Realities of foreign exchange reserves Is the amount
of foreign exchange reserves in Korea reliable?







外貨準備の虚実 韓国の外貨準備の額は信頼できるのか1






Chuo Daily "more than $ 120 billion"

This website has been introduced several times in the past,

but in March this year, an article like this was published

in the Korean media "Chuo Nippo" (Japanese version).

Korea, the possibility of a currency crisis at the time of US interest rate hike ... currency swap with Japan and the US necessary (from March 19 , 2018 , 13:47 )

According to the Chuo Daily,

the Korea Economic Research Institute announced on March 18

this year that Korea will lose

about $ 120 billion in foreign currency holdings

if it falls into a currency crisis .

The article alone is not good enough for this $ 120 billion argument.



assuming that South Korea's foreign debt denominated

in foreign currencies is $ 280 billion and its foreign exchange reserve

is only $ 160 billion , Korea's foreign exchange deficit is $ 120 billion,

which is the figure of “$ 120 billion” in this article.

And match with that right.


In addition, the same report

"The shortfall will be further increased considering

the capital outflow of domestic residents

and the local repayment of overseas Korean companies,

as well as the short-term repayment

and foreign exchange intervention

by the Bank of Korea for market stabilization."

As stated, etc., the impact of a real currency crisis can not be predicted .

Complementary means of foreign exchange reserve

are currency swap and CMIM


Because of this situation, Korea may need a mechanism

such as currency swap.

If you think so,

it may be natural for the Bank of Korea President to be delighted

with the ups and downs of the $ 10 billion currency swap with Switzerland.



the swap line that Korea holds with foreign countries is less than $ 30 billion

in dollar conversion with four countries

such as Australia and Switzerland ( Chart 7 ),

and Malaysia and Indonesia

If you exchange the currency with the dollar,

you may even cause a collapse of the currency of the other country .

Chart 7 Currency swaps held by Korea with foreign countries


Destination country and amount

US dollar equivalent

Korea offer

Australia (A $ 10 billion)

About $ 7.181 billion

9 trillion won

Switzerland (CHF 10 billion)

About $ 10.76 billion

11.2 trillion won

Malaysia ( 15 billion ringgit)

About $ 3.57 billion

5 trillion won

Indonesia (Rp 115 trillion)

About $ 79.3 billion

11 trillion won


About $ 287.64 billion

36.2 trillion won

([Source] Author created in reference to websites

of central banks of each country.

The exchange rate is as of 2018/12/18 )


In addition to these currency swaps,

the Bank of Korea has also entered into currency swaps with China and Canada

It is said that (or it is doing extension negotiations) etc. This is an error.

In addition to the swaps shown in Figure 7,

the currency swap agreements that Korea claims

tohold ” are as shown in Figure 8 .

Chart 8 Swaps other than currency swaps


Other countries and amounts

US dollar equivalent


China ( 360 billion RMB)

About $ 503.4 billion

It expired on October 10 last year,

The Chinese side has not said that it " extended "


Limit amount not set

Swap with Canada is not a currency swap

Currency swap


$ 38.4 billion

Do not activate the IMF delink clause

The withdrawal limit is $ 11.52 billion

([Source] author creation)


In other words,

among the three swaps shown in Figure 8,

the delinking limit ( $ 11.52 billion )

based on the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization Agreement ( CMIM )

is practically useful during the crisis.


That is,

if you consider Table 7 and Table 8 together, if a currency crisis strikes Korea,

A $ 10 billion with Australia ( approximately $ 7.181 billion )

CHF 10 billion with Switzerland ( about $ 10.76 billion )

CMIM Delink Limit $ 11.52 billion

( About $ 28.8 billion )

can be used as a means to save Korea from the crisis,

but again, compared to

" at least $ 120 billion in foreign currency shortages ",

To be honest, it's "like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble".

Can you hear the "Japan-Korea swap"

next year?


This year,

Japan entered into a “yen / yuan” exchange swap with China,

up to ¥ 3.4 trillion and ¥ 200 billion.

It is also true that there was an unfounded belief that

the Korean side would have concluded

that it would conclude a currency swap with Korea

as it has just concluded a currency swap with China (* original mom).


I do not want to think that the current Abe administration

will provide a Japan-Korea currency swap agreement to Korea,

which has made Japan angry and irritated,

such as the Korean Workers Judgment and the Dissolution

of the Comfort Women Foundation, but the end of the year is over

It is also time to run out of funds,

so perhaps the Korean side may have such news coverage again.



if it is true that in the first place it owns $ 400 billion

of foreign exchange reserves,

such countries will be provided with a Japan-Korea currency swap agreement

from foreign exchange reserves,

which is the common property of Japanese national tigers.

There is no need to do it.



if $ 400 billion of foreign exchange reserves are lie,

I think that it may be outrageous

( Inexcusable .. without an excuse ),

such as providing swaps to insincere countries

that would lie in basic statistics . is.

Both Japan and the EU regularly use dollar swaps with the US.

Swaps = Because of the currency crisis,

it is a six central bank currency swap agreement

that is often talked about on a major premise or principle,

but Japan was also rarely used at first.


Japan has been actively using it since the yen depreciated in June 2016 .
As of January 2017 , for use (Jan. 4 ),

the Bank of Japan has withdrawn $ 1.2 billion, the largest ever,

with a maturity of 7 days.

(Europe matures $ 4.3 billion on 21 December )
As of 2018 (as of December 5 ),

Japan is currently using $ 1 million with an interest rate of 2.71 %,

with a maturity of 7 days. 


As of December 5 , the EU has $ 194 million in maturity,

with a new $ 119 million in seven- day maturity,

with a 2.7 % interest rate.

The details of the purpose of use are unknown,

but it is said that Japan and Europe understand the purpose

of the agreement (the intention of the United States)

and are trying to avoid the exchange war

with the US by using swaps regularly according to the market price .

It is guessed. 


I think that these efforts under the water lead to trust with

the counterparts of the Federal Reserve Bank,

who will serve as a basis for diplomacy,

and eventually to national interests. 


Korea , on the other hand,

bothered officials of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States

with a fraudulent exchange operation ,

and felt that it would not know the diplomacy,

or that there would be no sense

that demand for a US-Korea swap would be a request. You



the United States, the euro area, the central banks

of six countries / regions, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland,

have signed unlimited exchange and unlimited currency exchange swap

( bilater alliquidity swap )

agreements. We can see that the ECB has raised $ 119 million

from the FedNY Fed

( Https:// ).


By the way, although the ECB draws out currency swaps frequently

for the US dollar, among financial market participants,

the dollar shortage of euro area banks has been pointed out for a long time,

and from the fact that the fiscal year will end soon.

Japanese financial institutions also need dollar funding.


Due to the Fed's rate hike today,

the balance on swaps will probably grow further towards the end of the month,

but this is a problem of private financial institution funding

and is not something that the authorities use for currency manipulation. .


As you may know,

in the case of Japan,

the Bank of Japan website provides an overview

of dollar-funded operations .

( Https:// )