Recommendation of ROK breakup of diplomatic relations

The truth that Japan has many benefits but no disadvantages

Weekly Shincho WEB coverage on May 2 , 2019



한국과 국교 단절의 추천 일본에는 많은 장점이 있고 단점은 없다는 진실2

한국과 국교 단절의 추천 일본에는 많은 장점이 있고 단점은 없다는 진실

韓国と国交断絶のススメ 多くのメリット、デメリットはない真実2

韓国と国交断絶のススメ  多くのメリット、デメリットはない真実


rupture of diplomatic relations

Importance of "national isolation"

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe went into consideration

in a direction to overlook individual summit talks.

with President MoonJae-in at the time of the 20 countries

and regions ( G20 ) summit, which will be held in Osaka in June .

Several government officials said Wednesday.


In light of issues such as claims against Korean workers during the war

" It can not feel a constructive dialogue

because It can not feel the willingness to improve

the Japan-ROK relationship that is cold to Mr. Moon. "

(It leaned to the judgment with the official residence)


An anonymous column
of "Insufficient frequency? Review review of Japan-Korea talks"
was added to "Police circles a sharp ear".


It can not be argued that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lacks efforts
or that the government's Insufficient frequency and Be confessed
that "we can not expect constructive dialogue when we should discuss now."


The Japan-Korea relationship must be put together in the history,

something that It thought was thought to be mixed is mixed,

and there are things that have not been shared

by the two countries or differences.

Is it necessary to refuse to talk frankly? "(Editor's Note : Line breaks omitted)


On the other hand, before the coverage of joint communication ,

DIAMOND online is thesis of Akio Makabe and graduate school professor

of Hosei University on March 26.

Japan should not respond to theJapan- Korea Summit Meeting

aimed by President Moon of Korea,” published.


The Korean government has not responded

to Japan's urge to respond

to the bilateral talks between Japan and Korea .

Japan has no particular need to meet the request for a summit,

as long as South Korea has not expressed its willingness

to defend the " final and irreversible " intergovernmental agreement.


Japan-ROK relationship has shown unprecedented chilling.

Comfort women problem,

Radar radiation problem,

Korean Wartime Workers Trial,

JAPAN-KING (Emperor) apology request

-There are innumerable opposition points.

Whether you should talk to solve the problem,

or whether it is better to keep a distance once, opinion is divided even

in the Japanese discussion board.

Journalist Masayuki Enoyama, who served as a journalist for Sankei Shimbun,

served as director of Tehran and Los Angeles,

and is currently serializing "Changeable" in weekly Shincho.

Ask Mr. Sasayama for a solution to the problem between Japan and Korea,

The answer is, "I'm going to break off the diplomatic relations first ,

and It think that it is most important that both countries keep a distance ."


"To date, Japan has been concerned about" Stimulating Korea as a prank ,

the relationship between North Korea, China, Russia and Japan

will also deteriorate, "

and we have worked to build a Japan-Korea relationship.

If you look at the map,

it is easy to understand that the Korean peninsula is thedagger

that the continent brings to Japan .


even if Japan should still be distanced from Korea ,

no other history teaches . "


The nation of Japan has always put top priority

on creating a buffer zone

with the Eurasian continent on the Korean peninsula .

The history of war speaks most eloquently .

The Battle of Shiramura River ( 663 ) ,

the Sino-Japanese War ( 1894-95 ) ,

and the Russo-Japanese War ( 1904-05 ) are the reasons .


"The reason is," Don't make the Tsushima straits a defense battle in Japan, "but what is the problem?

Certainly now, China's military buildup may be a threat.


Japan can now

form diplomacy with North Korea, China, and Russia

without having to ask South Korea for an intermediary.

On the other hand,

the scenario in which the three countries attempt to invade Japan

with Korea as a troop is nothing more than a desk theory,

as long as the US-Japan security is functioning.

If Japan breaks the diplomatic relationship with Korea,

there are many benefits, but there are no disadvantages . "

Merits of island country

Still, there are many who claim that the situation will change

if the north and south are unified.

In particular, if MoonJae-in ( 66 ) and Kim Jong -un ( 35 ) join hands,

the strongest " anti-Japanese nation " in history will be born.

"Don't forget

that the merits of the Korean peninsula being divided north-south

are not neglectable.

For example, in the United Nations,

whether it is the United States of America or Russia,

there is one vote in the General Assembly.



the Korean peninsula has two votes in Korea and North Korea .

Even in the World Cup Soccer,

only one team can compete in an ordinary country.

But South Korea and North Korea, in a sense,

have two teams participating in the preliminaries . "

Just because they are divided, the US, China,

Russia and China are closely watching the Korean peninsula.

When the peninsula unifies,

its presence in the international community may actually decline .

Mr. Emeishan focuses on a man in the Korean era,

Lin (Rin Bai Lake).

Lin said, "Even Tibetans conquer the Chinese world once,

or occupy the city and threaten it,

but only Korea is not the threat of China. "

He is known to have died while lamenting.

"The latest historical studies reveal that for China,

the Korean peninsula had no strategic value .

Even during the daytime exchanges,

the peninsula route is not functioning properly .

If China completely controlled the peninsula,

the trade route would have stabilized, but in fact it was reversed.


The domestic situation of the abandoned peninsula was unstable ,

and even the Chinese minister adopted the route aiming

at Suzhou in the southern part of the Chinese mainland in the latter half. "

During the daytime trade,

the Chinese South and Southeast Asia routes were said to be the aorta.

And it was

the present Vietnam that China defended most of the interests most .

This is evidence that this is also a key point of transportation .

"More importantly,

it is the fact that Japan's culture and economic power have developed

when Japan chooses a secluded country.

It is taught by history that Japan's national interest

can be achieved by placing the continents and distances

and maximizing the benefits of the island country. "

In March,

Mr. Hatakeyama topped “ Insulation to Korea ” (Shinshisha).

The weekly Shincho "changeable",

selected from a column that discussed Japan-Korea relations,

put together in a book.

Thirty items from "the true reason why the North and South

can not be unified " to " the national character of Korea

where the president is calm and lie " are recorded.


Koreans lie to breathe


"The first column was published in" Weekly Shincho "in August 2004 .

This time, It read it back with the galley for a book, but myself

It was surprised that the situation has not changed at all .

The president of that time is Roh Moo -hyun ( 1946-2009 ).

Since then, Lee Myung -bak ( 77 ), Park Geun -hye ( 67 ),

and MoonJae-in have been replaced,

but there has been no progress in Japan-Korea relations. "

In the "Introduction" of this book, Mr. Sasayama wrote as follows.

"How to respond to that country,

and when it comes to thinking about ending diplomacy,

it makes you happy,

and there is also a meaning that you have struggled to write."


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