You borrow money from someone you hate in Korea,

Is it also a social practice to teach technology ? .


韓国では嫌いな相手からカネを借りたり、 技術を教えてもらう社会習慣でもあるのか?

[ 8 , remarks by Foreign Minister Sonoda ]


There was a man named Sunao who served as Foreign Minister three times

in the 1950s.

At the seat of the Korea-Japan Foreign Ministers talks in August 1981,

the Korean side is concerned with security issues

(claiming that Korea has become a shield against communism

and protecting Japan) In 5 years,

he relentlessly demanded the unrivaled government loan ( rent money )

and technology transfer of $ 6 billion (at that time, ¥ 21.6 billion ).


Foreign Minister Sonoda, on the other hand,

" Is it also a social practice to borrow money from someone you dislike

in Korea, or to have you teach skills ? "
And said in the official seat.


Since then,

Korea has sought anti-Japanese education and anti-Japanese publicity ,

while asking Japan for a large amount

of financial assistance and technical assistance,

but Foreign Minister Sonoda's remark

is that Korea's extraordinary attitude caused it to lose international ceremonies.


It was a serious criticism of

On the other hand, the Korean foreign minister was disappointed

with his teeth,

but at the time it was talked that he could not make

a proper counter-argument.


In the common sense of the world,

it is common sense that we don't lend money to someone

who always speaks badly and don't teach technology,

but such common sense and courtesy do not apply to Koreans .


Even if It say bad words,

It am willing to borrow money and request to teach skills.

Furthermore, even if you borrow money, or teach you to teach technology,

you do not know that you are grateful to the other party .

All good things are attributed to one 's own country,

and all bad things are to another person 's fault.

Please continue reading if you think it is a lie.


[ 9, Pohang steel mill ]


Pohang (Korean, Pohang in Korean) on the east coast of Korea has POSCO

(Pohang Integrated Iron and Steel Works),

a symbol of Korea's industrial development,

but now has five fingers in the world, It boasts the next production scale.


It was Japan at the time that they provided full financial

and technical cooperation for the construction,

and it was absolutely impossible without Japan's cooperation .

In the construction of the Pohang Ironworks,

Korea was not the first to choose Japan.


The German DKG group was selected as a contract partner,

and it was planned to raise funds from the United States,

relying on the transfer of steelmaking technology from Germany.



as a result of a survey by an international consulting firm,

it was judged that Korea's productivity was low and there was no prospect

of winning a product competition with Japan,

and the West German government and the UK government

also refused funding and technical cooperation,

It was finally declared that the loan was impossible .


So the Park administration at that time reluctantly asked

the Japanese government for funding and technical assistance.

Of the $ 160 million needed for construction despite the various problems,

Japan 's construction of a steel mill began

with the provision of $ 100 million, or 62 percent .


The first phase construction started in 1955 and was completed in 1944,

but without Japan's financial and technical cooperation ,

the construction of steel works and facilities could not be completed at all.

More than half of Korea's industries,

such as automobiles, home appliances, spinning, electronics and so on,

are not limited to the steelmaking sector,

but are due to technology transfer from Japan .


The flight from Narita or Osaka to Seoul every Friday night

in the 1950s was full of Japanese personal computer engineers.

He taught Korean, Saturday, Sunday

and PC hardware / software creation techniques and returned

to Japan on the final flight on Sunday.



it was not the Korean engine but the Mitsubishi motor engine

that was installed on the small car pony,

which was exported for the first time in 1959, in 1975,

when Korea was interested in cars at that time.

Everyone who knew that was known.


The engine made by Korea Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd.,

was quickly broken down and became useless,

and it was forced to receive a small engine

from Mitsubishi and technical support.

According to a certain document,

among the number of cases

in which Korea introduced technology in 21 years

from 1965 (Showa 372) to 1950 (1983), 56.

Three percent were from Japan .


[ 10, Japan's economic aid,

neglect the existence of technical assistance ]


By the way,

how do you think that Korea's standardized history textbook describes

the huge amount of assistance and technical cooperation

in Japan related to economic and industrial development mentioned above? .

The government has often pushed forward

the five-year economic development plan from 1962 (Showa 37)

and made an active effort for export.


The promotion of the economic development plan was to relieve poverty,

to develop the economic and social sector in a lasting state,

and to lay the foundation for achieving a self-sustaining economy.

In this way introduce foreign capital and construct many factories ---.

(Page 387)

With regard to economic and industrial development,

the word "Japan" was never used, and it was intentionally

written as "foreign ,"

and that the transfer of technology to Japan so much and the case

where technology was introduced

from Japan were not written in a single letter.


In other words,

they borrowed funds from foreign countries (Japan),

but have falsely educated students that they have developed

with their own technology.


As It wrote at the beginning, Koreans are peoples

who have a national evil

that all good things are done for themselves

and all bad things are blamed for foreigners and others .


Nippon Steel engineers who set up the Pohang Iron and Steel Factory

from scratch and provided Korean people with blast furnace construction

and technical guidance for steelmaking

also received a word of gratitude

from the Korean people , even once It said it was n't .


Not only that,

Korean young people who were educated with textbooks that distorted

the facts and filled them with a lie made a pride of the Pohang Ironworks,

but without knowing that it was made by Japanese economic

and technical assistance.

When it comes to pointing out the facts,

they say that they are saying Proverbs .

On the other hand,

in Japan, as mentioned in [ 1: Use history as a tool ] on this page,

even if teaching a lie of a comfort woman in a textbook,

it is a fact that Japan has greatly contributed to the development

of Korea's post-war industrial economy.

In the Japanese textbooks at all.

Do you have any questions about this? .


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








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Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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