Korea's 'Won plunging' is nearing breakthrough

Anti-US · Anti-Japanese  to be paid Later Moon Jae-in
May 14, 2019 ( 鈴置高史 ( Takabumi Suzuoki ) / Observer of Korea)

Chart 7 Currency swaps held by Korea with foreign countries

Destination country and amount

US dollar equivalent

Korea offer

Australia (A $ 10 billion)

About $ 7.181 billion

9 trillion won

Switzerland (CHF 10 billion)

About $ 10.76 billion

11.2 trillion won

Malaysia ( 15 billion ringgit)

About $ 3.57 billion

5 trillion won

Indonesia (Rp 115 trillion)

About $ 79.3 billion

11 trillion won


About $ 287.64 billion

36.2 trillion won

([Source] Author created in reference to websites of central banks of each country.

The exchange rate is as of 2018/12/18 )


Besides the swaps shown in Figure 7

Chart 8

shows the currency swap agreements that Korea claims to " hold ".


Chart 8 Swaps other than currency swaps


Other countries and amounts

US dollar equivalent


China ( 360 billion RMB)

About $ 503.4 billion

It expired on October 10 last year,

The Chinese side has not said that it " extended "


Limit amount not set

Swap with Canada is not a currency swap

Currency swap


$ 38.4 billion

Do not activate the IMF delink clause

The withdrawal limit is $ 11.52 billion

([Source] author creation)


Korea borrows most of its foreign debt in US dollars .

As you can see from the chart “Korean currency swap”,

Korea does not have a bilateral swap agreement

that can be borrowed in the US dollar .

Only the United States and Japan accept the swap in US dollars .

The United States, Japan, and Korea , who had made a fight,

prorated their own reinforcements at the same time .

Defeated Revolutionary Theory Appears,

Maintaining Expectations for "Retaliation in Japan"

Korea's currency crisis will also

be a weapon of domestic power struggles .

From the Korean Conservatives

"When do you take retaliation against Korea? "

Japanese people are heard one after another.

That is not "uneasy".

"With the expectation ".


If Korea's economy gets into turmoil as a result of retaliation in Japan ,

it is calculated that it can be used to denounce the leftist regime .

The " currency crisis " is the best counterattack

for the conservatives who were sent to prison

from the former President

of Park Geun-hye administration to the top executives.


By the way,

as a result of the anger of “disappointment of conservativeness”

due to the currency crisis of 1997,

President Kim Dae-jung ,

the first leftist government in the presidential election

at the end of the year, was born.



does the Moon Jae-in administration seriously stop the currency crisis?

In order to borrow the dollar,

it is necessary to go down to the United States and Japan.

Of course, the United States will call for a revision

of the policy towards North Korea's relatives.

At that time, it is doubtful whether President Moon Jae-in betrays his allies,

chairman Kim Jong Eun, for his economy.


Even if all economic indicators are deteriorating ,

such as the growth rate falling to a negative,

the President at a conference on the second anniversary

of his inauguration on May 9

"Among the G20 (20 countries / regions) and OECD

(Economic Cooperation and Development Organization)

member states, Korea has grown considerably high ."

He speaks without saying so

Acceleration to "Venezuelanese" due to the currency crisis

There must be a large number of Japanese

who think that they will not do so much.

However, the fierceness of the Korean party disputes the imagination

of the Japanese.

It is Korean who does anything to defeat the opponent .


In 1997, when the economic boom was the best

[the day of the country's failure]

Subtitle setting-Subtitle (1)-Automatic translation-Language


The bow line is also stretched properly. It is a movie titled

"The Day of the Nation, " which was released on November 28, 2018.

In the first week, 1.57 million people hit as much as they saw.

In a word

"With the currency crisis for the United States,

the era of wealthy people has begun and ordinary people are suffering now."

It is a movie that appeals.

In Korea, films induce public opinion .

Political powers make films that shake the public's emotions

and try to defeat political enemies .


Of course, pro-American maintenance repulses this movie.

Korea Daily Report of Conservative Paper

An article has been published that appeals to the content.

In the last phase, the United States did not lend the dollar to Korea,

but it is Korea itself that failed in the foreign currency control

that was the cause in the first place .


It is not yet known how far Korea's " currency crisis " will develop .


it is certain that it invites pro-US maintenance and pro-North left clash .

Otherwise, the final war between the two parties was about to begin



韓国の「ベネズエラ化」、反米派と親米派の対立で遂に始まる“最終戦争 reference)。



BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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