" Korean annex highly valued by British scholars "


"Weekly Shinshio" January 23, 2014 issue
Japan Renaissance 591



Lee's Korean truth in the end of Korea,
 Isabellabad Korea Tour

Subtitle-Setting-Subtitle (1)-Automatic Translation-Language



Number of foreign students to Japan


For example, he writes about Minoru Saito,

who served as the third and fifth governor of Korea.




"There is no one who is

as honest and humanistic as the governor of Korea ,

among them the one who has been appointed governor of Korea since 1919."

Why did you give the governor of Korea a rating

of "honest and full of humanity"?


He appreciates that Saito,

despite being bombarded with bombs shortly after his arrival,

quickly removed military colors from the governorate office,

and boldly promoted reform without taking tough measures .


Also, Saito is concerned with the education of Korean people

"We really lend our energy to the people's willingness to educate, "

In the field of politics, we also evaluate the fact that they "

proactively promoted local autonomy ".


We think that we put "1910-1945" (Kusushisha) to examine

"the Korean rule of Japan" that Professor Emeritus of the University of Hawaii,

Professor Emeritus of the University of Hawaii mentioned

in this column as an extension of Mr. Ireland's research Can do.


Mr. Akita also highly valued the Japanese rule of Korea ,

and " may not be judged as" almost fair "

in comparison with other colonial powers of the same period"

It concludes.


As Saito's achievements,

Mr. Akita has improved the treatment of Korean officials,

reorganized and expanded the police organization,

abolished the military service system, opened local governors

to civilian officials, executed educational reforms ,

Hangul newspapers and It mentions permission to issue magazines .


It is interesting to note

that Lee Jong, a professor of economics at Seoul National University ,

further deepened his point.


He wrote in

“The Story of the Republic of Korea Rewriting the Korean“

National History ”Textbook” published in Japan in 2009 (Bungei Shunju).


“Popular education in the 1900s

raises the enrollment rate of school-age children

to a level of 20% to 30%.


"At the end of the 1930s, the enrollment rate for school- age children ,

in the case of boys, exceeded 60% ."

Professor Lee pointed out that the number

of study abroad students in Japan increased dramatically

due to the large shortage of higher education institutions

in junior high school and above,

which was 29,427 in 42 years,

of which 75% were junior high school students Do.


He also pointed out that in 2004,

there were 16,446 foreign students in English-speaking elementary,

junior high, and high schools in Korea,

which has become dramatically richer in 2004.

Comparing the two figures, I am surprised at the large number

of foreign students to Japan under Japanese rule.

That is,

it shows how emphasis was put on education under Japanese rule.


People on the Korean Peninsula accuse the Japanese of taking land,

but in this regard,

Mr. Ireland's Governor General of Korea leased uncultivated state land

to smallholders for a small burden,

free of charge to the pioneers when the clearing was over In the case

of the transfer of ownership ,

the already-developed state-owned land pointed out that the peasant

who had borrowed

the land could have ownership by paying a rent in a 10-year split .


Frame of values ​​at that time


Prof. Lee also studied the land issue in detail.

After examining Korea's territorial book empirically,

Professor Lee concluded that there

was no case where the Japanese took over Korean land,

and the governor-general was " fair " regarding the land .


Mr. Ireland stressed that the land system

that Japan did was rather focused on helping poor peasants,

"Today (1926) Korea

is ruled incomparably better than the era of the Dynasty,

and its rule is superior compared to many other independent countries. "

"(Korean rule of Japan)

is good not only for the administrative skill of the government but also

for the cultural and economic development of the people ."


In this way, when you write content that affirms Japanese rule,

there is always a counter argument that the colonial rule itself is wrong,

and even if there is something to be appreciated in the content of the rule,

it is not recognized. Will be returned.


That's right.

At the same time, as long as you take such a viewpoint,

you can not understand why Japan embarked on annexation

and why Korea was annexed.


Ireland writes that the Korean peninsula was a threat

to Japan due to the following factors.

(1) As a result of several centuries of dissatisfaction

with the Li Dynasty,

Korea could not maintain its independence as a nation,

(2) As a result, Russia and Qing could reach the Korean peninsula,

resulting in an unacceptable strategic situation

for Japan's national defense .


The right idea described in the 1926 book shows the way of thinking

of the international community at that time.

We must learn from history as President Park Hye pointed out,

not to step on the same line.

In other words,

it is necessary to calmly think about the situation at that time

within the framework of the values ​​at that time.



10% of education expenses

for Koreans during the Japanese Empire in 1918

-It was a good government rarely seen in the world

ttps: //blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nobu_aidasort5694/1065162.html


Theme: Mr. Lee Korea's education daily economy (Korean)
[Korea] "The Japanese ruledly improve Koreans' lives,"

said the Americans in the 1920s
... unacceptable provocative claims [05/04]
2009/04/29 [Gonbyeonghogonbyeongho Executive Research Institute Director]
■ “Detailed report on the Korean rule of Japan”-describes unacceptable provocation claims
(Translation note: The original book is
"The New Korea" (1926) by Alleyne Ireland.

It is a book with many content that ordinary Koreans do not want to agree with.
However, the American colonists who studied colonial rule
in the Far East around 1900,
Japan's colonial policy based on empirical data has its own meaning.

This book develops provocative claims that Koreans never agree with
from the first chapter.
"As a result of collecting and researching a large number of sources,
It have determined that
the current rule of Korea under colonial rule is much better than the era
of the former dynasty or any time under the rule of the same people. "

People who get angry "How can we develop such a claim?"
Should read this book carefully from beginning to end.
It can be said that the fact that such books are published as one of the series
"They we saw" is evidence that our society has become so free.

It wondered for a while whether It should introduce a book that has developed
such a provocative claim,
but It thought that it would be worthwhile to ask a minority opinion
that is different from conventional ideas.
If you are a scholar who has stayed in Japan and Korea at the time,
and you compare the colonial rule led by Britain and Portugal as well as Korea,
you should be able to see the problem from a broader perspective. Just do it.

The author, unlike our common sense and historical knowledge,
"The general living conditions of the Korean people have improved dramatically,
and Korea's prosperity is noteworthy."
Expand the claim that.
The historical facts we have learned about the apocalypse rule
of the empire show that the author's claim is far from true.
This book presents how much the truth we have learned can be supported
by objective material.
Each introduction of how the Japanese empire has been introduced
has been introduced one by one, from the administrative organization
that forms the foundation of today's Japanese society to the budget system.

One interesting fact is that Korean elementary schools,
which had been 466 in 1918, increased to 890 in 1922
and government spending has also increased eightfold
from ¥ 1835,000 to ¥ 13,309,000. .
Based on 1918, Koreans accounted for 10% of the education costs,
and the rest was covered by government subsidies.
Of course, it is not certain from where and how government subsidies were derived. 
it is impressive that Korea has promoted the expansion of schools on the basis
of at least one school per 3 villages .

From such fragmentary facts, no one can claim that Japan's Korea annexation
was not harsh.
it is necessary to be interested in such statistical data
as well as the claim of " serious Japanese imperial rule".

Resources on prison administration are also of interest.
He commented on the imprisonment of the Li Dynasty government.
"Jails of the Li Dynasty, like the prisons of the majority of the East,
are as unwieldy as they are.
The lack of sanitation, frequent abuses of the inmates,
and the almost unbelievable condition. "

On the other hand,
the author describes the situation of the prison after the commencement
of Japanese empire rule,
"Every year as prisons have increased and conditions have improved,
at least the larger prisons are comparable to those in other countries,
and far better than most prisons in the United States."

What is the main reason for the author to make a friendly view of Japan's early rule?
It is assumed that Koreans can not open up their own destiny as long as corruption
and incapacitation like the end of the Lee Dynasty lasts.
the majority of Koreans believe that if there was no aggression in Japan,
Korea would have changed itself and made way for modernization .
It seems difficult for anyone in South Korea to say a minority opinion on this point,
but if there is a minority opinion it will probably be the same as the author's point of view.

Although he writes controversial claims,
it is a book worthy of recommendation in terms of how foreigners looked at us.