( May 3rd ) ,

50 % of North Korean people face a serious malnutrition crisis.

In a word, it means being in a very difficult situation .

They (the North Korean leaders)

must understand that if they give up nuclear weapons,

they will have tremendous benefits for their country,

while keeping them will be at risk .

The "UN Report" is an evaluation report on food affairs

in North Korea announced on May 3 by FAO

(UN Food and Agriculture Organization) and WFP (UN World Food Program).

According to it, in 2018 ,

in addition to the natural environment such as drought and high temperature,

economic sanctions have caused the food shortage in the last 10 years

due to lack of fertilizer and fuel.

The situation is only getting worse after January 2019 ,

and food ration decreased by 80 grams per day to 300 grams.

The report called for emergency support,

claiming that 1010 million people ,

or 40 % of the population, are malnourished .

Pompeo quotes

the report and continues sanctioning unless he gives up the nuclear .

It threatened that the whole country would soon be starved.


It also showed that the administration may be overthrown --in a pity.

Kim Jung-un's neck has been replaced

It is a remark that pointed out the weakness of Chairman Kim Jong Un.

According to the information leaked from North Korea,

dissatisfaction with the administration is rapidly increasing among

the people .

"The economic hardship will be resolved soon

as the chairman oversees Trump to ease sanctions."

It is because the food shortage is getting worse even though

it has been taught and endured.

The high-ranking government officials and high-class military personnel

who escape the country from the fear of the system are also incessant .

There is also information that several diplomats who visited

the country have been exiled in preparation

for the Russian- North Korean summit held on April 25 in Vladivostok.

There is no doubt that Chairman Kim Jong Un is also anxious

about the growing dissatisfaction among the people.

In the administration's speech on April 12 , he made a loud noise.

Summarize and translate relevant parts.

“The United States is working hard on relations and peace envelopes

on the one hand,

and on the other hand is desperately obsessed with economic sanctions,

first of all trying to set conditions to realize the ambition

to overthrow the regime after disarming .


It is Colonel Gaddafi of Libya in his mind.

After being threatened by the United States and giving up its nucleus,

it unwittingly leaked the fear of becoming the second dance

of the Arab dictator who had been killed by the anti-Gaddafi factions

with Western support.

President  John Bolton ,

who will lead the North Korean policy under the Trump administration,

will insist on the Libyan system.

At a public seat on July 20 , 2017 , the Secretary of State of Pompeo,

who is in charge of negotiations with the North, was the Secretary of the CIA ,


'Change the thong of Kim Jong Un's Head Neck
It is the most correct denuclearization method


It is the person who gave a lecture in the meaning of.

It is no wonder that Chairman Kim Jong Un is afraid.


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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