Korea's "like Venezuela", advanced by Moon Jae-in,
The "final war" finally begins with the confrontation between anti-American

and pro-American








12 (Tuesday) February 12, 2019


The US-ROK alliance began to collapse silently.

The majority of Koreans say,

If the expenses to pay to the US increase.

It is better to have the US forces in Korea go out. "

Expenses for stationing US forces in Korea

January 25 when negotiations between the US and the ROK

over the Korean version of the “caring budget” ran awry.


Public survey company's real meter

"Unless you meet the increase in the Korean side's cost sharing,

If the US says it will reduce and withdraw US forces in Korea,

They asked Koreans if it should be increased.

Then, 52.0% answered,

"It is against the increase even if the US forces in Korea reduce or withdraw."

"Agree" was 30.7% and "I do not know / no response" was 17.3%.

About one month before this poll, December 28, 2018.

The US ambassador to Korea, Harry Harris, visits the Blue House

(Presidential Office),

For Chung Wui Young, Director of National Security Office

"We can also consider implementing the US-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty

in other ways," he said.

The point is,

"If you don't drink the demand, you have threatened from now on,

the US military in Korea should not rely on it."

Opinion poll results leaked involuntarily in the form of

"bidding words" for "bidding words",

It was the true meaning of Koreans.

More than 50% of Koreans have come to say that

"US military can go out Korea"
The cause is the relaxation of tension with North Korea.

In June 2018, President Trump and President Kim Jung Eun
They met in Singapore.

Since then, Korea has a sense of relief that

"the possibility of war has greatly decreased."

From the left wing,
"the war is far, so the US forces in Korea are unnecessary."
Voices have risen, "If there is no US military to stimulate North Korea,

it will be peaceful."


The US Emperor is the root of all evil


Among the conservatives, more and more people did not hide

the backlash against "arrogance United States".

Not only the Stationed expenses issue,

the United States has threatened to "draw US forces"

when it wants to tell Korea.

The “peaceful mood” also brought to light the anti-American sentiment

that was deep inside Koreans.


In the Real Meter survey, 34.1%,

one-third of those who consider themselves conservative, said,

"The U.S. military is against the increase." "Yes" was 50.2%.


After all, on February 10, the United States and Korea signed a tentative

concessionary expenses concession increased by 8.2% to 1,038 billion won

(about $ 922 million) a year,
renegotiating every year”.
However, this negotiation exposed the crack of the US-Korea alliance.


The second US-North Korea summit will be held in Hanoi,

Vietnam on February 27 and 28. "More peace" will be say heard at this place.

After that, there is a possibility that Kim Jong-un will visit Korea and call out

ethnic reconciliation” with a voice.
 If this is the case, there is no doubt that the voice of
 “Let's drive out the US military and unite with the same people”
will increase in Korea.
After that, there is a possibility that Kim Jong-un will visit Korea and call out “ethnic reconciliation” with a voice.
 If this is the case, there is no doubt that the voice of
 “Let's drive out the US military and unite with the same people”
will increase in Korea.

In the Moon Jae-in administration,
a pro-Northern group that
“the Korea-US alliance is the root of all evils” occupies the center.

With the pro-North administration and North Korea,
the current flow of South Korea would be

"Or come true hope or"-as per scenario.


(The book "The Annihilation of the US-Korea Alliance" Chapter 1, Section 1


DisappearanceUS-ROKAllianceKoreanFinallyNoticed See)。

Moon Jae-in sold the country to North Korea

In the rapidly rising “US divorce” divorce story,
Korea's pro-American group is desperately alarming.

Mr. Cho Gab-je,

who presides over Cho Gap-che dot-com on the conservatives site

It wrote "Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un, Chavez and Castro (1)"

(Jan 20, Korean).


The subtitle is:

"Does North Korea eat South Korea as Cuba eats Venezuela?"

The following is the export.

«In the head of President Moon Jae-in, there is only Kim Jong-un,
"Generous leaders who donate to the country (to North Korea)"

And is the subject of sneer




It wrote (January 20, Korean).


"Donations to the country"

means that the Moon Jae-in administration is trying

to resume the Mount Kumgang tourism project

and the Kaesong industrial park.


The former was interrupted in 2008 because Korean tourists

who entered the restricted area were shot without warning.
The latter closed in 2016 against North Korea's nuclear and missile tests.

These are all projects that send foreign currency to North Korea,

and if reopened, it will break the UN sanctions against North Korea.
It is the Moon Jae-in administration that will try

to help North Korea's nuclear armament
Korea's conservatives have asserted that it is a traitor that sells the country.

The headline "Chavez" refers to Mr. Ugo Chavez,

who became President of Venezuela in 1999.
He called Cuban President Fidello Castro (then)

to tribute a large amount of crude oil,

while he was helped by a Cuban intelligence officer and ruled.

The article accused Chavez, who had been the chairman of Castro,

is same President Moon Jae-in, the chairman of Kim Jong-un.


The subtitle is: "Like Cuba has eaten Venezuela,

Does North Korea also eat Korea? ". The following is the export.

Kim In the mind of President Roh, there is only Kim Jong Jong

"A fat leader who donates to the country (to North Korea),"

It is the subject of a laugh at it


With "donate to country"

The Moon Jae-in administration resumes Mount Kumgang tourism project

and the Kaesong industrial park

Point to what you are trying to do.
The former entered an exclusion zone in 2008
It was interrupted because a Korean tourist was shot dead without warning.
The latter closed in 2016 against North Korea's nuclear and missile tests.

Both are businesses that send foreign currency to North Korea,
If it resumes, it will break the UN sanctions against North Korea.
Try to help North Korea's nuclear armament
The Moon Jae-in administration is a marketer who sells the country
That's why Korea's conservative has asserted.

The heading "Chavez" is
About Ugo Chavez, who took office as the Venezuelan president in 1999.
Looking at Cuban President Fidello Castro (at that time) as a teacher

While contributing to a large amount of crude oil,

he was ruled by a Cuban intelligence officer.

Mr Chavez, who became Castro's Compliant
And, Kim Jong Yue's Compliant
President Moon Jae-in is the same, this article sued.


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!

Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.









English articles futukiiti hoyoujiyo

English articles 2



한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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